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To: The Corsairs || From: Feint - Printable Version

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To: The Corsairs || From: Feint - Fairchild - 05-05-2016

Incoming transmission
Atka Research Station, Sigma-17

[Image: k9vD8v8.png]
[Image: 2L0nxx3.png][Image: Jera.gif][Image: Jp5TLf0.png]
[Image: dBN3tGP.png]

[Image: ReN2upS.png]
Sender: Jera, Feint
Recipient: The Corsair Council of Elders, Corsair Trade Company, The Brotherhood
Subject: Project Feint

Esteemed members of the Council,

My name is Jera. Maybe you have heard of me previously, as I used to be the head of security for Wisp Innovations. That is no longer the case, however.

The management of Wisp decided that more decisive actions have to be taken against the Outcasts. The Cardamine clinics we helped to construct in Liberty and Kusari are helping people that had already been infected with the orange disease, however we want to make a more substantial impact on the Cardamine distribution. As such a new project has been given life - Project Feint.

Feint has one simple goal - to stop Cardamine by any means necessary. When the Security Division was running under Wisp colours we were strongly limited in what we could do. Feint will be different. But for that, we need support from the outside.

Such a noble goal - stopping Cardamine in its entirety - requires support and Wisp cannot take full responsibility for it. As such I am reaching out to you for aid in this project. Since Corsairs are one of the most powerful organisations in Sirius - and our valued allies as well - we would like to ask for the ability to use your bases for resupply, repairs and staging attacks.

Additionally, I am very aware that Crete is renowned for many good pilots - and perhaps some of them could be interested in joining our initiative. Informing them of it could be potentially very helpful.

This project really requires your support. I hope we can rely on the Corsair Empire.

Hasta la proxima
Project Feint

Transmission terminated
Signal lost

RE: To: The Corsairs || From: Feint - Fairchild - 05-07-2016


RE: To: The Corsairs || From: Feint - CorsairCouncil - 05-08-2016

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[Image: ZTbiT5Q.jpg]

Buenos dias senorita Jera,

Stoping Cardmine by any means necessary you say? That's quite a venture.
The Corsair Empire supports your misiĆ³n and will offer you our assistence in the places controled by the Corsair Empire.
You may use our bases in Omicron Eta (Etna base) and Sigma 13 (Lagos depot) for resupplying, repairing and to strike swiftly gringos that dare to transport that orange mierda.
We will spread this to all bigger families in the Corsair Empire,
and see if they can spare some ships that can help you in your venture.
Hopefully, this is the first step that will lead to the elimination of Cardmine, may Santa Muerte bless us all!

Hasta la proxima vez,

| Hector Beltran, Elder of the Corsair Council
| Transmission terminated.

RE: To: The Corsairs || From: Feint - Corsair Trade Company - 05-08-2016

Incoming transmission
ID: Alberto Rodriguez
Location: Cadiz, Omega 5
'Ola senora Jera,

First of all, i can restreint myself to tell you how magnifico you always look even if it's my screen. *Smile*. Each times i got new from you it's like a thousand sun illuminating my life.

*clear his throat*

Now back, to business shall we? Before the CTC support you, we would like to have a full report on what your plans are and what are the zone where you planing actions. We can't simply do random attack and hope it's going to have any effect on those addicts.

As you know, we are warriors but we are also mastermind and we don't do actions that would put in troubles our pilots. We, at CTC, would like to know the number of pilot currently available, the ships type, the ressources and the complete operational plan you laying out for an opex.

We want to be sure we wont do the job alone while you stand behind the lines and leave us to our fate for your own profit. I know, its sound harsh since we had business in the past but in this time of troubles, you can never be sure of the motive of someone even if its seem a noble one.

Provide us the informations and your operational status so we can discuss if joining an OPEX with you would be of any interest for us. We invite you and your forces on Cadiz to talk about it and have a.... many drinks!

Vaya Con Dios!

Alberto Rodriguez

RE: To: The Corsairs || From: Feint - Fairchild - 05-08-2016

Incoming transmission
Atka Research Station, SIgma-17

[Image: k9vD8v8.png]
[Image: 2L0nxx3.png][Image: Jera.gif][Image: Jp5TLf0.png]
[Image: dBN3tGP.png]

[Image: ReN2upS.png]
Sender: Jera, Feint
Recipient: Hector Beltran; Alberto Rodriguez
Subject: Re: Project Feint

Mr Beltran,

I am grateful for the support of the Corsair Council. I hope that we will not fail your trust.

Mr Rodriguez,

The current status of Feint is three agents that are already done with their training and two more in progress. We have taken over the assets of Security Division and as such we currently have two full squadrons at our disposal. Our ships are deployed from Freeport 10 in Tau-37 and Liner Hawaii in Sigma-19 - close to the two routes that most Cardamine is exported through.

I understand the Empire cannot help us much in the Taus, however I sincerely hope that you can assist our efforts in the Sigmas.

Yours sincerely,
Project Feint

Transmission terminated
Signal lost

RE: To: The Corsairs || From: Feint - Corsair Trade Company - 05-12-2016

Incoming transmission
ID: Alberto Rodriguez
Location: Cadiz, Omega 5
Subject: Feint
Encryption: Massive

'Ola again!

As you already know, the CTC is mainly a smuggling and pirating unit. We hit fast and we get away like ghosts. We are also, as all corsairs fierces warriors BUT, right now we can't engage in such activity without a proper evaluation of the risks.

In the past, the corsairs empire had similar proposals from different factions and it's turned out that we we're used as cannon fodders. I don't want to say its going to be the same this time but show us some action reports and the proofs that you currently doing what you say!

We don't oppose to your crew to land on corsair facilities either. If you need anything special like ammos, fuel or whatever you might think of, let's us know.

For now, we will keep on monitoring your progress. We'll join your actions if we concider that its in our interests and for the well being of the nacion to get to the fight. I suggest that if you need combat assistance that you contract with TBH who could provide help with battleships and heavy ships.

Vaya Con Dios!

Alberto Rodriguez