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To: RADM Victoria Knight From: VADM Alan Jones, First Fleet - Printable Version

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To: RADM Victoria Knight From: VADM Alan Jones, First Fleet - Arbs - 05-09-2016


COMM ID: Vice Admiral Alan Jones
TARGET ID: Rear Admiral Victoria Knight
SUBJECT: Assault from Harmony Pilot on civilian vessels.
SSENT ON: May 9th 823AS


Sadly this message is nothing about good news. We've just recently received a couple of transmissions coming from the Orbital Spa and Cruiser operators regarding an attack on their vessels by a Navy bomber. As identified this bomber belongs to Battlegroup Harmony, under your command, going by the call-sign Iota-Five.

Here's where it gets hectic; The bomber claimed to be looking out for spies and was operating under direct order of Rear Admiral Knight authorized by the First Fleet. Following the events that happened to your battlegroup's flagship, the Harmony, it is understandable that security would be tighter. However this is far beyond those limits. If it were not for interference of nearby forces the death toll would have been catastrophic.I'm afraid we could be dealing with a traitor here Knight. Someone is trying to spread terror and put the blame on the Navy, or even some xeno supporter within your ranks. Furthermore this is not an isolated case, I'm uploading the relevant attachments now.

I'm going to need an assertion of the situation. I understand that while most strike bombers are not directly issued to officers, however i need you to find who the pilot behind these acts of terror was, what their motives were and under what organization they could possibly be operating for. Investigations are already starting up so you better make haste before the ESRD teams are involved. I'd hate seeing your name in any place shameful Victoria, please don't let me down.

Looking forward to your reply rather soon.


Alan Jones
Vice Admiral
Liberty Navy

> OSC Communication, James Blackwood, Director of Travel and Tourism
> OSC Communication, Albrecht Stellmacher, Captain of the OS&C Liner "Bali"


RE: To: RADM Victoria Knight From: VADM Alan Jones, First Fleet - Victoria Knight - 05-10-2016

[Image: harmonytbar.jpg]

Vice Admiral,

I went through the evidence submitted by these captains and checked our ships and patrols. This attack looked horrible. It came to me as a surprise. The ship with the callsign Iota-Five has been designated as destroyed for over a week now. It is impossible that this ship has attacked anyone. I am grateful for you coming to me first though. I am having a bad feeling about what is going on. This whole situation started weirdly already and I am uncertain who I can trust at this point.

This problem will be fixed. With this I have a few leads. Trust me that this is nothing I would have ever authorized. There is no reason for an attack on any OSC liners or similar. I will leave this channel open so I can get back to you. I might need your help if what I fear is true. I have someone I need to contact about it first though.

Knight out.

[Image: harmonytbared.jpg]

RE: To: RADM Victoria Knight From: VADM Alan Jones, First Fleet - Arbs - 05-16-2016


COMM ID: Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
TARGET ID: Rear Admiral Victoria Knight
SUBJECT: Re: Assault from Harmony Pilot on civilian vessels.
SSENT ON: May 17th 823AS

Rear Admiral Knight,

I understand that such strikes you as rather shocking as whoever did this obviously did not report it or say anything about it. However your shallow information in the matter does not look good. Knight, we need to know everything you have on the matter. Starting from who you suspect, any recent activity that you suspect would be related to this case and as to what is going on in there right now. What kind of contacts are you reaching out to at this point, which are to be kept away from the High Command's knowledge?

We are here to help you Knight. You should be aware of how the Naval court is. Anything that they will see unfit, they will call it a breach of protocol and will give you the consequences to bear for it.

Following the Gallic breach in California, I'm going to need every unit on the Front, and that includes me too. So you better make the best of this anyway you can Victoria. I have assigned Vice Admiral Alexis hunter to oversee this situation. Work with her and remember, we're the biggest help you will be able to find at this time. I will be opening the Channel to her now.


Alan Jones
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC Liberty Navy


RE: To: RADM Victoria Knight From: VADM Alan Jones, First Fleet - Victoria Knight - 05-18-2016

[Image: harmonytbar.jpg]

Vice Admiral,

This really isn't necessary at all. I am looking into it already and the reasons for this should be found shortly. Once the whole thing is dealt with we can fully participate in California's defense. So far we are still at Zone 21 but we will move out soon.

You can focus on the frontlines while I take care of this. I am making huge progress already. Just give me a bit more time.

Knight out.

[Image: harmonytbared.jpg]

RE: To: RADM Victoria Knight From: VADM Alan Jones, First Fleet - Jeremy Hunter - 05-19-2016


COMM ID: Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter
TARGET ID: Rear Admiral Victoria Knight
SUBJECT: Battlegroup Harmony and Iota Five

[Image: 6VoZlBc.png]

Rear Admiral

Put me in the loop. What do you mean by "huge progress" and how can I speed this up so I may get back to saving my home from those bastards?


Alexis Hunter
Vice Admiral
Liberty Navy First fleet, LNS-Durango

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