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To: Alan Jones - Printable Version

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To: Alan Jones - Jeremy Hunter - 05-12-2016


TARGET ID: Alan "Hit on the Lesbian" Jones
SUBJECT: Battlegroup Harmony

[Image: 6VoZlBc.png]


You know why I am calling. It was inappropriate, contacting Knight. There's a reason "conflict of interest" exists,. And no, don't think just because you're on friendly terms and know her mean you're safe. She could very well turn that on you.

If she is behind the attack on Bali, this could turn right back on you. I told you this, Alan. You're just close enough that you could be used. And if this turns into a scandal, IA won't care if you meant only the best. They'll see this breach of protocol and you'll be in trouble as well. And after Harriet's announcement that you have been selected as the new Fleet Admiral, effective in less then four're risking a lot. Anything can happen in four days.

I'm coming to you, not as your colleague or a member of the Admiralty, but as a friend. Back away. If there's more to this then a rogue pilot...Alan we both know IA, ESRD...they won't give a damn.

Please. Do the right thing. Let me, or Callaghan, or or Reaser take over the inquiries and investigation into Bali and Harmony.

And before you say I'm paranoid, that my experiences with ESRD are overriding my sense...there was a second attack so far recorded, by a pilot with the designation D9. This wasn't isolated, nor do I expect these to end with two. There will be a lull, but more is hppening.

Please. Listen to me.


Alexis Hunter

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.


RE: To: Alan Jones - Arbs - 05-16-2016


COMM ID: Fleet Admiral Alan "hit on the lesbian" Jones
TARGET ID: Vice Admiral Alexis "Heart Breaker and Life Taker" Hunter
SUBJECT: Re: Battlegroup Harmony
SSENT ON: May 17th 823AS


I don't know Alexis.. Personally I doubt Knight could be behind this. Throughout her service record it's never been in her nature to do this kind of acts.

Listen, I promised her that we'd help he out through this mess. From her reply she seems rather shocked and rather disorganized. And furthermore I think -someone- could be sneaking right under our goddamn noses and giving Knight a big bag of crap behind the scenes. Knight sounded rather insecure after I first reached her. Come on, you'd know if she was lying.

But in any case. I'm pretty sure you've seen the new explosions in California. And that's the Gallics knocking on our front door, so I'm gonna need everyone out in the front. And that means me too in the first line. It will be a while until the expeditionary fleet will be able to mount a coordinated counter-attack, so for now I need to organize the best defense for California the Navy has ever had.

Knight's case is up to you now. Find out what the hell is going on there. I advise you make good use of the ESRD and have them infiltrate their battlegroup or gather any info they can over the matter. And more importantly I'd rather not lose Knight so do your best in that regard.

I trust it to you now Hunter, take care of it and make it swift. I'm going to need every hand i can reach out to at the moment.

Regards love,

Alan Jones
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC Liberty Navy


RE: To: Alan Jones - Jeremy Hunter - 05-19-2016


COMM ID: Alexis "Heartbreaker and Lifetaker" Hunter
TARGET ID: Alan "Hit on the Lesbian" Jones
SUBJECT: Battlegroup Harmony

[Image: 6VoZlBc.png]


Assume nothing. Even the most shining of records can mask the darkest of secrets.


Alexis Hunter

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.