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Constructable Turrets. - Printable Version

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Constructable Turrets. - Wes_Janson - 11-24-2008

Ok, I know that some other mods have handled minable astroids by making them NPCs that randomly spawn.

That raises another question, however........

Why not make astroids that can be turned into turrets ?

Heres what I propose..

1- You must arm it yourself. Whatever weapons it has you provide. You have the turrets in your hold when making it, and loose them when its made.
2- You must supply it yourself, it would need fuel (MOX, a certain number of units, or HFuel) as well as a computer to control it (optronics).
3- It will be expenseve (10mil prehaps, or possibly more ?)

You must have a construction ship. A CSV or a repair ship, which would use a special construction beam weapon. Tag the astroid with it, and it hails you demanding a cargo drop. You then manualy drop the gear you wish to equip on the rock, and poof turret (that or prehaps have them only spawn after a server restart ?)

Have them restricted somewhat based on ID. LN couldnt create a turret in omega49, while a zoner couldnt build a turret in alpha. The rep settings for the turrets are based on the ID of the ship that constructed them.

Using this, factions are forced to actualy do more than PvP with a veneer of RP, you would see corsairs in gamma building turrets by the JHs into their system, BHs trying to smash them down, you would see bretonian and kusari forces making large scale usage of astroid turrets in their war in the tau's, and even using them as part of an ambush, make a large concentration of them away from everything, leave them, wait til outnumberd, then run to them for proteciton and a 'suprise' ambush of sorts.

Also, using something similar, prehaps make stations constructable (but for a MUCH higher cost in credits, resources, and gear, and a buyable 'station permitt' item, which acts like the above mentiopned astroid NPCs when dumped in space for construction.). That would then add a whole new use for caps and bombers, when stations are built for defence in an area. (100mil for the most basic type, up to 1bil for a battlestation)

Having stations that can be killed would also add a lot more of an intersting game mechanichic to the game, especily when factions are at war.

Constructable Turrets. - Cellulanus - 11-24-2008

I actually like this idea, not sure about the practicality however.

Oh how I'd love to spam RM Guard turrets around the Sigma 13 jump hole.:D

Constructable Turrets. - Elvin - 11-24-2008

Im not dev, but I somehow dont think its possible to make...

With stations... Well I just fear it would lead to having whole sirius full of stations and turrets.

I might be good to add more and more powerfull platforms around certain JHs instead...

Even if it would be possible to do, I think it must be limited by Admin approval, and its a lot of work... well simply I dont know, but having destroyable stations and placeable turrets would be surely good fun.

Constructable Turrets. - Wes_Janson - 11-24-2008

As for spaming them...... doing such should be considerd oorp.

Now, corsairs/outcast spaming them in their home systems would be ok.

Zoners spaming them around freeports would be ok

but you would have to be in a system your faciton runs, or that is contested. No outcast making turrets in gamma.

Mainly, just something that would add another facet to the roleplay. It makes going into a hostile system potentely much more dangerous.

Constructable Turrets. - Elvin - 11-24-2008

' Wrote:As for spaming them...... doing such should be considerd oorp.

Now, corsairs/outcast spaming them in their home systems would be ok.

Zoners spaming them around freeports would be ok

but you would have to be in a system your faciton runs, or that is contested. No outcast making turrets in gamma.

Mainly, just something that would add another facet to the roleplay. It makes going into a hostile system potentely much more dangerous.

Well, I meant... People avoid rules often... I fear that if something like that wasnt under direct sight if Admins, it would be "used".

Constructable Turrets. - El Nino - 11-24-2008

This is perfectly doable, but... quite orp, These weapons are all high tech pieces of kit, not something you just make without a proper facility...

Constructable Turrets. - Wes_Janson - 11-24-2008

' Wrote:This is perfectly doable, but... quite orp, These weapons are all high tech pieces of kit, not something you just make without a proper facility...

Hence you buy all the kit @ said facility, transport them in your cargo hold, and loose them when constructing the weps platform.