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Proposal - Event Registration System - Printable Version

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Proposal - Event Registration System - Durandal - 05-19-2016

So after having had a few days to observe this crazy and awesome event, I think its become clear to everyone that despite it being a wonderful idea that there are two problems which no amount of FLHooking or good spirit can fix.

1: The engine.

Everyone spends a lot of time complaining about how poor behavior is ruining the event without thinking about the mechanical issues behind it. FL is physically incapable of tracking who fired the CD that detonated the person's mine resulting in death by munitions that they dropped. FL is physically incapable of checking whether someone has already died two hours prior. FL Is physically incapable of correctly detecting kills on ships with long death fuses when multiple people are shooting at them.

All of these issues result in gross discrepancies in the points awarded to both sides.

2: The people.

I find it harder to blame the community than most. This is a competition and people want to win. If this were an FPS, all sorts of underhanded behaviour would be both expected and embraced by both sides. It'd be ugly, it'd be cutthroat, it'd simply be the way things worked. I absolutely do not condone planetdiving or self nuking or shooting your own allies, but I can understand it. That being said, you can't babysit people 24/7 and these things are going to happen.

That's why I'm proposing an event registration system for large scale events such as these, a mountable item that FLHook can track (maybe a copy of the regular ID participating in the event) handed out after being approved on the forums.

Who would be in charge of approving these? I'd say anyone with a name who isn't a shade of blue really. This doesn't need to be an admin restricted job. Hell, it would even give the Angels something to actually do. Admins, moderators, angels, and maybe devs would be in charge of handing out these IDs thus ensuring that everyone (okay, a large majority at least) of the people participating are responsible individuals who understand the rules and mechanics behind the event.

Now for the pros and cons - at least the ones that I can see.


1.) Point denial.

People would be much less likely to deny points by self nuking, planetdiving, or shooting their allies.

2.) Bugged kills.

Having read the rules to apply for an event ticket, people would understand that for a point to be gained by shooting a capital ship that they need to cease fire after the explosion has begun.

3.) Newbies.

People who are completely new to the game and do dumb things such as reengage and by proxy feed the enemy team kills would be unable to participate in the event. Which brings us to 4.

4.) Community involvement.

Such a system may encourage new players to read the forums if they want to get in on the action, win money, help a side win, and feel like they're actually participating in something bigger and greater than their own roleplay.


1.) Work.

This is the biggest hurdle I see here. There would be a lot more work involved even if this wasn't limited solely to the admin team. Duplicate IDs or event tickets would need to be created, distributed securely, and then removed once the event is finished.

2.) Participation.

The extra hoop to jump through might discourage otherwise good people from joining up, with less of an open system resulting in more tryhards and less casual players.

All in all, I'm probably thinking too big here and giving Discovery too much credit. I suppose we should just enjoy these events for what they're worth and spend less time thinking about how to make them better, forcing the game to do something better when it already wasn't meant to do that very thing to begin with.

I just thought I'd throw my proposal out there and test the waters. Be nice?

RE: Proposal - Event Registration System - sindroms - 05-19-2016

What made the Delta event generate activity was the spontaneous un-planned nature of it.

We already need a layers degree to introduce new people into the mod due to our server rules.
If we need them to fill out a CV to participate in events, we might as well build a fence around our sandbox and play together: all 30 of us daily active peeps on the forum.

RE: Proposal - Event Registration System - Swallow - 05-19-2016

(05-19-2016, 08:22 PM)sindroms Wrote: What made the Delta event generate activity was the spontaneous un-planned nature of it.

We already need a layers degree to introduce new people into the mod due to our server rules.
If we need them to fill out a CV to participate in events, we might as well build a fence around our sandbox and play together: all 30 of us daily active peeps on the forum.

Agreed to this. While it is all interesting, that'll cause (demand) unnecessary effort.

RE: Proposal - Event Registration System - Internity - 05-19-2016

(05-19-2016, 08:22 PM)sindroms Wrote: If we need them to fill out a CV to participate in events, we might as well build a fence around our sandbox and play together: all 30 of us daily active peeps on the forum.

Or a password for both server and forums Smile

RE: Proposal - Event Registration System - Jack_Henderson - 05-19-2016

I do not think we need a technical solution here.

The solution is in every player when he decides to play it nicely.
And when he does not do, it is an Admin jobto punishm the rule violating player
If misbehaving carries heavy penalties (like having your CAU8s rot in Bastille for denying +1 blue), it will work.

Human beings have a tendency to react well to rules when they are linked to harsh consequences.
Furthermore, I am an optimist, and I want to believe in the good in everybody. Big Grin


RE: Proposal - Event Registration System - nOmnomnOm - 05-19-2016

Here is an idea:
Get rid of the automatic counting system and just rp report the blues on forums.
Have a rule as well that no matter how the guy dies, he gives a point to the other team. Thus you eliminate the need for the perfect blur message. In war you dont care if you shot the guy. You care if the other guy dies. No matter how.

RE: Proposal - Event Registration System - Backo - 05-19-2016

Didn't someone green already say the event has no lore outcome? It's all just e-peen waving of who is better at getting blue msgs and some credits on the side.

RE: Proposal - Event Registration System - sindroms - 05-19-2016

In which case, there should not be a problem in the first place.
The problem are the players, not the mechanics. Punish the people who are out of bounds and maybe the next event will go smoother.

RE: Proposal - Event Registration System - Curios - 05-19-2016

Just use CTE-750 rule on people who do that and it'll be brilliant in a sec. No need for extra burocracy to something which is already overburocratic at it's finest. Also this doesn't seem to be fixing anything even if some group of people will go far enough to actually introduce such mechanics. If you want a clear count then just work on making separate event server with good counter, otherwise people will still be coming unregistered to see what's up - it's impossible to put someone to watch the place 24\7 as the event is not scheduled for some fixed time. All by all - CTE-750 is the best solution for all the odds.

RE: Proposal - Event Registration System - Thyrzul - 05-19-2016

(05-19-2016, 09:33 PM)Curios Wrote: All by all - CTE-750 is the best solution for all the odds.

Perfect advertisement slogan.