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Ship Status - The_Laser - 08-11-2006

This may cause me pain but i feel it is necessary.

I dont feel that all the new ships fit in with the ethos of the Discovery Mod. Im not saying that the ships arent well designed (most are brilliant) how ever some just seem totally out of place (particularly those in abnormal colours).

In the orginal freelancer all the ships surfaces looked slightly dirty and worn as if they were made from metal. however now some ships look as though they are fashioned together out of plastic to look as shiny as possible with a perfect fitting skin (for the want of a better annalogy like they are wearing full skin tight licra). The ships that particularly caught my attension are the Liberty Frigate and the Death Scythe both of which seem to stick out abit. The Death Scythe is due to the skin colour, camo does not really fit in space and the Frigate is too shiny and too tin and skeletal in places.

I realise that the mod team dont make the ships nesecarily, and i am not saying they are bad ships i just feel that they do not fit with the spirit of Discovery.

Ship Status - Vtec - 08-11-2006

I find the ships perfect i dont have any coment aboud that,
But i must admid tht are ship tht i find ugly but those are the origenal ship from freelancer not the new ship they are perfect

maybe igiss wil replace some in the futere or not

Ship Status - Alpha 429 - 08-11-2006

This was discussed before you first joined Laser and yes many people agree with you but to take the ships out of discovery it would require a complete player wipe and we would all have to start again. We all agreed that this was too high a price as some ppl have 15+ chars and have spent BILLIONS on them so it would be unfair for them to lose them, also the admins dont have enough time to compensate everyone. So there is little we can do.

Ship Status - Vtec - 08-11-2006

Alpha 429,Aug 11 2006, 10:25 AM Wrote:This was discussed before you first joined Laser and yes many people agree with you but to take the ships out of discovery it would require a complete player wipe and we would all have to start again. We all agreed that this was too high a price as some ppl have 15+ chars and have spent BILLIONS on them so it would be unfair for them to lose them, also the admins dont have enough time to compensate everyone. So there is little we can do.

Treu but how many players fly the Rhino,
for exemple replace the Rhino with an other model like the starting ship from the first privateer game tht would be cool.

But i stil waiting for conformation from warzog tht created the Privateer the reckoning mod, and if igiss like it of course.

Ship Status - Badger - 08-11-2006

I totally disagree with you Vtec, I share the same opinion as The_Laser. And yes, it has been discussed before but it is still possible to phase them out. It would require downgrading the ships till they are practically useless, forcing players to change to other ships. If anyone should still keep their ships during the phasing out period, they would suffer the game crashing every time they went to use that character once the ship is removed I think, and that would then be their own fault.

I believe Igiss has no intention to make Discovery another showcase for the Privateer ships, they have their own mod and it is not here. Discovery is all about the expansion and rebalance of the original game, so if anything, new ships should try and fit the Freelancer universe as close as possible. Not all spacecraft are supposed to look streamlined and beautiful, that's the point.

Ship Status - Igiss - 08-11-2006

Inclusion of several ships, most notably Scythe and maybe Slipstream, was a mistake (maybe Raven too). As of other ships, I'd disagree - Marsflyer has quite a nice outlook, as for large ships, well, you've asked for them!

Surely modellers cannot copy Freelancer style, but I've tried to choose models that would fit in Freelancer better than others. I've left behind lots of ships I've got permissions for just because they are not suitable for the mod.

Ship Status - Lightfoot - 08-11-2006

Begin humble newbies opinin':

Slipstream: A spoiled rich kid's toy. I had to have one.. outgrew it. As that toy, it doesn't seem out of place;

Scythe: I like the cammie look.. liked the ship for awhile, but a bit nekkid shield 'n skin-wise for doing much heavy work;

Raven's Claw: Don't touch it! Love the markings, love the design. A pirate's dream... imposing, maneuverable, and affordable.

Course, I started it all with my rust-bucket X-Shuttle. Plan on keeping it as utility ship for a long, long time.


Ship Status - msmith619 - 08-11-2006

I love the new cap ships, Igiss. Thanks for putting them in. Already tried the Talarco light cruiser, Albatross, and Drednought. Going to try the new Bounty Hunter BS now!

Ship Status - Wolfpack98 - 08-11-2006

Badger,Aug 11 2006, 05:38 AM Wrote:I totally disagree with you Vtec, I share the same opinion as The_Laser. And yes, it has been discussed before but it is still possible to phase them out. It would require downgrading the ships till they are practically useless, forcing players to change to other ships. If anyone should still keep their ships during the phasing out period, they would suffer the game crashing every time they went to use that character once the ship is removed I think, and that would then be their own fault.

Badger, there's two potential problems that still remain.

1) When we downgrade ships, a lot of players don't realize it and keep existing equipment on them, making them just as powerful as they were before (We're seeing that to an extent with some of the newer ships).

2) This method would take over a year and half to do at the rate the mod is released.

Igiss is only one man working on the mod.

Ship Status - Igiss - 08-11-2006

Removing new ships is not a solution. I've spent many many hours tweaking, adding hardpoints, testing those ships. Do you think I was wasting my time just to see them all deleted? I admit that some doubtful decisions have been made, like Marsflyer issue that plagued several versions of Discovery. However, it was solved by tweaking the ship specs down. Same may be done about other unbalanced/unsuitable additions.

Of course I'm not intended to mass remove ships from Discovery just because some players don't like them - you can never appeal to everyone's tastes. Even if there was no player wipe problem and I could remove ships easily, this would make my past work pointless.