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Ship prefixes - Moritz - 05-09-2016

Hi, I was just wondering what prefix to use for a Rheinland cap ship.

I know the 'Donau' cruiser in vanilla has the prefix 'RNC' but this might get confused with Gallic Royal Navy ships.

RE: Ship prefixes - Mr.Badger - 05-09-2016

GRN: RNS-Shipname
RM: RNC-Shipname
LN: LNS-Shipname
KNF: KDS-Shipname
BAF: HMS-Shipname

RE: Ship prefixes - Skorak - 05-09-2016

Rheinland has RNC.
Gallia has RNS.
Liberty has LNS.
Bretonia has HMS.
Kusari has... I forgot but they have two militaries now too.

EDIT: Aaaaand Ninjaed.

RE: Ship prefixes - TheFreelancer - 05-09-2016

It is RNC I believe, RNS is for gallia, and besides, Rhineland capitals shouldnt be outside Rhineland, so people will know it is a Rhineland Cap if its in Rhineland space with RNC (Unless its a das wilde ship!)

RE: Ship prefixes - Moritz - 05-09-2016

Thanks, I wasn't sure if RNC just applied to cruisers.

RE: Ship prefixes - Mr.Badger - 05-09-2016

(05-09-2016, 08:15 PM)Moritz Wrote: Thanks, I wasn't sure if RNC just applied to cruisers.

Well, normally RNC means Rheinland Navy/Naval Cruiser, but you can use RNC for every Rheinland cap ship

RE: Ship prefixes - Alex. - 05-09-2016

There's also some equivalents for non-house caps... Outcasts use MNS, Order OCV (?), Core WV, Council CLN, and probably more.

RE: Ship prefixes - Thunderer - 05-09-2016

RNS = (Gallic) Royal Navy Ship
RNC = Rheinland Navy Capital
LNS = Liberty Navy Ship
HMS = Her Majesty's Ship (or His, but currently there's a queen reigning in Bretonia)
KDS = Kusari Defense Ship
IKN = Imperial Kusari Navy (used by the Exiles)
CNS = Corsair Navy Ship
MNS = Maltese (Outcast) Navy Ship
OCV = Order Capital Vessel
WV = (Core) War Vessel
AV = (Core) Assault Vessel (used for gunboats)
RHB = Red Hessian Battleship
RHC = Cruiser
RHGB = Gunboat
CLN = Council Liberation(?) Navy
CPW = Coalition People's (What?)

There are a few more factions who use capital ships, but they don't have a universal capship name prefix.

RE: Ship prefixes - Shinju - 05-09-2016

Outcasts - MNS - Maltese Naval Ship
Corsairs - CNS - Crete Naval Ship
The Order - OCV - Order Capital Vessel
The Core - WV - War Vessel
Liberty - LNS - Liberty Naval Ship
Kusari - KDS - Kusari Defense Ship
Rheinland - RNC - Rheinland Naval Ship
Bretonia - HMS - Her Majesty's Ship
Gallia - RNS - Royal Navy Ship
Red Hessians - RHB/RHC/RHGB - Red Hessian Battleship/Cruiser/Gunboat
The Council - CLN/CLT - Council ??? Cap/Transport
Coalition - CPW/CPS/CPR- Coalition ???
Colonial Republic - FV - Fighting Vessel???
Hellfire Legion - HFGB, HFC, HFD, HFBC, HFB - HellFire Legion Gunboat/Cruiser/Destroyer/Battlecruiser/Battleship
Imperial Navy - IKN/IKS - Imperial???

Damnit Thunderer...

RE: Ship prefixes - Tommeh - 05-09-2016

(05-09-2016, 08:45 PM)Alex. Wrote: There's also some equivalents for non-house caps... Outcasts use MNS, Order OCV (?), Core WV, and probably more.

That is correct.
Order uses OCV- prefix
It comes from first vanilla Order capital ship, who's full name is Order CV-1 Osiris which now basicly means Order Capital Vessel.
At least that was my reasoning behind it when I came up with the idea.

edit: Fuu, double ninja