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Project "Mir" - IRG and SCRA - Printable Version

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Project "Mir" - IRG and SCRA - Ingenuus Research Group - 05-16-2016

[Image: 339d32658c.png]

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RE: Project "Mir" - IRG and SCRA - Ingenuus Research Group - 09-17-2016

Having arrived on Zhukovsky safely, and their personal equipment moved off the Arduinna, the team assigned to Project Mir wasted no time in preparing for this monumental project. Spending near 3 hours unloading equipment off the carrier, the team were directed by Coalition personnel towards the larger hanger bay that had been sectioned off for construction work. Seeing the massive amount of materials needed for such an endeavor, the team began setting up a central operations post. Much to the surprise of the staff already present, the Ingenuus team stationed themselves at the post and each began working on their various console stations, instead of unpacking the immense pile of crates and materials. Pulling up diagnostics on planet JiangXi, they began the important work on calculating the various gravitational pulls and orbital dynamics of the planet. Without such, construction could not begin.

Raising an eyebrow, a Coalition worked look at the team speedily typing away at their consoles."So, umm... What do you need us to do? I thought we were going to be gin construction work?" Chuckling at the worker, one of the Ingenuus staff looked up and smiled. "I'm afraid that comes later. You see, these docking rings were are about to deploy are one of a kind, and as such all manner of diagnostics need to be done before we even begin construction. Are you by chance familiar with how our docking rings work?" A puzzled look washes over the workers face. "Err, I haven't, no. I figured they worked just like any other doc..." Before he could continue, the Ingenuus staff member chuckled and waved him over. "Look here. Do you see that? That's planet JiangXi. And what you are looking at is the immense gravitational pulls of the planet. Our docking rings work by counter-acting the gravitational pull of the planet, and essentially creating a "Gravity tunnel" so to speak, where I ship can enter the atmosphere without risk of the pull of the planet. Once they have decelerated enough and have passed through multiple layers of the planet's atmosphere, the gravity field slowly lessens, and they ship is able to then continue on to their destination. In fact, if you walk over there, you can see some of the Gravity Field Stablizers that we'll be using in the construction of the rings. For now though, we need to finish this before we can begin assembly."

Gravity Field Stablizers - Giant cylinders that can control and manipulate the intense gravitational fields from all manner of sources, be it jump drives or even planetary pulls, enabling the creation of a temporary, stable rift through which a vessel may pass without being ripped apart. Due to the fact that a planet's gravitational forces are far greater than that of a jump drive, 10,000 of these have been requested and are now sitting in one of the other hanger bays closed off for the project. Situated in a ring-style design, these stabilizers are the staple of the Ingenuus designed docking rings.