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Why was my kill count changed to 0 on the event scoreboard? - Printable Version

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Why was my kill count changed to 0 on the event scoreboard? - SergeantSausage - 05-16-2016

Please explain

RE: Why was my kill count changed to 0 on the event scoreboard? - Alley - 05-16-2016

most likely a bug, not even sure how this could have happened. what's the character name?

RE: Why was my kill count changed to 0 on the event scoreboard? - SergeantSausage - 05-16-2016

Sorry, ingame name is [LN]-Reed,Icarus

RE: Why was my kill count changed to 0 on the event scoreboard? - SergeantSausage - 05-16-2016

On the scoreboard, there is now just [LN]-Reed with a count of 0

RE: Why was my kill count changed to 0 on the event scoreboard? - Alley - 05-16-2016

It has to do with the , character not being escaped by the plugin. I guess that's what I get for not encoding ship names.

RE: Why was my kill count changed to 0 on the event scoreboard? - SergeantSausage - 05-17-2016

Oh, I see. Thank you for looking into it for me!