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A patient of the H+ Clinic - Printable Version

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A patient of the H+ Clinic - The Olympius - 05-20-2016

:::[A patient of the H+ Clinic]:::

Clinic Plaque Wrote:
Romanov is walking around the lite up, white corridors of Durban Station. Checking her pad, reading the news and information on recent events that has happened. Trying to keep her mind of what is about to happen. She makes her way towards the medical center. Having her nerves rise, and her heart starting to beat faster.

[Image: SNxERWi.jpg?1]

Continuing her way to the hospital center, upon reaching the entrance to the waiting room, she turns her pad of and takes a few deep breaths in. After a few moments she takes one step into the waiting room and looks around slowly, noticing that is was quiet empty. Walking slowly and nervously over to the receptionist to sign in for her appointment.

Guten tag, I am here for one of the *HERMES- class spinal regulators* to be implanted into my body.

Rosalina Romanov says in a nervous voice. This is unlike her being a former member of the Büro der Marineintelligenz.

The lady on the reception desk looks up with her pad.

Hello there, can I have your name and rank please.

She speaks professionally towards Romanov.

I am Rosalina Romanov. My rank is Knight.

Looking down at the lady on reception.

Thank you, please take a seat.

She points towards the seats over in the far corner, with a small table with a few new articles left from previous patients.

After a short period of time, a old aged doctor walks out of his room and makes his way to the waiting room. Standing there with his back straight, head held up, in his long white jacket, grey hair, glasses. He speaks in a clear, loud, strong voice.

Knight Romanov please.

Romanov stands up, placing the articles back onto the table and walks towards the doctor.

Greetings Knight Romanov, I am Doctor Bishop, I will be helping with the *HERMES- class spinal regulators* upgrades to your body this afternoon. Please follow me.

Walking behind Doctor Bishop, she doesn't reply to his introduction, looking around the small, tight corridors.

Doctor Bishop points to his right.

This is your room for the moment, please go take a seat and I will be with you shortly.

Romanov walks slowly into the room, looking around, seeing consoles, a medic pod, a room that is light up with blue lights.

[Image: 5HsUnt4.jpg?2]

Once she took a few steps in, she walks up to the medic pod, looking interested in it.

Miss Romanov, it seems you have found it. Please get changed into the necessary clothing and make your way into the Medic Pod.

Doctor Bishop walks in behind Miss Romanov giving her a little scare.

Knight Romanov complies with the Doctor and quickly gets changed into the necessary clothing and makes her way to the Medic Pod, slowly climbing into it.

Okay, now if you will please lay down straight, look up to the ceiling and breath normally. I also need you to stay relaxed, this wont take too long. I will need you to start counting to ten, nice and slowly for me. While you do this we will start the process for the HERMES upgrades.

Romanov feels nervous, with a knot in her stomach, slowly counting to ten.


Bishop looks over to the pod and notices Knight Romanov was sedated which was the perfect time to start the process

Perfect, let's start the process.

Doctor Bishop starts working on his control panels, medical controls and other necessary equipment to make the HERMES upgrade complete. After hours of work Doctor Bishop gets to the final stages of the HERMES upgrade, and then finalizing and analyzing her heart beat, blood pressure making sure everything was normal.

Rosalina slowly wakes up once the upgrade was complete, feeling wheezy, drugged up, sleepy and other usual effects after being sedated and having this upgrade done.

Romanov it seems the upgrade is complete, I just need you to take a few moments before standing up and doing your usual daily routines. Please sit up, take a drink if you wish, but most of all. How are you feeling.

She sits up slowly, placing her hands to her side, trying to keep her self sat up right, looking up towards the Doc she speaks with a mumble.

I feel weak, and sleepy.

The doctor struggles to understand what she said but he knows this is normal.

Okay Miss Romanov, it seems everything is okay, and you just need a few days to recuperate, so just rest and everything will be okay soon. You done well.

Rosalina lays back down after a sip of water and falls back to sleep. The HERMES upgrade was complete, no errors and everything ran smoothly.