The Lyoko Project Files - Order Overwatch - 05-13-2016
Wedjat Lyoko Document Wrote:Lyoko Project's Database
All information on these documents are classified to the Order Wedjat archives and as such, anyone found knowing any information outside of those assigned to oversee or are in the projects themselves, shall be delivered swift action by the Overwatch.
Project's Leader
Project's Co-Leaders
Project's Overseers
Lab's and/or Base's
Omicron Mu, Planet Akabat, Wedjat Facility Jordana
Omicron Mu, Planet Tingar, Planetary Expedition Facility
Omicron Epsilon, Sicca Shipyard, Project Siren Lab's and Dock
Omicron Epsilon, Carrier Lasting Winter, Apart of Project Siren
Tingar Planetary Command Center Sira, Planet Tingar, Omicron Mu
Project Echos Singularity Labs, Planet Akabat, Mu
Ship's and/or Vessel's
All Tombstone Destroyers
Lyoko-Class Order Carrier Prototype Lasting Winter
Under Construction, Part of Project Safeguard
All information inside of this document is classified to the OSD and the Order Overwatch. Any unauthorized attempt to breach this data base will be met with extreme resistance and possible punishment once caught.
RE: PROJECT: TOMBSTONE - Order Overwatch - 05-13-2016
Project Siren Files Wrote:PROJECT COMPLETE
Project Leader
Lab Location's
All Tombstone Destroyers
Lyoko-Class Order Carrier Prototype Lasting Winter
Under Construction, Part of Project Safeguard
"Tombstone-class" Order Stealth Reconnaissance Destroyer
Capital Vessel Class: Tombstone Destroyer
Wedjat Document Title: Omicron-TD-0
Number Produced: 11
Construction Yard: Sicca Shipyard
Crew: 125 Max (95 Min)
Amended Systems
Armor Class: Mercyfire Reflective Armor Plating
Hull Frame Class/Type: PESS Hollow-light stealth framework
Scanner: Soothsayer Omniarray
Reactor: Diamond Reactor Powercell Prototype
Communications: Energy Line Tachyon Transfer-Communications
Project Shadow & Project Uplink Added Details
Under order of Aelita X. Stone, all documents for the Tombstone Project have been turned over to Ellie Hunter of the Order Science Division.
This project is hereby complete and has been uploaded to the Order SD and Wedjat for deployment
Tombstone Data Files
Destroyer Tombstone
- 1st Prototype
Destroyer Atum Ra
- 2nd Prototype
Destroyer Graveyard
- 3rd Prototype
Vessel was destroyed
Destroyer Anubis
- 4th Prototype
Under command of the Son's of Ra
Destroyer Ghosts Eye
- Wedjat Prototype
Under command of the Hunter family
Battleship Amenhotep
- Includes several Tombstone system upgrade's
Sicca Units
Tombstone I
Tombstone I
Tombstone I
Akabat Units
Toledo's Spirit
Tombstone II
Akabat's Spirit
Tombstone II
Thebes Units
Valley of Kings
Tombstone Assault I
Valley of Queens
Tombstone Assault I
Note: These files are outdated test runs and may no longer coexist with current Lyoko database information
[spoiler=Test 1 - Rheinland Space - Testing the new class]
[Test 1 - Testing the waters]
All following information related to the Tombstone class Cruiser is restricted to those with Sigma Σ class clearance and higher
Module Test: 01
Location House: Rheinland
Systems: Frankfurt, Dresden, Omega 11
Test bed results 1
The Tombstone successfully avoided detection by all scanner's in the Frankfurt, Dresden and Omega 11 system. Several OSS and PESS scans were taken of all three system's, with various results of stations, planets and trade lanes. The six scans also showed heavy BDM movement in Frankfurt, so danger levels were on max during the time in Frankfurt. In-depth detection's will be taken of all three systems the following day.
Test bed results 2
Several in-depth scans were taken using the proto-type PESS and OSS systems, reviling much of the three systems in one go. All files are being classified under Sigma till a time the Overwatch reviews them. This end's Test 01.
[Test 2 - Recon Safety]
All following information related to the Tombstone class Cruiser is restricted to those with Sigma Σ class clearance and higher
Module Test: 02
Location House: Bretoina, Liberty and The Tau's
Systems: Newcastle, Inverness, California, Cortez, Drake, Several Tau Systems
Results 1
The Tombstone underwent a short recon mission through the Tau's and ended up in the Newcastle system. Once in the Newcastle system, the Tombstone received a backup message from Commander Valkyrie. Using the PESS and OSS system's several times to get into the area that Valkyrie was in. After waiting a while longer, Commander Valkyrie and the Tombstone soon joined up with Veteran Agent Aoi. Together the three ships ventured into the Drake system to scan several objects, planets and other things within the system. However, taking light damage itself, and the other vessels taking some damage and interference, the Order vessels fell back to the Inverness system and took some time to remain stationed near the Atum.
Project 2 - ISOBLCK Systems
Isolation and protection. The only new part of the first test, the isolation systems of the Tombstone prototypes are new safety systems installed into these cruisers make it so after escaping hostilities, or after fleeing, the cruiser will go into ISOBLCK mode, this mode is a well kept secret on how it functions, always using random locations, pings, buoys and other systems to help it hide almost off grid from detection. This system has yet to fail and even during its lockdown mode, if located, it will go into EX modes which relocates it to more secure locations as soon as it escapes. The only known trackers to have ever truly bypassed the system and keep it tracked up till EX mode four, was [REDACTED] who left a tracker onboard the ship in which was used to track the ship three times before [REDACTED] managed to get onboard and kidnap [REDACTED]
Note: Some information in these files may no longer coexist with current Lyoko database information and as such, may be outdated but archived
Order Stealth Destroyer II In-depth Details
Based out of the same hull of the original Resheph-class cruiser; the Resheph II class, also known as the Tombstone class; is advanced version of the previous Order Recon cruiser. Featuring a wide range of scanning equipment, detection systems and directional scanners; the Resheph II class has yet to been caught off guard by any vessel; being able to detect it several clicks out while giving minimal power to the detection systems. The Tombstone also features its own new warning system; if the ship itself detects a threat that it cannot handle on its own or any other threats of such magnitude, the warship will go into isolation mode, secluding itself on the far reaches of Order controlled space where it won't be found till the isolation time is complete. However; due to this ultra-sensitive equipment; the Tombstone class is able to detect even vessels at long range's.
The more in-depth scale of the warship has been changed. Rather then crew quarters and crew-required areas, the Tombstone exchange's the need for crew with a vast labyrinth of computer system through out the entire vessel itself. This high powered system is powered by a duel reactor system, one on the port and starboard side of the vessel. Within the heart of this vessel is a complete proto-type reactor built by the researchers on Evora shipyard. Unlike most other Order capital vessels, the main reactor of the Resheph II is replaced with a unnamed proto-type. This reactor, only nicknamed the 'Diamond', draws particles and other objects from outside the hull of the vessel and pulls them into the vessel, sending the spacial derbies through several processes to turn it into fuel for this proto-type reactor. Due to this, the Tombstone-class can go for nearly two months without refueling at any time.
Near the proto-type reactor is another new advanced module of the vessel. A proto-type emergency stealth system or PESS for short. This module of the vessel is linked only to the Diamond reactor. This new emergency system allows the warship to cloak itself for hours on end, feeding off the reactor alone. This emergency system also features several protocol systems which are linked to the Omnidirectional scanner system or OSS for short. Once cloaked, the OSS comes online and provides the Tombstone with an in-depth and much more advanced scanning and detection system.
The third advancement of the Tombstone class is its crew-less need; able to support itself with only a captain or an AI program alone to keep it going, give it commands and even fight. This puts less lives at risk then the Tombstone-class is sent into battle, allowing more legroom for the Order. Another thing to note is them mini-bay of the Tombstone-class. Installed under the nose of the vessel and taking up a bit of room, the Tombstone has its own internal hanger, allowing up to five to six small snub crafts to be stored inside, and if such, to release a small escort or patrol wing into space around it, while remaining cloaked.
All following information related to the Tombstone class Cruiser is restricted to those with Psi Ψ class clearance and higher
PESS, OSS and Diamond in-depth details
Diamond Details
A new reactor class made by the Order after studying the nomads, the Diamond reactor is an attempt to mimic several nomadic ships in a function yet to be seen by the Order. Pulling in particles, spacial debris and other objects from the space around it, including gas, the Diamond module sends these objects through several cleaning process to purify anything it pulled in and possibly turn it into fuel while on the fly. While not a complete doppelganger of the nomadic style, the Diamond reactor has several setbacks, including while being in open space and being unable to draw in anything around it. Another setback is the chance unpurities getting through the cleaning process, which has caused several malfunctions for the Diamond reactor already, forcing it heavily rely on the duel plasma reactors on the port and starboard side of it.
PESS Details
A new warning and detection system made by the Order, PESS is a new advancement in the Order work into cloaking technology. Linked to the scanners and detection systems itself, the Tombstone class features several new detection systems an Omnidirectional scanner used to location anything within ten clicks of the vessel itself. While cloaked however, the Tombstone also routes more power to the sensitive detection and scanner equipment on the vessel, allowing it twice the range to locate ships and objects around it. The major fault of PESS is actually related to the shield and external systems. While cloaked and in a nebula, the detection system's tend to get clogged or covered in dust particles, causing the systems to go haywire as if detecting several things at close range. This fault has led to the ship fleeing locations where hostiles were not even in, including one report were the vessel has fled Omicron Minor after detecting the wreck of the Battleship Isis.
OSS Details
A new type of scanner employed on the Tombstone. Rather than having a full 360 viewing scanner, the proto-type OSS scanner has only a 10 directional viewing range in one direction. This new employment of scanner allows the vessel to scan one direction for up to 500 clicks one way. The setback of this device is just like the PESS system, being overly sensitive equipment that will panic at the slightest detection of a threat the Tombstone can't handle. In one report, the OSS scanner was used. One of the detected objects was a stationary fighter two hundred clicks on the other side of the Omicron 100 system, while a minor detection, the OSS scanner still panicked at the detection of another object in its scoop.
PTP-2 "Hive" Micro-craft Bay
This is a Sigma Σ-class classified information
- Open to: The Overwatch, The Science Division (SD), Members of the Tombstone Project, Parts of the Ingenuus Research Group and the Order secondary fleets
Seeing an opening with the Tombstone project, the second Tombstone was soon upgraded with a miniature docking bay under its forward nose. This hollowed out area was perfect area to situate a docking back and hanger system for the ship. The Order, both factions had dispatched two fighters to remain docked on the Tombstone. The new project known as PTP finally found that they could upgrade the Tombstone to hold a dispatch of two snub crafts on-board the cruiser in a bay called the PTP-class micro-bay which can hold one large and small snub vessel or one super large vessel such as a freighter on-board
Mercyfire Recon Stealth Armoring
This is a Lambda Λ classified information
- Open to: The Overwatch, The Science Division (SD), Members of the Tombstone Project and parts of the Ingenuus Research Group
A new type of reflective armoring designed only for the Tombstone cruisers, the Mercyfire reflective camouflage armor makes the vessel practically invisible to the human eye while inside clouds and nebulae. While inside of these sensor inhibiting areas, the Tombstones can decloak and use this armor to remain almost still and invisible as long as required. The armor is known to be extremely light and thus is not strong against capital fire. If attacked, the Mercyfire armor cannot withstand major aggressive fire for long.
Energy Line System
This is a Sigma Σ-class classified information
- Open to: The Overwatch, The Science Division (SD), Members of the Tombstone Project and parts of the Ingenuus Research Group
Following in the footsteps of the original project, the fifth test of the Tombstone was to upgrade its array with the ability to quickly communicate back and forth with its needed backup and allies while in deep space.
Codenamed Energy Line, the initial project followed several key improvements to the communications arrays, including parts from the PESS, OSS and other already in use systems of the other Tombstones. This line, coming directly from the Graveyard class vessel, allowed the vessel to keep in contiunal communications with the Overwatch and command even while in the depths of Liberty space by using proxy systems that make it seem like the vessel is in several different locations while communicating with its command officers. The first test was done in five locations. Chugoku while near the Blood Dragons, Tau 44 while near the Council held position, Baffin near the Skyhook, Inverness near the Spaceport, and Kansas near Planet Wichita. All five times proved the vessel could easily communicate back high command however during its time passing into Cortez, the LSF group known as 404 were able to detect the tachyon energy line while sitting close to the vessel however it remained that they were unable crack the firewall or decipher the codex for it either. This new system will be integrated into the new line of Reshephs made after the uploading of this comm
RE: PROJECT: TOMBSTONE - Order Overwatch - 05-14-2016
Project Ghost Wrote:PROJECT COMPLETE
Project Leader
Lab Location's
![[Image: BMIBZmM.png]](
The Order Ghosts, better known as just Ghosts, are not so much actually human, then they are just pilots controlling a AI humanoid body using the Neuron uplink. The Ghost team's are mentally trained agents that are part of the Neuron uplink project and as such, are pilots of individual ghost clones of their actual selves. These ghosts are, in turn, heavily armored and weaponized remote controlled AI units that act as ordered by the pilot. Using the Neuron uplinks, the pilots can remote control entire teams of ghosts while remaining at the main base and use them as an extension of themselves as if they are actually at the Ghost's location.
There are three types of Ghost pilots. The standard pilot which remains at base at all times controlling one to two ghosts of themselves on the field, these pilots are the most standard of the Ghost teams and are usually seen apart of the Order police force, or boarding teams on the Tombstone or other Order capital vessels. The second type of pilot, nicknamed Masterminds, is actually just a single pilot mentally trained with the neuron uplink to control the entire time at one time. These masterminds usually are fielded with their teams and are impossible to make out from the AI's to the pilot itself. Such an example is Ghost Mastermind Sierra of Swift team the who can single handedly control up to twenty at one time. The final form of pilot, nicknamed Overlord's, are pilots linked up to a Lyoko AI Cortex; these pilots are heavily mentally trained to be able to control the AI cortex and the ghosts under them. The Overlords however are not only able to control ships, but they also can take control of entire ships themselves through the AI Cortex unit. The training for Overlord agents is heavy and most of the time, has lethal results on the pilot's that attempt to pull it.
The ghost units themselves however come in three forms. The first being a standard soldier, akin to that of a normal AI which is designed to act as police on Akabat or for standard boarding parties. The standard ghosts are lightly armored however have a lighter frame to help them travel faster and use cover more effectively. The second type, called Blocks, are the brute units of the ghosts which are tasked to heavier tasks, such as riot control, military fighting and sometimes even act as defensive wall's when sacrificed. The third type of ghost, nicknamed Wraiths, remove all armor and instead use personal cloaking systems and stealth, the wraiths act as Ghost recon units or spies when needed and are usually only used in extreme need due to their lack of defense.
Acting as the transmitter of the Ghost teams, the Neuron uplink system is a prototype machine that was engineered and produced Aelita X. Stone and later given over to Wedjat as a means to keep her alive. The Neuron uplink is a project she started in the time Toledo fell, when Aelita was heavily augmented and suffering from pain almost daily. During its first tests, Aelita was nearly driven insane from over exposure to the machine but over the course of a few months had found ways to take control of the situation and use it to keep her alive that same year. The following year began the tests on other agents of the Order, and thanks to Project Lying, Aelita was able to find ways to use the uplink to act as a two way transmitter. While several parts of her research were lost with the destruction of the Graveyard Destroyer, what we at Wedjat know is that she was heavily successful in the project thanks to the help of two AI's, Lyoko and Xana, and thanks to the help of the PRIME AI's for helping her construct the Lyoko Cortex.
Thanks to this project, the Neuron Uplink project was later turned into Project Lying due to the mental consequences Aelita had endured to finish the project without rest. Thanks to this project however, Aelita managed to make a new system that allowed her, and fellow Ghost pilots, to uplink to their ships and ghost AI's rather than risking their own lives on the field. Project Lying was later transfer to Project Shadow and is now used as a subproject of Shadow
Team Leader
Ghost Overlord Sierra "Chief" Pearl
Task Force
Akabat defense force of Wedjat internal security
Main Units
25 Pilots, 7 Masterminds, 2 Overlords
40 Normal Ghosts, 10 Block Ghosts, 4 Wraith Ghosts
Special Units
20 Special Nonlethal Stun Takedown Ghosts
15 Heavy-Armor Riot Unit Ghosts
5 Police Transport VTOL Light Units
7 Armored-Transport Cabs
2 Light Assault Cars
Team Leader
Ghost Overlord Thomas "Tinhat" Alexander
Task Force
Wedjat Facility Protectors
Main Units
30 Pilots, 5 Masterminds, 5 Overlords
50 Normal Ghosts, 20 Block Ghosts, Unknown Number of Wraith Ghosts
Special Units
Unknown number of Special Nonlethal Stun Takedown Ghosts
Unknown number of Heavy-Armor Riot Unit Ghosts
Unknown number of ground drone units
Unknown number of air drone units
Whatever is expendable at each teams facility
Team Leader
Ghost Overlord Crystal "Boarder" Yellowstone
Task Force
Assault/Boarding Teams
Main Units
10-50 Pilots, 1-10 Masterminds, 1-5 Overlords, depending on what is needed
Different missions require different amounts of ghost units
Special Units
Different missions require different amounts of ghost units
Whatever the ship or agent in command can give out
RE: PROJECT: TOMBSTONE - Order Overwatch - 05-29-2016
Beholder Array Wrote:PROJECT COMPLETE
Project Leader
Lab Location's
OSA3 "Beholder" - The Order Quantum Omni-Sensor Array Mark-3
This is a Psi Ψ-class classified information
- Open to: The Overwatch, The Science Division (SD), Members of the Tombstone Project and parts of the Ingenuus Research Group
While just like its sister scanner, the Tombstone array, also nicknamed the mark five Spyglass scanner or even just Tombstone scanner, is designed for long range scanning, observations, tracking and many more essentials that the Order recon cruiser and its crew need to do their duty properly. Unlike the Respheps however that hold the mark two array, the Tombstone instead holds its own proto-type array, classified under Wedjat, this array is the fifth and most advanced scanner known to Sirius, able to detect foes sometimes systems out and go into safety means on its own from automated systems and a skeleton crew to boot. The array itself is hardwired into the module known as the Tombstone shell, which in its own right, is a labyrinthine of computers, systems and many more electronic arrays that make up the scanner in of itself. Not many modules exist with this array, and is rarely seen by anyone outside of the Order, the Overwatch and their allies.
Classified as the proto-type itself and the most advanced, this array is used to spy on enemy movements, actions and more from such a range, that not many will locate it before it gets a lock on hostile movement and flee's but also acting as the spook in the closet when needed but due to power consumption during use, the array is only able to be built into the Tombstone shell or into a large battleship or carrier body, and usually takes up a majority of a ships core during use.
The majority of this scanner takes up the hull of the Tombstone warship, and is made up of the PESS system, OSS system, Diamond Reactor, Energy line communications array and finally the standard Spyglass mark two scanner. Due to this, the scanner itself requires immense amounts of power to function, and thus far the only known reactor type to fuel this is the Diamond reactor which is modified to use a host of power cells then a direct type of fuel, with each reactor using three per ship. The PESS and OSS system's make up the array, these two systems are then hardwired through a system of computers, programs, files and other devices known as the Lyoko Cortex. While it is known the original Lyoko of the Overwatch was a prototype Hathor gunship, the project was most canceled and turned over to the Tombstone project instead. This Lyoko cortex was originally designed by the Gammunian AI's during Stone's travels around Sirius. With the help of the PRIME AI's, the Lyoko Cortex was finally designed and built into the original first Tombstone line.
The final part of the scanner is its ability to detect objects light years out, while many were confused in the first steps of the project on how it worked, it was found out that, once given enough power, the scanner was able to detect almost anything at range with the help of ultra sensitive hull arrays with upgraded optical arrays and heightened detection software. This new array required enough power that it was almost on par with the standard Osiris battleship cores, and thus a new form of reactor was needed. Coming up with the new system by combining the Energy Line protocal's, Dimonad reactor systems and finally the use of the human designed power cells, the system finally first came on line in 10/17/822 A.S.
This scanner remains a tightly guarded secret of the Orders, and thus very few know of its existence outside of the Order besides the closest allies of the Overwatch and Order and even still then is rarely permitted to anyone, and even more so, is rarely spoke about to anyone outside of the Order.
Recently completed, the new Order quantum array, dubbed the Beholder, is the newest and most advanced scanner array in Sirius. Fitted into the Tombstone chassis or into larger vessels, the Tombstones feature a labyrinth of computer systems, AI networks and an enhanced filtering cortex at the heart of the array. Unlike the spyglass scanner itself, the Beholder or just Tombstone array is not connected to a filter system linked to the neuralnet but instead is connected to an onboard supercomputer under the file of Lyoko Cortex. This new array is able to scan up to light years out, filtering information from the array into the computer system for reading.
The scanner was constructed with the combined help of IRG and Order builders, with the powering system being linked to that of a new powercell system installed and constructed by IRG and a shell designed and constructed by the Order. Both groups worked tiredlessly to bring the array online and make it operational. While the array is a heavily wanted subject to the Order's enemies, the Beholder is rarely seen onboard any vessel unless otherwise authorized by the Order Overwatch with its blueprints and information kept and stored on the SD-CV Tombstone.