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The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - sindroms - 05-30-2016

[Image: yHpYDQp.png]

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[Image: 3joXgT1.png]

ID: Liberty Rogues
IFF: Liberty Rogues
ZOI: Liberty/Borderworlds
Naming Convention: NAME.Torpedo
Ships: Hyena Light Bomber; Barghest Heavy Bomber

Primary Goals: The tracking and systematic destruction of Naval, Gallic and other capital ships within Liberty.
Secondary Goals: Extraction of monetary value from civilian traffic.

Faction synopsis
The "Torpedoes" are a reoccurring event within the massive boiling pot that are the Liberty Rogues, seemingly triggered by the overall population of heavy warships found within Liberty - be it Liberty-Navy or otherwise. It is rumored that the Torpedoes are a group funded by outside investors due to their almost exclusive use of the highly expensive Barghest bomber, some even equipped by high-grade experimental devices such as cloaks and cloak disruptors to aid them in their hunt for their targets. While much more well-armed than regular thugs and extortion orientated raid groups due to their mercenary-like roots, the Torpedoes are first and foremost - Rogues. The skill of the pilot is often disregarded during recruitment and the average lifespan of a member of the Torpedoes is often a very short one. There are also rumors of a cult of fanatics who worship explosions much like one would a deity - their eager followers are often seen committing themselves to that notion by sacrificing themselves in suicide runs against their enemy or specific targets.

Ship Policy

The Barghest - MAIN
Used as the main ship for the Torpedoes, the Barghest excels at delivering the defining ''Torpedo Experience'' by being able to mount dual-nova cannons along with a disruptor. The ship, however, is not meant to return from heavy engagements as its size and relatively low armor count for its speed makes it very easily hit by other bombers or capital ship razors.

The Hyena - SUPPORT
The newest addition to the Z-Line bombers, the Hyena sacrifices a lot of its potential firepower in exchange for a tiny profile and agility. Being one of the most agile bombers, it is mainly used to aid its older brother. Not really intended for a double-nova loadout, the ship feels very comfortable with a single nova + Asuras/Incapacitator mix.

OORP Section

Well then, it has been a while, hasn't it? Time to bring these boys back for a while. The Torpedoes are a group that keeps coming back due to their overall fun aspect for the people flying them. The group is not RP-orientated and is not to be taken as a representation of the Rogue lore, but they offer much needed stress relief for people who need it.

Due to the nature of their ingame activities, the Torpedoes are a group which focuses almost exclusively on PVP encounters, but at the same time needs very little skill when it comes to PVP- a welcome chance to relax and, most importantly, a group where ending up on the wrong side of a blue message is no big deal.


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RE: The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - Petitioner - 05-30-2016

Yes please. You already know that I'm in.

RE: The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - HuggieSunrise - 05-30-2016

Will you have training?

RE: The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - sindroms - 05-30-2016

The whole of NY is your training ground (sun)

RE: The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - Sabru - 05-30-2016


Torpedo season is upon us.

can i suggest like a hall of fame thread where kills are shown for the amusement of the common folk?

RE: The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - Wesker - 05-30-2016

So are you going to disband this one too or should I actually consider joining

RE: The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - sindroms - 05-30-2016

(05-30-2016, 06:36 AM)Wesker Wrote: So are you going to disband this one too or should I actually consider joining

Of course it will.
These groups are fun for perhaps around a month or so until the spark is gone and you move on to the next project.

Join and have fun, because my groups like this have no obligations. If it makes you smile, why worry about how long it lasts?

RE: The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - Commander Crucible - 05-30-2016

Yo Spazzy, sign me up.
It was too much fun last time blowing up all those dreds and carriers xD

RE: The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - sindroms - 05-30-2016

(05-30-2016, 07:12 AM)Commander Crucible Wrote: Yo Spazzy, sign me up.
It was too much fun last time blowing up all those dreds and carriers xD

Join right ahead. The link to the skype chat is in the opening post.

RE: The Torpedoes: Description, Recruitment, Feedback, Salt. - sindroms - 05-30-2016

First day and we somehow already managed to anger some russian players when we blew up their 5ker full of Delegates. (happy)