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To: The Crayterian Republic - Printable Version

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To: The Crayterian Republic - Aether - 05-17-2016

[Image: Qw59cgY.png]

Subject: Licensing Inquiry

To whom it may concern,

On behalf of Battlegroup Auxesia, I am sending this message in regards to an inquiry into licensing for restricted materials, pertaining to a past incident involving the Science vessel Auriga and a Crayterian cruiser patrol. The need for such materials in our line of research is crucial, and with this matter behind us, I hope to see future cooperation between our Battlegroup and the Republic.

Please provide the necessary information and requirements via this network, and I will facilitate them. Additionally, should you have inquiries, I will do my best to provide suitable answers.



RE: To: The Crayterian Republic - Aether - 05-18-2016


RE: To: The Crayterian Republic - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-18-2016

[Image: bPSoBzb.png]
Mister Curator,

I apologise for the delay in replying and I shall try to revise the situation by getting straight to the point of your request.

Based on your message, it is my understanding that the materials you wish to transport are found within the contraband list of our Republic's laws. First and foremost, I would like to inquire on: the exact commodity (or commodities) you wish to carry through Crayter space; the scope of these materials; the systems through which you wish to transport them.
Without knowing the exact material in question, it is difficult to asses the full terms of a licence. However, I can explain the basic process.

Based on your standing with the Republic, your request already has a green light. Still, depending on the commodities in question and the amounts you wish to carry through our space, a licence will also require one-time payment of Sirius Credits. The said payment can vary from 1 million up to 100 million, and further negotiations can follow, should you wish to offer something else other than credits. Moreover, the licence itself will also hold a series of rules that need to be followed by your vessels.
As a last note: while the licence itself will last indefinitely, the Republic reserves the right to revoke or alter it at any time, accompanied by prior notice.

I expect your reply.

Signed, Damien Spiros
Minister of the Interior
Crayter Republic

RE: To: The Crayterian Republic - Aether - 05-18-2016

[Image: Qw59cgY.png]

Subject: RE: Licensing Inquiry/Cooperation

Damien Spiros,

Often times delays such as these are unavoidable, especially considering that your nation must be very occupied with the approaching Royalist fleet. Your apology was not necessary, yet the courtesy which you've shown speaks highly for your willingness to communicate with us.

You would be correct in assuming this is in regards to the transport of materials considered contraband by the Republic. The research we conduct tends to include a lot of questionable items, which in the past had prompted the incident with the Auriga. A list will be provided below with the exact materials we may carry.

Cardamine and the Liquid variant
Artifacts, sorted or otherwise
Synthetic Marijuana
Counterfeit software
Human organs

All of the above materials can potentially be found in storage aboard our Science Vessels. Naturally, they're for research purposes, medicinal or otherwise. Risking the chance of crossing paths with a Crayterian patrol, the need for a license is to prevent an incident from happening once more. Legality should've been considered the previous time, but I digress. Concerning Republic territory in which we might transport such materials, it would likely encompass the system of Coronado, the Tau region, and the borders of Liberty and Bretonia (Cortez/Magellan).

With the above stated, note that we agree to the terms and are prepared to forward the necessary funds for the licensing process.

Furthermore, Auxesia wishes to extend an offer of support in the interdiction of the Cardamine trade along the Orange trail, as well as the elimination of any Maltese assets that see fit to traverse your controlled territory. We share a mutual distaste for their nation, their actions, the narcotic they produce, and the creatures they worship, and have on many occasions disrupted their smuggling operations and destroyed some of their vessels. We see this as an opportunity to further cooperation between us and the Crayter Republic. Should you wish to discuss this further, this network will remain open, and I or the Keeper will respond as soon as we are able.

Safe skies.



RE: To: The Crayterian Republic - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-22-2016

[Image: bPSoBzb.png]
Mister Curator,

We've reviewed the list of commodities you provided, as well as the intent of their transportation.
First of all, feel free to scratch the Artifacts off of it. You may have missed this detail, but our laws do not interdict artifact transportation, so you can freely carry them within our space.

Now, moving on to a conclusion, below I present a licencing contract which, upon receipt of payment, will become a definite resolution to this situation.

Licence Contract #441 - B.A. Wrote:
Dated 22th of May, 823 A.S.

Based on proper negotiations, the Crayter Republic will hereby allow all individuals under the flag of Battlegroup Auxesia to lawfully transport a series of otherwise illegal goods within all systems found under the Crayter Laws. This will apply only to vessels under the A/) identification tag and will remain valid for an indefinite period of time.

The commodities in question are:
- Counterfeit Software
- Synthetic Marijuana
- Human Organs
- Cardamine
- Liquid Cardamine
- Stabiline

This contract holds the following regulations:
1) One vessel may not carry more than 200 units of one particular commodity. Note: if a vessel would carry all of the commodities in question, in numbers of 200 each, it can only carry up to 1200 units total, accumulated from 6 different commodities.
2) A vessel carrying these goods must always halt and allow itself to be scanned by a Crayter Military officer, if the officer requests it; however, the officer may not further delay the transport beyond this examination process.
3) A vessel that carries more than 200 units of one commodity will be given one chance to drop its extra cargo and pay a fine of 1.000.000 (one million) Credits. Denial of cargo jettison or payment will result in the vessel being considered hostile and the licence will be re-discussed.
4) Failure to abide by the above rules will result in termination of this licence.
5) The Republic reserves the right to terminate the licence without the regulations being broken, yet it must first send prior notice to the involved group.

Should you wish to further inquire on the implications of the contract or feel like something should be changed, do say so.
In order for the contract to become active, we expect a payment of 50.000.000 (fifty million) Sirian Credits, sent to the CR|-Treasury and proof of payment provided on this channel.

Moreover, regarding your intent to aid us against the Outcast threat, I have directed it to Admiral Richards and he was pleased. While it remains up to you if you wish to officially contact the Crayter Republic Military on this matter, rest assured that cooperation with our forces against the Maltese can happen easily.

I expect your reply.

Signed, Damien Spiros
Minister of the Interior
Crayter Republic

RE: To: The Crayterian Republic - Aether - 05-24-2016

[Image: Qw59cgY.png]

Subject: Payment

Damien Spiros,

Apologies for the delay, as I was for a time incapacitated, and I am now currently dealing with several other diplomatic endeavors. We within Auxesia agree to the terms of the Licensing contract provided by the Republic, and you will find the proof of payment attached below.

Furthermore, I look forward to hearing from the admirality of the Crayter Military in light of future cooperation.

Safe skies.



RE: To: The Crayterian Republic - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-24-2016

[Image: bPSoBzb.png]

The payment was received and confirmed. With this, our negotiation concludes and the Licence is from now on VALID.

Safe skies and the best of luck in your endeavours.

Signed, Damien Spiros
Minister of the Interior
Crayter Republic