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For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 05-14-2016

[Activating Personal Files]

[Clearing Additional Files of No Importance]
[Activating Anti-Virus Software]
[Initiating Defragmention Software]

[Captain's Log - Date: May 14th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

Well, today's been a rather eventful one. First the patrol I'm supposed to meet doesn't show, then the Bay is ransacked by a Navy agent and his men, and now we're the victims of AI abuse. Something gives me the impression that I should've just stayed in Liberty. However, I just get the feeling that I made the right choice.

Sure, it's not a great one, sending myself, my crew and the Bay out to the middle of the Sirius boonies, but I just feel like it was the right time and thing to do. I hope Reyes can forgive me, as well as the rest of the crew. Those that are left, anyway. We'll need to find a place to preform a proper funeral for the ones we lost. Rosco, Herrick, McTavish and Orliandre will not be denied their proper burial just because we've gone rogue.

We're going to have to put the old girl down on Atka. I know it's a terrible idea, seeing as how we're less than ten systems from Liberty, but it's the only place we can set down without being denied access or risking another terror attack. If this 'Reaper' kid thinks he can try and take my ship from me again, he's dead wrong.

Nest time I see him, he's a dead man.

Hemlock, out.

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]

RE: For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 05-16-2016

[Accessing Personal Files]

[Checking Anti-Virus: Clear]
[Checking System Fragmentation: Clear]

[Captain's Log - Date: May 16th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

So far, no sign of this Reaper fella. I guess he's steering clear of the Bay for a while. The incident is still fresh for the guys, and Reyes isn't looking too pleased either. I figure it's only a matter of time before I have to inform the crew of the situation. They deserve to know, but I just don't know how I'm going to pull off a reveal like this. It's just so far out of my comfort zone. Maybe it shouldn't be about how I feel. It should be about them.

We're packing up from Atka. Moving further into the Sigmas to a remote Hogosha station called Takkinai. Not even Ishimoto could get the name right, or so he thought. My home is that with they will look the other way if I offer them enough payment, and not disclose our location to the Navy, or Reaper. We'll pick up supplies from the station and head out for the deeper Omicrons tomorrow. Lord knows Reaper is probably hot on our tail, following every possible lead he can get his grubby hands on.

I'm going to try and break the news gently to the crew. Whether they toss me into an escape pod is another matter, but from what we've been through, I know they'll make the right decision. I just wish it didn't cost us four of our crew. Reaper's men were aiming for killshots, I just know it. Nearly half the crew fell to those heathen's gunfire. I'm just thankful that it was just the four who actually died. I don't know if I could handle half a crew gone. I'm just not ready for that kind of loss.

Out of habit of putting recent stuff in my logs, I heard from my contact aboard the Freeport that Reaper has struck at her to get to me. I feel ashamed for this, but I am thankful that it wasn't a member of my crew. Her superior, a 'Santiago' character, has expressed his deepest condolences for the loss of my four crew during Reaper's attack. If only all Maltesians were as polite as he was. During the live comm with him, he wouldn't quit with the oldish gestures and language. Seemed like he was straight out of the old knight and horseman movies.

I just hope this damned conflict ends soon. As far as I know, it seems Reaper is hell-bent on capturing me and the Bay. However much I love my crew and would happily give my life for theirs, I hope he comes back. Not to attack my people with a hit squad of LSF agents (or was it Navy?), but to actually face me 'mano-e'mano'. The next time we meet, he is beyond saving.

Also, before I forget (because I know I will), the passcode for my personal safe is 3827. I know I'll forget this, so I'm putting it here as a reminder for when I go through my things.

Hemlock, out.

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]

RE: For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 05-19-2016

[Activating Personal Files]

[Clearing Additional Files of No Importance]
[Initiating Anti-Virus Scan]
[Initializing Scan: COMPLETE, no threats detected]

[Captain's Log - Date: May 18th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

I suppose there's no real need to make another one of these. Events are far too recent for me to easily forget them. Still, for posterity's sake, I guess I'll make another just do I can remember in the future when my old age finally catches up.

I got a call today from Ms. Cortez. She explained to me that this 'Reaper' guy has kidnapped her sister. This I suppose was the only way he felt he could strike back at me. Kidnapping. Kidnapping a young woman. Ms. Cortez told me she hasn't even seen her 25th birthday yet. All of this just to get at me. Well, I guess it worked.

We held the funeral today. Rosco, McTavish, Orliandre and Herrick can now rest in peace, and wherever they are, I hope they're rooting for us. Strangely enough, all four of them wanted to be cremated. Not an issue, seeing as how the ship happens to have an oven on-board hot enough to do it, but still curious. I've had their ashes placed in the memorial room on Deck 6. They deserve better, but this is the best I can do. I just hope that we don't have to keep doing this.

The rest of the casualties from the attack have recovered. The remainder of the guys who survived have returned to active duty, and Millianne's water broke earlier today. I hope she can keep going after what happened to Chase. She needs to. I know she's going to have hell on her back with this child she's bringing in, but I'll be with her every step of the way, one at a time, until she can continue without help.

We've camped out deep in the Omicrons. I just hope the resident Zoners don't throw us out given the trouble our presence has caused. I know some of them will understand, but I just hope their friends will believe them.

And before I forget, I need to make it clear to Sanchez that my safe is not to be touched. He may not know the combination, but that doesn't mean he can go fiddling with it when I'm not around. There are things in there best left alone.

Hemlock, out.

[Log Edit]

Alright. While I've told the crew what my real intent out here was, the don't actually seem too concerned about it. Reyes didn't seem all too pleased that I was hiding it, but then again I don't really think she was too surprised by it either. The rest of the crew seem to have mixed feelings about it, but they look overall rather positive given our current situation. Maybe we do have a future in the Order.

[Edit Complete]

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]

RE: For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 05-20-2016

[Activating Personal Files]

[Commencing System Drive Back-up]
[System Back-up complete; All files successfully saved]
[Initiating Log Tracker VI]

[Captain's Log - Date: May 20th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

It's official. The Bay is now moored aboard Sicca. We're finally underway to getting back to where we belong. Better yet, I've had no sight of this 'Reaper' character for almost a week. If he's finally given up, then I can rest easy. I sure hope he has.

Due to the Bay's prior history, the Order will need to retrofit her for service. I'm not opposed to it, but it does mean we have to vacate the ship until the refits are finished. The engineers assured me that they would leave any private items alone. While I feel I can trust him, I just know something is going to go missing.

As an update on Millianne, she gave birth not long after I saved my last log. It was... unusual, but I suppose nothing is ever usual when it comes to childbearing. I'm not sure I'll ever understand the pain they go through, but I'm sure, however much there is, it's worth it. She says it's a boy, and that she's decided to name him Chase, after his father. I'm sure he would've loved to see him, as well as be there with her. We can all thank 'Reaper' for that.

The crew has set up dorms on Giza. I've made sure they all had their own places, barring any crew who were already sharing bunks, and I've also seen to it that Millianne is supplied with everything she'll need to keep Chase healthy. I, on the other hand, have decided to bunk out in my own fighter. Cathy with probably get antsy with me about it, but in truth I'm only doing this so as to dissuade any attempt at their lives. I know 'Reaper' will catch up with me soon enough.

I just hope he leaves them be. His beef is with me, and me alone. I've probably ranted in this log more that I should have. I'll be saving this log, then heading out to the Freeport to catch up on local intel from Ms. Cortez.

Hemlock, out.

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]

RE: For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 05-24-2016

[Activating Personal Files]

[Initiating Ship Self-Service VI]
[Athena: Initiating Background Virus-Scan]
[Athena: Ship Analysis Complete - Internal Threat Detection: Zero]

[Captain's Log - Date: May 24th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

It seems the longer I stay out here, the more and more people seem to be interested in me. First Ms. Cortez wants to ask me everything I know about the Bay or 'Reaper'. Then her friend, Ms. Cross, asks me about my past in the Order. It seems I can't even get a moment to myself these days. I've tried visiting the crew on Giza, but that hasn't spurred any interesting confrontations. Cathy seems to be occupied with keeping Millianne and the rest of the crew together. Millie's kid hasn't done anything truly spectacular, even though it's less than a week old.

I've been told that Ms. Cortez's bunch has asked the Order to consider allowing them to construct a station in Zeta. While I'm not apposed to it, the 72nd having been the few 'outlaws' I'd consider having lunch with, there just seems to be more to it than they first propose. Their leader, Randall Santiago (Though to be fair, he did request that I refer to him as 'Randy'), has continuously insisted that I remind the Order of their good deeds. It all seems a bit farfetched to me. Then again, a group of people apposed to their own homeworld's government has proven to be a recurring trend in these times.

I'm going to meet Cathy in the lounge aboard Santiago's flagship, the 'Aurora'. Supposed to serve the best Sidewinder Fang this side of the Kusari border. I just hope this one doesn't knock me out in the first punch. Whatever Royez put in that last one, be it cheap Liberty Ale or a dose or two of pure alcohol, I couldn't stop turning.

They better finish up with the Thunder Bay soon. I'm tired of living out of this dinky little fighter. Plus, I miss my quarters, as well as my crew.

Hemlock, out.

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]

RE: For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 06-05-2016

[Activating Personal Files]

[Initiating Storage Back-Up]
[Warning: System Lag Detected]
[Storage Back-Up Completed]

[Captain's Log - Date: June 5th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

Man... It's been a whole week and a half since I've done a log entry. To be fair, it's probably for the best. I'm not one who's been known to recollect myself on my past, but at the same time, it might be best to keep track of my life in these brain-screwing times.

I met Cathy aboard Santiago's ship. She didn't seem to pleased to see me, and I honestly can't blame her. With all that's going on, I'm more surprised a skirmish didn't spark in that bar. She seems to be coping, but I'm just worried for her psyche. If she looses it, then I've lost my best friend to this place, and to my own moronic actions.

The engineers aboard Sicca informed me that the Thunder Bay's refit will be pushing the Bay's readiness date back a few more weeks. While I can deal with it, I don't know how the crew will be able to cope with the accommodations aboard Giza. Strangers, unknowns, and I'm probably just scratching the surface. I hope they can cope with it long enough for the Bay to get her work finished.

It seems Millianne's son is doing good, though. At least there's one bit of light in this fog of dark. She's been going through diapers and baby formula faster than she'd expected, but she's been focusing more on Chase than on the rest of the problems.

God, I want my ship back.

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]

RE: For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 06-08-2016

[Activating Personal Files]

[Composing Allocated Memory List]
[List Compiled; Delete? - [YES]]
[Acknowledged; Purging Active Memory]

[Captain's Log - Date: June 8th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

Seems as of recent, Ms. Cross has had a decently exciting life. Unusually frightening given her current circumstances, but still exciting. She's been admitted into a hospital on Denver: Wright-Patterson Memorial. I spoke with the doctor who brought her in, and she explained to me that Ms. Cross has what she called 'Koleg's Syndrome'.

Supposed to be a female-only condition (It can't effect males due to us being... males), it effects the way a pregnant woman develops the child. She explained that it was causing all of Ms. Cross' motor functions to cease, and that she subsequently fell into a coma. It's impressive what nature can throw at science to make you think 'What the hell kind of universe do I live in?'

I'm told that she'll survive it, but the child will be delivered within the next few weeks. She made it out for the end of the month, which doesn't seem possible. Again, it is impressive what nature can throw our way. I do hope Mr. Roarke can live without his partner for the duration. They seemed so close.

I have a feeling Ms. Cortez will be racked by this, though. Her closeness to Ms. Cross will cause some undo concern, and I'm afraid Santiago won't be able to help her get past it. I've told her what I could, that she would be fine, but she wouldn't have it.

After all of that, though, I did receive a comm from the last person I'd expect to get anything from: 'Reaper'. While it was full of the expected 'I was following orders' bit, his rather rude AI informed me that he was feeling guilt for the while thing. Maybe 'Reaper' isn't as ruthless as I though he was...

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]

RE: For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 07-06-2016

[Activating Personal Files]

[Initializing Scan for Possible Threats]
[Internal Threats Detected: 0]
[Initializing Log Capture]

[Captain's Log - Date: July 6th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

I know I haven't been keeping a good log of what's been going on lately.. Seeing as how I'm the only one reading this, barring from the AI who scrubs my systems for threats, I'm not entirely sure how well these things will be of use. Regardless, I'm going to make another log here and now, just so I can dump a few things down for future reference.

The Bay is still in Sicca. The unusually intense ion storms that have raked Sirius are still sweeping across the Colonies. Trade had halted, and the war is technically on hold. I don't know of anyone dumb enough to fly headfirst into this hell, and I'm certainly not going to try. There are a few reasons why I try to keep myself going, and charging headfirst into ionized particles isn't one of them.

I'm currently held up on the Freeport. I've heard word from Millianne that Chase is doing well, as well as herself. Haven't heard much from Cathy, at least not as of late. She sent me a message a couple of days ago saying she'd found an old collection of photos stored on her personal drive. She sent me a few copies, mostly of her and I at the spaceport on Los Angeles. Gave me thoughts as to just how much I think of her as more than a friend.. She's like a daughter to me, and I'd hate to see anything happen to her.

On a different note, Ms. Cross appears to have awoken from her coma. Seems she's also become a mother of two, instead of the one I was told about. I wish her the best of luck. Raising a kid while flying for the Order ain't a pretty job, and it sure as hell isn't easy raising one to begin with.

Guess here's a good enough place to end this log as any.

Hemlock, out.

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]

RE: For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 10-09-2016

[Activating Personal Files]

[Executing System Scan]
[Scan: 100%]
[No Threats Detected]

[Captain's Log - Date: October 8th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

Christ.. It's been, what, three months since I've logged something..? The techs finally let me have access to my quarters again, so I guess they'll finally stop poking through my room looking for my gin stash.

I haven't spoken to Cathy in weeks, and I'm honestly a bit worried. What she said last time before she stormed out on me still feels fresh, too. Like I'd just been given it three hours ago, instead of three weeks. I'll need to call her up and see if she's doing alright. Maybe even see if she'd like to meet up. She's not my genetic kin, but damn if I wouldn't want a daughter like her. Hell, she's already like one anyway, so I guess that's as good as I'm getting..

That contact I kept meeting on Barrier Gate met me with two of her friends not long ago. We didn't get to finish our chat before some black ops squad ambushed them, and I guess they were either killed or captured. Either way, the only loss from them is that weird artifact they wanted me to take back to Akabat. Still not sure what her whole plan was. Why does the BPA even need Order ships anyway?

I'm heading out to Freeport 11 tomorrow to talk to this chick there. Hopefully, she'll be more real than Green was, and preferably not wanted by a Navy black ops squad. Time will only tell, though..

I want my ship back, and I want that little rat's head.

Hemlock, out.

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]

RE: For the Ones I Call Family | Matthew Hemlock's Logs - Spectre - 10-21-2016

[Activating Personal Files]

[Initiating System Scan]
[Internal Scan... Complete]
[No Threats Located]

[Captain's Log - Date: October 20th, 823 A.S.]
[Commander Matthew Hemlock]

Guess that's about as close to a 'I'm sorry' as I'm getting from her. I know I brought them out here, but the cause is far better than the Navy ever will be. I hate saying it, but it's as true as the skies on Manhattan are blue.

God, I'm going to miss Manhattan. Toledo's skies were crisp and blue too, but something about Manhattan just brings the best of Liberty out. Like the total crap attitude of the local people is outdone by the planet alone... Home is going to be strange without the atmospheric tug that Manhattan always gave us when we set down.

I'm heading out from the Omicrons again towards Liberty. I know the Navy will end up trying to shoot me, but that's the price I pay for 'stealing' the Shamrock Bay from under their noses. As amazed as I am that it went as smoothly as it did, I still owe them something when she's fight-worthy again. Will probably petition to have her stationed near the Atum's command, or maybe even under my own.

Would be nice to command my ship without Anderson interfering whenever he feels like it.

Hemlock, out.

[Saving Log]
[Logging Out]