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The Dawn of a Union - Thyrzul - 05-18-2016

The Dawn of a Union

Council Headquarters, Grand Ramier
Toulouse, Roussillon
16:30 SMT
18 May, 823 AS / 739 AGS

And here comes the second round.

Pierre praises his foresight for scheduling these two meetings this much apart from eachother, allowing himself enough time to catch some breath in between. The meeting with Michael Richard, Fleet Admiral of the Crayter Republic, was thorough and informative so much he is still full of information his brain needs to process. The next meeting however starts in thirty minutes, the other representatives can already be expected to arrive to Blagnac, it's time for LaFlamme to recalibrate his cerebrum for the subject of the second meeting.

Ever since the evacuation of Languedoc and the resulting settlement of Roussillon the Council has managed to quickly estabilish and maintain decent relations with their surrounding neighbors in the Tau region: the Independent Miners' Guild, from whom they purchased the planet and the system, the Temporarily Autonomous Zoners, a bunch of friendly religious folks, the Colonial Remnant - now Crayter Republic - a mini-house on it's own, small but not insignificant, and the Kusarian Exiles - now the Kusari Empire-in-Exile - the remant of the old Kusari Naval Forces from the Imperial era, which got cut off from their own house when the GRN began their conquest.

All of these factions have suffered the Gallic Royal Navy's arrival into Sirius, needless to say that common interests were greatly accelerating the formation of cooperation, but while the other four oppose Gallia openly, the IMG were tolerated enough that the Royal Navy leaves them alone as long as they stay neutral in any of their conflicts. In order not to compromise them, the Guild is left out from any official formalisation of alliance with any of the Crown's enemies, but behind the scenes those alliances continue to exist, and will be public once the grip of the Kingdom over the Tau region exists no more.

The Empire-in-Exile, the Crayter Republic, the Temporarily Autonomous Zoners and the Gallic Council, after fighting the opression together for years now, has finally decided to strenghten their cooperation even further. Through what means exactly will be discussed today. In thirty minutes. Pierre let out a sigh as he saw an envoy craft landing at the spaceport, looking out on the same window he stood by six hours prior. Alors, allons-y. He began pacing towards where he'll greet the arriving guests.

And here comes the second round.

RE: The Dawn of a Union - Char Aznable - 05-18-2016

The doors of the room opened, steps being heard in the distance. A medium-aged Kusarian enters the room, turning his face to the people already sitting in it. He is wearing an old uniform, out of use in the Naval forces for at least five years now. He, just like most kusarians, keeps an absolute straight face, not showing any emotion as the guards try to take his swords from him, only to be stopped by a hand-waving motion of LaFlamme. Finally, he opens his mouth.

"I present to you Sakuma Hitomi-Kakka of the House Nara, Kaigun Taisho of the Dai San-Yon-San Kaigun Kokutai and Shogun of the imperial Naval and Ground forces, Overlord of Kyushu and Prefect of Saga."

A few moments later, the announced person enters the room. Her face is pale, almost like it's made from marble. For her 38 years, she appears relatively young, and the swords she carries are in the right hand, hilt facing backwards. Aside from ornate shoulder guards, her uniform doesn't appear to be much different from the one her announcer is wearing, but even with that and the relatively slim silhouette, her appearance seems cold, calculating. The look she gives her announcer causes him to immediately lower his head, until she steps forward to the table, bowing slightly to greet LaFlamme.
Finally, she takes her seat, resting the sword on the table with the hilt facing away from her. Only now she begins to speak.

"Bon soir, Géneral. I have to say, this installation is... quite impressive, judging by the time you had to set it up."

RE: The Dawn of a Union - Thyrzul - 05-21-2016

The room wasn't any different from the other one in which Pierre met Fleet Admiral Richard hours prior: glass wall between it and the corridor where the entrance is, two big screen displays covering the opposite wall, holographic projector on the table, but this time there were four prepared tablets next to it.

LaFlamme stood up when the announced person entered the room, greeted her back with the same kind of bow, then when they both sat down he tried to initiate some small talk.

Bonsoir, Kaigun Taisho, et merci. The installation is indeed practical et comfortable for our needs, but after years now I'm thinking about some extension southwards. Until the other delegates arrive, may I ask how your flight have been, Mademoiselle?

RE: The Dawn of a Union - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-22-2016

On-board the FV-Serenity|117 "Hydra" Gunship - 1650 hours - 18 May 823

As the ship approaches the landing pads in Blagnac, Henry is anxious to touch solid ground once more. While five body-guards start moving after him towards the airlock, he waves his hand in a polite gesture. "How about we don't look like we're storming in... Hm, agent Sentinel - would you be as kind as to be my body-guard on this meeting?"
As such, the Crayterian president now exits the ship accompanied only by a man in a suit. They quickly leave the landing pods and reach the Council Headquarters. When the doors to the meeting room open, the C.I.S. Agent enters and briefly glances through the room, then simply steps aside and allows for the president to enter.

Grand Ramier - 1700 hours - 18 May 823

Henry Gregory Corvin, elected only a year (and change) ago, steps into what he hoped to be the first in many acts of evolution for his beloved Republic. Knowing well enough what groups will be represented at this meeting, he was prepared to ensure it will be fruitful.
Dark-blue suit, matched tie and blonde hair - he looked like a classic bureaucrat, yet he wanted to make sure he doesn't act like one. He paced towards the table at which two leaders were already seated and gallantly bowed his head in respect.
"It's my pleasure to meet you."
Then, as he extends his hand for a handshake with the man at the table, he continues: "Henry Corvin, President of the Crayter Republic - to whom do I have the pleasure?"

RE: The Dawn of a Union - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-22-2016

"Alright Naoko, I want you to pass notice to my security team on the shuttle to keep weapons on stun for this event. I'll have zero tolerance for anyone getting out of line for this." And with that the small hover droid shimmered silently as Brettonias walked through the docking bay with a pair of his own guards in step behind him. Showing a slight bit of anger and disappointment on his brow, he looked about for a bit, rolling his shoulder as he was still trying to get used to the new implant and mechanics of his cybernetic arm until he met upon several personnel, asking them for directions to the meeting room. Upon arriving at the doors, he took in a heavy breath and slowly let it out, adjusting his robes momentarily.

"May Eris bless these talks and bring good fortune.."

And with that, he proceeded to open the doors.

RE: The Dawn of a Union - Thyrzul - 05-25-2016

Just as he finished his question two men approached the corridor, one staying outside while the other entering to greet those inside. Pierre quickly stood up and took the offered handshake. - Enchanté, President! Je suis Pierre LaFlamme, Général en Chef Du Conseil. - he then motioned over to the woman next to them. - Let me introduce Kaigun Taisho Sakuma Hitomi of the Dai San-Yon-San Kaigun Kokutai. Now I guess we are only waiting for...

At that moment a robed person entered the conference room, his two guards following behind him. LaFlamme stepped closer to greet the pope and offered him a right hand shake, only to be corrected as the other offered his left, cybernetic hand for the greeting. - Euh, donc. Kallisti, Pope Brettonias! - he again briefly introduced himself and the rest of the delegates to the newly arrived representative of the Temporarily Autonomous Zoners so that the meeting can begin.

Alors, - he began speaking, standing in front of the other three already sitting, - as you may be already well aware of, we are here to formalise relations between the factions we are representing here. We have been working along as allies for years now, fighting side by side against our common enemies, helping each other out even in more peaceful times. But in order to ensure the stability of the region however, we need to define a more structured et regulated alliance between the Crayter Republic, the Dai San-Yon-San Kaigun Kokutai, the Temporarily Autonomous Zoners et Le Conseil Gaulois. - here he was looking at each other representative when mentioning their respective factions. - For that we need to discuss various matters I've collected in the following list.

He took his tablet and tapped the screen a few times. The left screen display on the wall began listing the points the general collected to bring up for discussion:

Mutual acknowledgements
Military pact, union against common enemies
Trade pact, economic and logistic assistance
Technology pact, terms and conditions of exchange

In case you have any other ideas to add to this list of topics to discuss, feel free to speak your mind. The order of discussion is not set, we can start with any of the above. Mademoiselle et messieurs, which subject should we address first?

RE: The Dawn of a Union - Char Aznable - 05-25-2016

Hitomi had never been a friend of pompous procedure, one of the reasons she had given her announcer such a cold shoulder. Being adressed as Mademoiselle and introduced with her military rank rather than her recently achieved noble title was a welcome change, if even a bit unusual.
She didn't really talk during the first round of handshakes, mostly because she wanted to assess the situation. Of course she had worked with LaFlamme already, but the President and the Pope, even if of course not completely unknown to her - after all, she had briefed herself with every intel she had before this meeting - were new people, and, more importantly, they were not military. Politicians, as she had already noticed at court, tended to be much harder to deal with, especially when it came to cooperating. She decided to bring forth her points as fast as possible, and cloud them with flattery - a tactic that had worked well in the past.

After the general asked his question, Hitomi stood up, stepping behind her chair for a moment.

"Gentlemen. Let me at first express my personal gratitude for this meeting actually coming to pass. It is the first time such an alliance has been discussed since the Treaty of Curacao, in which the houses of Liberty and Bretonia so foolishly decided to exclude factions that they considered not worthy of being in such an alliance - factions like ours, factions without which Bretonia would not stand where it stands right now - still upright, that is. So in the spirit of cooperation, I feel honored to be in this room, not repeating the same mistake.

As for the order of business: I believe we should take a logical approach - and begin with the mutual agreements and acknowledgements. It is of vital importance that we all agree on what we actually consider ourselves and the other parties before we strike a deal between them. So without further ado, I will offer the terms that concern the Empire. Any objections to that procedure?

The Admiral offered a smile to the men in the room, the first emotional reaction she showed this whole discussion, only emphasizing the surprisingly warm tone she had used so far.
She had deliberately chosen to offer these future allies a friendlier face, as it was a contrast to her reputation. Another charade for the purpose, and a very carefully thought out one at that.

Oh, how she hated politics.

RE: The Dawn of a Union - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-26-2016

Grand Ramier - 1710 hours - 18 May 823

As he was introduced to the General and the Kaigun, Henry could only smile politely - and when the Pope entered, he bowed towards him as well, in respect. He noticed the Pope's peculiar (to say the least) characteristics, yet he refrained from showing any reaction. He didn't wish to comment on them, since it wasn't his place to judge a book by its cover.

As he took a seat and carefully listened to LaFlamme's explanation of this meeting, the president nodded to himself a few times, basically agreeing to the general in silence. Yet, as the question of "what should be discussed first" presented itself, Henry took just a few seconds to arrange his words and replied:

"You seem to have thought quite a bit of this through already, General LaFlamme."

Before he could continue, however, the Kusarian Admiral stood up, so Corvin kept quiet to see what she would say. As he heard the Treaty of Curacao brought up, he realised he might be at a disadvantage, since he was currently representing the only party involved in the Treaty. Still, as Hitomi continued, he came to the conclusion this might not become an issue.

Once she ended her commentary, Henry stood up as well, and with a slightly humble face he responded:

"I will dare say that I speak in the names of all present here that it is an honour to be present at this meeting, Kaigun Taisho."
His eyes then shifted to a more general direction, in order for him to adress to all those at the table, and his face became stern.
"Indeed, the topic of mutual acknowledgement is, by all accounts, the most relevant at this point. We are all well aware of each others' presence in these regions - but there is no equality between awareness of something and knowledge of something.

As it is the only polite thing to do, I agree with allowing the Empire's representative to begin."
He avoided stating she was a woman, for he assumed she does care for military pride, yet the gentleman in him had to allow her to proceed, if only to prepare the terrain for later.

With this last phrase, he retook his seat.

RE: The Dawn of a Union - Thyrzul - 05-26-2016

Pierre allowed himself a half smile, it's a good start of the meeting so far. - No objections from my side either. - With that he sat down, waiting for her to proceed.

RE: The Dawn of a Union - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-30-2016

A line of silence came from Brettonias as he took his seat, his personal guard standing behind him silent as stone as he waived a bit off at the matter. "Proceed then.. I am willing to take turns on what each of us assembled here is brought to speak forth.