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To: Mr. Roarke, Order ; From: Maria Cortez, 72nd Fleet - Printable Version

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To: Mr. Roarke, Order ; From: Maria Cortez, 72nd Fleet - Maltese Armed Forces - 05-30-2016

[Transmission Initiated]
[Signal Source]
M.N.S. Aurora, Sigma-15 System
[Sender ID]
Colonel Cortez, 72nd Fleet
Alistair Roarke, Order Primary
Ms. Cross

[Transmission Begins]

Hola, Senor Roarke.

I know this message to you will be unwelcome, as well as unexpected. However, due to your help to the fleet, I believe we owed you as much as this.

For the past several days, our mutual friend, Ms. Kimberly Cross, has been lending aid to the Fleet. I understand that as of late, she has not been tending to her own biological needs (Food, rest, hydration, etc.), which led to an unfortunate scene on Akabat. Rest assured, Ms. Cross was perfectly fit and healthy last we saw, and to the best of my knowledge, she is still in this condition.

However, there comes the issue.

As of recently, we've lost contact with her. Either through ion interference, or perhaps signal jammers, we cannot raise communications with her, and we are fearing the worst. Given her extensive experience navigating the threats of the Omicron systems, this fear is perhaps largely unjustified, but it is still nonetheless unsettling. As is the duty of the Fleet, we believed we'd owed it to you to inform you of your partner's condition, and we are in the hope that you will plan to aid us in locating Ms. Cross.

As for now, Ms. Cross informed us that you were not keen on her risking her life for the Fleet. While we are in the same viewpoint, as loss is a hard thing for Maltesian people to take to heart, we are still indebted to her for her service. This 'operation' was merely an inquiry. A meeting with another Fleet individual onboard the distant station known as Niigata. Events were never expected to turn negative, and that much is where our fears are held.

Should you wish to lend aid to our efforts, the Fleet will allow you temporary access to Mooring port C-2 of the Fleet flagship, Aurora. The Fighter command center will be alerted of your possible arrival, and the ship will be located in the Sigma-15 system, not far from the installation at Freeport 15.

I known you care deeply for her, Mr. Roarke. As do I, as she is the closest thing I have outside this organization to a friend. I do hope you will look past our prior interactions, and see that this not only effects you, but an entire nation's worth of people. My forces are already scouring the colonies for Ms. Cross. The effects of her disappearance are still fresh, and we hope she can be found soon. If not for our sake, then for yours.

With hope, we'll find a way.

Colonel Maria Cortez, Task Force Pacientia, Maltese 72nd Fleet.

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: Mr. Roarke, Order ; From: Maria Cortez, 72nd Fleet - Reeves - 06-01-2016

[Transmission Initiated]
[Signal Source]
[Sender ID]
Alistair Roarke
Colonel Cortez, 72nd Fleet
Ms. Cross

[Transmission Begins]

I'm sure I've made it clear to you in the past that I'm not fond of people who don't keep their word, the decision of your 'people' to use her services was selfish and currently threatens her life. There's nothing I can do to locate her since my ship is bound and monitored to make sure no deviations without permission happen on my patrols. Circumventing this procedure would result in a reprimand, but I do know someone that can help in the search due to my current inabilities.
As for your apology, save your breath. If she isn't found you and your fleet will be having a very different sort of discussion with me about what consequences befall something of this magnitude. It's not like you were doing me a favor when you 'promised' to stop using her for the operations of your 'fleet'.
Have you overlooked the fact you only got your sister back because I met the demands of that crazed lunatic that was going to murder her otherwise? Yet despite that you have the nerve to go behind my back, break your word and cause this? I'm sorry, but once this is over, ruining you will be my sole purpose in life, regardless of who I have to associate myself with and regardless of what Kally's view on it is. That lunatic might have been a bit over the top but he wasn't wrong when he called you a bunch of selfish egotistical dimwits with little to no understanding of costs and consequences.

Sincerely hoping you impale yourself,
Alistair Roarke, Order Primary Fleet.

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: Mr. Roarke, Order ; From: Maria Cortez, 72nd Fleet - Maltese Armed Forces - 06-01-2016

[Transmission Initiated]
[Signal Source]
M.N.S. Aurora, Sigma-15 System
[Sender ID]
Colonel Cortez, 72nd Fleet
Alistair Roarke, Order Primary
Ms. Cross

[Transmission Begins]

Hola again, Senor Roarke.

As I feared, you would not take this well. I understand your dilemma, indeed many of the Fleet understand, but assuring violence is not a healthy approach to this situation.

As I have stated before, we're hard at work trying to locate her. While we believe her to be within the Sigma systems as she was directed to remain, there is no solid evidence that she is there. Our analysts are doing what they can to locate Ms Cross, but in the meantime, I'd urge that you keep a level head.

I believed I'd owed it to you, Mr. Roarke. Your aid to the Fleet was a clear sign of that. I figured you would've wanted to know, given your close attraction to Ms. Cross.

As I said before, my analysts are scouring our contacts for the location of Ms. Cross. However, I will say this. Because of your help to the Fleet, and your relationship with Ms. Cross, we will look the other way for now. However, should you choose to further ally yourself with that murderous psychopath 'Reaper', then the Fleet will have no choice but to take action.

I sincerely hope that it doesn't need to come to this, Mr. Roarke. Many of our people are grateful for your help, as well as Ms. Cross. However, allying yourself with an enemy of the Fleet will only deteriorate the situation.

In the light, there is hope.

Colonel Maria Cortez, Task Force Pacientia, Maltese 72nd Fleet.

[Transmission Terminated]