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Idea for a new commodity - Printable Version

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Idea for a new commodity - hack - 11-20-2008

After completing a few trade runs late last night, I thought about all the droids that we see in the disco world and wondered where they came from.

So after a few minutes, I figured that somewhere in the Disco world, there must be a (Possible) Major Manufacturer/s who builds and sells droids for use. I also envisioned that not all Manufacturers have there own transport fleet so others would have to haul in raw supplies and haul out the finished products...

So what say you all? Should we have a "Sirius Cybernetics Corporation"? You Know, "The plastic pal who is fun to be with"?

(Let the groaning begin)

Edit: Materials in could be Optronics, alloys, gold, etc.

Any HHGG fans?

Idea for a new commodity - dr lameos - 11-20-2008

I like the idea, perhaps Gammu is where they're produced though? They reproduce each other by themselves there. Although it was the zoners who originally setup the planet (and now its harvester)

Idea for a new commodity - Ash - 11-20-2008

Good idea, could also spawn a small faction, not a large faction but a faction nonetheless.

Robuts could also fill in alot of RP pot holes.

Good luck

Idea for a new commodity - Linkus - 11-20-2008

*Volunteers to create a Robot selling corporation*

Why do I have visions of the CIS?...

Idea for a new commodity - GhostFace - 11-21-2008

Good idea it would make logical RP sense that the manufactures would want to sell their droids/robots to possible consumers.

Idea for a new commodity - Thexare - 11-21-2008

' Wrote:So what say you all? Should we have a "Sirius Cybernetics Corporation"? You Know, "The plastic pal who is fun to be with"?
Let's call it the NOIP* Group and have them as the mysterious unnamed producers and users of ships like the Crow and Virage!

Okay, seriously though. I like the idea, the robots are already there, something has to be making them. A few concerns would be:

1. House ties - are there any houses without robots?
2. Production facilities - related to the above, where are they made? Is a space being rented on another station, or is it done in a planetside factory?

* No One In Particular

Idea for a new commodity - hack - 11-21-2008

I know that Bretonia, Liberty, and Rhineland have them. Anyone from the Outcasts, Corsairs, or Kusari able to comment?

I would think that they rent from a station or Planet side. Maybe Interspace could have their fingers in it?

Edit: They could even make a Military version of bots, kinda like hauling Military vehicles.
Hello Sintech?

Edit #2: Heck, Cryer could make some Medical ones....

Idea for a new commodity - dr lameos - 11-21-2008

If you want to join Cryer Pharmaceuticals and RP selling medical robots feel free (click the cryer sig;))

You'll have my full support, though i'd say the robots look more rheinlandish.
Liberty's would be flamboyant,
Bretonias would look friendly and charismatic
Kusari's would be very flowing and complicated
Rheinlandish: simple, effective, drab, cheap, unfriendly

yeah, they're definately made in Rheinland...
maybe Kruger minerals?

Idea for a new commodity - hack - 11-21-2008

Any Admins want to weigh in on this?

Idea for a new commodity - hack - 11-21-2008

What do the mod developers have to say about this idea?