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The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - The Commune - 06-03-2016

[Image: 4uQ91E3.png]

The Commune -- Message Relay Zeta

This message relay was established for sending mission reports for Commune's members, directly toward the Overlord and his right hand.

Bring glory to the Annunaki, may Their light bless your actions.

RE: The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - Dave Synk - 06-18-2016

Sender: Dave Synk / Researcher

Location: Omicrons

Encryption: Unknown


I've missed a lot of time due to my investigation upon the Razgriz Black Hole anomaly. I've reached it too closely because my readings where quite off the charts coming from a simple "Black Hole" space phenomena. My ship was trapped for several minutes until I managed to overheat and damage my craft's engines to make zero potential inside the event horizon. And apparently I missed several months... in normal space. The Razgriz acted like it triggered an IF/F system. It might sound weird, it's just a black hole after all right ? No it is not. I've asked several specialists aboard Corsica and they are puzzled by various things regarding it's superficial density (I managed to get very close it and my ship didn't warn me about getting close towards the point-of-no-return), the magnitude and it's radiation. I managed to recover several readings, and they detected a mix of low fainted tachyions, low-sub-space emissions and energy signatures. Those found in Iota. Yes, the heart of the Nomads. It is more to it. Thus I encountered a trader by the nickname of "Rat" who I instructed to provide me several pieces of equipment. Military vehicles to acquire several fission cores, some Liberty warheads for their anti-matter cores and one Phase Aligner from a Liberty Siege Cruiser. Based upon the data and the telemetry received from my investigation, we can create a new prototype weapon we can use on Commune ships.

There might be more. You are aware that the Slomon K'Hara developed on the technology left by their masters the Daam'K'Vosh, who apparently disappeared without trace. They left wonders like the Hypergates, Dyson Spheres and so on. Well.. I might have a theory... I finally spent a lot of time to finally make an atempt to trace... a Daam'K'Vosh system. An actual system, but I will require... a huge amount of resources. Imagine, Jared, we break the boundaries of Sirius and even those beyond the Nomads, and reach towards the source of all technology from Sirius that even we humans use. The K'Vosh masters...

I wait for your input.

RE: The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - PRJKTLRD - 06-18-2016

Sender: Jared Nomak / Overlord

Location: ERROR

Encryption: Babylon

Doctor Synk,

I was worried about your absence. What you stated here is amazing though, next time if you put your life in question like that, I will sanction you personally. You are our brother and you are asset of great importance to our cause.

Now I am not very much experienced on the field on which you work but, I do know that there's very little known about the Razgriz hole which means that you are great researcher, one of very few that exist. Continue with precaution and beware of those traitors, Ghosts of Razgriz. They are known to have some kind of relations with Auxesians and were threatening to our pilots which resulted in their destruction. Sadly, due to their self- destructional nature, we've lost one Sabre but, pilot Salazar will get new one.

I hope that your supplier will do his work since, it won't be an easy task to gather all those parts. Do not worry about his payment, our accounts have plenty of them but first, he needs to finish his work.

As for the rest- try to ignore Ghosts' stupidity and provocations but, if you see something that would harm our goals and Malta, do what you have to. Their blabbering won't harm us but if they allow themselves too much, blast them.

As the final note from me, vessels CV-Hoffnungsschimmer and The.Apahanta are to be escorted and protected if you see them endangered or if they request your help.

Safe skies,

Nomak out.

RE: The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - Sanctions - 06-27-2016

.Destination_ID: Jared Nomak
.Sender_ID: The Commune Informer
.Location: Libertonian space
.Encryption_algorithm: #Babylon_S_3.74b.alg
My Lord, I hope you're doing well enough out there, fulfilling all the needed tasks that The Higher Ones are in need of. Even far enough from the Omicrons there's still loads of hard work to be done, our men are doing their best both in terms of gathering goods (including the biomaterial) and exploration mixed with researching. I've managed to obtain some proofs of allegiance from the raiders I have here, around. Those are the precious recently-made confirmed guncams. Over all there was much more victims for sure, but exactly the presented captives were later sent to Someone else, so that we could find a better use of them. As a side note, I wonder if you could ever send out Synk to aid us here, at the Heart of Sirius? Wexler's for long gone, got no single clue about his current whereabouts. Nevertheless, our people are doing quite fine here. Compared to Omicrons, local systems remind of some kind of kindergarten with lots of potential prey and comfortable automated navigational systems.
As for now, I wish you good luck at everything you'll be on. Say hello to the old friends from me who are still around. I'll attach the mentioned cams also.
.Attached_files: crgc.bbl1

RE: The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - PRJKTLRD - 06-28-2016

Sender: Jared Nomak / Overlord

Location: ERROR

Encryption: Babylon


let me notify you all that you did a good job with delivering the goods for Alcatraz Rogues. That will ensure us to have them as good asset in Liberty.

I did have quite a lot of diplomatic work and I can tell it went good. As for the Wexler, who knows where the old man is, and is he even alive. I've already sent couple of men to try to reach him but without any luck.

I will use this chance to let you know that I've re built contact with our allies from Rheinland, Das Wilde. We will soon once again begin joint operations and projects with them.

Negotiations were made with representative of National Council of Malta, Enma Loyola. She stated that the Council will not choose sides between us nor Ghosts and I did stated that we will not shoot them until they do make us or until we do catch them doing something that would harm our goals, or Maltese.

As for the end, to answer our informer. Doctor Synk will let you know when he will be done with his obligations and, if his delivery guy won't do his job, I guess that we will need to do it on our own which would mean that, Doctor would be in Liberty before you would even know.

Good job with hammering the heretics. While you will reside in Liberty, assist the Alcatraz Rogues whenever you can. Safe skies,

Nomak out.

RE: The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - Sanctions - 07-02-2016

.Destination_ID: Jared Nomak
.Sender_ID: The Commune Informer
.Location: Libertonian space
.Encryption_algorithm: #Babylon_S_3.74b.alg
My Lord, I'm here again in order to contact you. Recently I've got a nice bunch of activity logs thrown at me which could potentially please you, as far as I hope. There's generally 3 activities worth mentioning I can tell you about as of yet.
The one I'm going to start with is actually an amazing expedition report sent to me by our Liberty agenda. It contains logs and graphic materials which are as wonderful as they are disturbing, since some of the presented discoveries are hard to understand. For not to be retelling the original anyhow, I'm going to just quote it entirely if you will:

The expedition towards a structure known as "The Shrine" was planned to be started long ago. Recently discovered route logs left over by agents Wexler and Schmid (currrently being officially listed as MIA) were the final reason for expedition to finally happen. As for now, we're starting our brief log.

Finding Kansas system itself wasn't a big deal on it's own. It's basically a very quite and calm unpopulated system, containing several planets, asteroid fields and a nebula. However, you for sure feel something strange upon entering the system. As it was noted, some pilots become feeling uncomfortable, paranoid, even scared. There were also reports of people hearing some kind of an ambience which was either frightening for ones or pleasant for others. Rumors had it, there was once a mysterious base locationed with an asteroid containing the Magellan Jump hole, however, we had no luck finding it.

Note the strange particles flying all around there. Sadly, we had no time to inspect them more closely back then, we've collected a few samples though.
[Image: N0KgEuY.jpg]

Logs stated the next destination being a distant bloody-coloured Nebula, so that was where we ventured towards. From inside it's colour turned out to be blue but not red, which is quite unusual. Apparently, Wexler and Schmid barely had any troubles with finding the needed object inside that cloud, while for us it took several hours until we finally spotted the needed thing which scared the hell out of us.

The sudden finding.
[Image: 9sgeCGx.jpg]

So we've jumped with closed eyes towards the Great Mystery lying before us.
The sight we later had to observe was with no doubt stunning. First feeling being amazement, second being fear. Total absence of navigational grid and unforgiving radiation level greatly strengthening the panic. Only option was moving into the system's central areas, according to the logs.

System being as deadly as it was amazingly beautiful. We believe one could die there by just observing all those unbelievable surroundings. It's a blessing we had a chance to visit such place.
[Image: UZ6Mupa.jpg]

[Image: 8eTaJ1U.jpg]

[Image: 6RPS8xz.jpg]

Luck was with us all right, as it can be said. In the central asteroid field of the system an object had been spotted, long before our ships started falling apart. The object of an unknown origin, not like any that humans could ever build. We had our guesses who stood behind it's creation of course.

The Shrine itself.
[Image: 8l9sAfz.jpg]

Here's what the little note states, the one left by Schmid:
[Image: 2am2uyW.png]

Not that we had something special to add to what's said in the note. Talked to the locals, they seem to be from the every corner of Sirius. They also seem united, enlightened in some way, we could see that in their eyes. They weren't too talkative towards us, however. I still have to think over all those conversations we had with them, it's like I still can't get something about it. What are their goals? How did they get there? Will they stay there forever or leave some day? We couldn't get any answers on that. Expedition's main goal was reached, however, we felt empty because of the lack of answers.
Our very nature told us to stay there for more, we had to force ourselves to leave. While feeling frustrated and upset, we've left them. Left that place as it would be something usual, regular to us. Wonderful brainwashing, performed by the essence of that place.
By following the ancient Nomad Lanes as they were called in the logs, we've left the system by a Jump Hole surprisingly leading us to the very heart of Sirius, to Pennsylvania. We wouldn't ever believe that there are such wonders located somewhere right beneath our nose.

Path to the Pennsylvania Jump Hole.
[Image: 3WmRd44.jpg]

We'll be sending the report and additional attachments to you through the Informer, refer to him once you need any more details.
Agent#31, Agent#47

Second thing being a proof of a BPA representative being interested in our faction and your persona in particular. Recruiting agents of any enforcement structures is vital for increasing our overall influence. You may redirect him to us if you're too busy to have any negotiations.
Provided log:
[01.07.2016 18:38:29] (C~Roy.Lockhart: You Bretonians seem to be too bloodthirsty, I must say.
[01.07.2016 18:38:57] BPA)Orion.Wampler: And you're just an innocent victim aren't ye?
[01.07.2016 18:38:58] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Can't we just talk like mature people without involving any guns into the action?
[01.07.2016 18:39:19] BPA)Orion.Wampler: Mind telling me what you've strayed from Malta for?
[01.07.2016 18:39:22] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Haven't commited any crimes here.
[01.07.2016 18:39:43] (C~Roy.Lockhart: We're not from Malta even.
[01.07.2016 18:40:03] Death: Joe.Hann was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.07.2016 18:40:04] BPA)Orion.Wampler: Who are you, pilot?
[01.07.2016 18:40:09] BPA)Orion.Wampler: What are you doing here?
[01.07.2016 18:40:10] (C~Roy.Lockhart: However, even if we'd be, our allies cover the most part of Sirius.
[01.07.2016 18:40:20] BPA)Orion.Wampler: Start talking.
[01.07.2016 18:40:31] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Well... How to explain.
[01.07.2016 18:40:49] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Not an enforcer nor a drug smuggler for sure.
[01.07.2016 18:41:14] BPA)Orion.Wampler: I'm uninterested in what you're not.
[01.07.2016 18:41:23] BPA)Orion.Wampler: I'm more interested in what you are.
[01.07.2016 18:41:40] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I seek people who understand that there's something more deeper in this world to be explored.
[01.07.2016 18:42:23] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: So you go around just trying to get information?
[01.07.2016 18:42:53] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Inform others of what?
[01.07.2016 18:43:11] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Of some advanced knowledge.
[01.07.2016 18:43:46] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: What kind of advanced knowledge, anything about The Shrine?
[01.07.2016 18:44:18] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Oh, you are somehow aware of that object? That's interesting.
[01.07.2016 18:44:39] BPA)Orion.Wampler: Whats the Shrine?
[01.07.2016 18:44:39] (C~Roy.Lockhart: stop saying dat
[01.07.2016 18:45:03] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Well, it's a distant and a well hidden object.
[01.07.2016 18:45:06] (C~Roy.Lockhart: That...
[01.07.2016 18:45:23] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Basically leads people to the Enlightment.
[01.07.2016 18:46:05] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: What is the Enlightment?
[01.07.2016 18:46:09] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: You mean... The Oracles?
[01.07.2016 18:46:29] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Oracles are another kind of graal.
[01.07.2016 18:46:45] 2016-06-30 19:48:10 SMT
[01.07.2016 18:46:55] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Something more advanced that We are even. Can't really tell you much about them as I don't have enough knowledge.
[01.07.2016 18:47:07] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: That doesn't concern you.
[01.07.2016 18:47:13] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Our leader may be knowing much about them though, for sure.
[01.07.2016 18:47:28] (C~Roy.Lockhart: It concerns me of course.
[01.07.2016 18:47:28] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Who is your leader?
[01.07.2016 18:47:37] BPA)Orion.Wampler: I'll let you two talk.
[01.07.2016 18:47:38] (C~Roy.Lockhart: He's known as Nomak.
[01.07.2016 18:47:51] BPA)Orion.Wampler: I know its important to you, Fitz.
[01.07.2016 18:47:55] (C~Roy.Lockhart: That's all I can say about him.
[01.07.2016 18:48:00] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Where can I find Nomak?
[01.07.2016 18:48:23] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Well, that would be a great quest even for me.
[01.07.2016 18:48:47] (C~Roy.Lockhart: He wanders somewhere in distant Omicrons, as I know.
[01.07.2016 18:49:24] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I can only give you his neural-net ID if you're interested in contacting him.
[01.07.2016 18:49:54] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: I would appreciate that Roy
[01.07.2016 18:50:16] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Search the data base for Jared Nomak. (#id3140_99o-1)
[01.07.2016 18:50:41] (C~Roy.Lockhart: If that contact of him is still alive, you could possibly contact him.
[01.07.2016 18:51:09] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Can you think of any way else, maybe?
[01.07.2016 18:51:11] (C~Roy.Lockhart: you up for an expedition into omicrons?
[01.07.2016 18:51:18] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Of finding him?
[01.07.2016 18:51:34] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Yes.
[01.07.2016 18:52:05] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Only if your authorities let you to set an expedition to the Omicrons...
[01.07.2016 18:52:32] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Which will for sure lead to your probable eternal disappearance.
[01.07.2016 18:52:43] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Still no guarantee to find him.
[01.07.2016 18:52:58] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Let me worry about that.
[01.07.2016 18:53:36] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Do you have any base names?
[01.07.2016 18:53:40] (C~Roy.Lockhart: All right, I will leave it to your own concern then.
[01.07.2016 18:54:04] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Planet Malta could that be for a chance.
[01.07.2016 18:54:15] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Now let me actually ask you something.
[01.07.2016 18:54:32] (C~Roy.Lockhart: How did you hear of The Shrine?
[01.07.2016 18:55:24] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: It's a long story.
[01.07.2016 18:56:06] (C~Roy.Lockhart: And do you know it's whereabouts?
[01.07.2016 18:57:07] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Would you be interested in finding it maybe?
[01.07.2016 18:57:39] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Thats why I'm asking you about it.
[01.07.2016 18:58:28] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Well...
[01.07.2016 18:58:40] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Is there something that trembles your mind about that?
[01.07.2016 18:59:17] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Some sort of a magnetic energies coming from somewhere?
[01.07.2016 18:59:49] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Mr. Gunderson?
[01.07.2016 18:59:56] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: I don't think so.
[01.07.2016 19:00:30] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Strange. Usually people feel something they can't for sure explain when they mention it.
[01.07.2016 19:01:10] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: I did grow up there for a short while, and then I was taken by a Freelancer.
[01.07.2016 19:01:22] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: So maybe it's natural to me.
[01.07.2016 19:01:27] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Taken to where? What was his name?
[01.07.2016 19:02:30] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: I can't remember that well about when I was taken, I just remember about The Shrine.
[01.07.2016 19:03:14] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Maybe it's time to actually visit The Home again then?
[01.07.2016 19:03:29] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Main question being, are you ready for a little journey, sir?
[01.07.2016 19:04:29] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: I want to go, but I don't think I'm ready. I'm still new to combat and I don't know what could be over there.
[01.07.2016 19:04:52] (C~Roy.Lockhart: No combat skills required.
[01.07.2016 19:05:21] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Home is quite a friendly place.
[01.07.2016 19:06:12] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: All I need is the information, Roy.
[01.07.2016 19:07:35] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Information?
[01.07.2016 19:07:50] (C~Roy.Lockhart: It has to be acquired through some real efforts.
[01.07.2016 19:08:02] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Physical efforts, Mr Gunderson.
[01.07.2016 19:08:28] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I'll put that straight: you're either interested and with Us or you're not.
[01.07.2016 19:09:38] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Pick your goals carefully: Enlightment now through the trust towards us. Or the mystery and probable disappearance while
[01.07.2016 19:09:47] (C~Roy.Lockhart: finding Mr Nomak.
[01.07.2016 19:09:59] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: My interests lie with The Shrine, but my allegiance lies with Bretonia.
[01.07.2016 19:10:26] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Allegiance has to be filtered by the Knowledge.
[01.07.2016 19:11:00] (C~Roy.Lockhart: If you don't know how the origins of what lies around you, there can be no true allegiance.
[01.07.2016 19:11:11] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Make your decision now, Mr Gunderson.
[01.07.2016 19:11:44] (C~Roy.Lockhart: As I said, we're quite low on time.
[01.07.2016 19:11:53] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: How do I know you aren't trying to draw me to my death?
[01.07.2016 19:11:55] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Journey won't really take long.
[01.07.2016 19:12:39] (C~Roy.Lockhart: As I stated, the path to Knowledge demands efforts and trust towards Us.
[01.07.2016 19:12:59] (C~Roy.Lockhart: What I can guarantee you, is that your life won't be like it was before.
[01.07.2016 19:13:32] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Can I contact you someway in the future?
[01.07.2016 19:13:50] (C~Roy.Lockhart: So you're not coming now? Pity. Great pity.
[01.07.2016 19:14:01] (C~Roy.Lockhart: We rarely visit Bretonia.
[01.07.2016 19:14:10] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Like I said I have to get permission to leave Bretonia.
[01.07.2016 19:14:16] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Your last chance would be contacting Nomak.
[01.07.2016 19:14:34] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Consider yourself being off-duty currently.
[01.07.2016 19:14:52] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Clear your mind and follow.
[01.07.2016 19:15:20] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Last time I'm asking you: are you going with us?
[01.07.2016 19:15:25] (C~Roy.Lockhart: If not,
[01.07.2016 19:15:31] (C~Roy.Lockhart: We'll be leaving now.
[01.07.2016 19:15:34] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Hold on a second
[01.07.2016 19:17:12] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Roy, can I get your contact information
[01.07.2016 19:17:33] 2016-06-30 20:18:57 SMT
[01.07.2016 19:18:02] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I won't give you my ID directly, as I'm just being one of many others.
[01.07.2016 19:18:35] (C~Roy.Lockhart: If you'll be seeking us anyhow, contact The Commune Informer.
[01.07.2016 19:18:36] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: What do you mean "one of many others"?
[01.07.2016 19:19:26] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I'm by far not the only member. We have agents all around Sirius, however, deeply undercovered.
[01.07.2016 19:19:50] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: How can I contact The Commune Informer?
[01.07.2016 19:19:50] (C~Roy.Lockhart: You're really trying my patience now: Are you coming with us or not?
[01.07.2016 19:20:33] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I give you 1 minute to decide.
[01.07.2016 19:20:55] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: I can not join you guys on your adventure just now, but thank you for what you gave me Roy.
[01.07.2016 19:21:19] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Then we're leaving.
[01.07.2016 19:21:36] BPA)Fitz.Gunderson: Good luck.
[01.07.2016 19:21:57] (C~Roy.Lockhart: You'll need it more in your future.
And the third thing being another compilation of explosions for your satisfaction. Most of those have survived, they're currently being cured and in the nearest future said to be sent to D9.
.Attached_files: crgc2.bbl1

RE: The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - Dave Synk - 07-10-2016

Incoming Transmission

Source ID: Dave Synk

Location: Omicron Beta

Encryption: #Cerberus Protocol "Zeta"

Addressing to entire Relay contacts,

I’ve had the chance to explore with Jared, aboard the Nighthawk the newly opened K’Hara megastructure in Omicron Delta. I collected a considerable quantity of the Azurite Gas to analyze aboard my vessel it’s proprieties. Preliminary results indicated that the Gas has an intriguing versatility and that it is mainly encountered also in natural K’Hara organisms. The gas also can “animate” isolated K’Hara devices. It’s an interesting material. Also it has dangerous mental effects on the human mind which can also provide a lot of potential if well.. let’s say we need to “contain the situation”.

The proprieties of the Gas would also help us provide to create experimental Nomad technology. As I was contacted by The Rat, so far the anti-matter warheads and the fusion reactors from the vehicles are a go. The last piece will be the Libertonian Phase Aligner. That will serve as a main “focusing lens”. My readings from the Razgriz Blackhole led me to compose a mathematical and theoretical thesis that includes, mini-blackholes upon energy projectile impact on any material. Micro space distortions will be created when the anti-matter combined with fusion reactions inside the chamber of the weapon. So far I expected that the massive contradiction of fusion anti-matter, will release the sufficient energy to generate the wanted pulse. The pulse will then pass through the aligner that will concentrate the energy to the range of 2-3 nanometers point. The point when it will impact, will create the singularity points that will tear the materials apart. The singularity nano-points will have enough energy to last several microseconds and then they will vanish. We don’t want to fill the entire space with potential blackholes. The energy deliverance will need to be studied more.

Where comes the Azurite Gas ? Well. The intriguing thing about it that it has violent reactions with almost all kind of energy types. The condensed state of the plasma for instance has a violent ignition rate that can generate a large amount of energy. As my calculation went, it can aid an entire planet with just a few liters of Azurite Gas. As analyzed the traces are left behind Nomad ships, even more, the traces are left when they do interstellar jumps. This can revolutionize the standard issue jump drive and we could research a new type of drive. If my theory is correct, with a hybrid engine that is fueled by Azurite Gas, we could cross one corner of Sirius to another in a matter of several seconds.

So far The Nighthawk will guard the perimeter around the megastructure. It’s origins and purpose are strange, one thing is sure, the K’Hara plan to expand as well. Let’s hope that our main goal to trace K’Vosh technology and track one of their system will be aided by their expansion, or let’s say… their “leftovers” placed for those capable to understand. Critical is that we secure the area more, we do not require the aspirants of Omicrons or Sirius to run into this more. It can be utilized in the wrong ways and more like.. utilized in a way that it’s potential is lost. I will attach a view of this Ancient Reactor.

To respond to the aid in Liberty, I will be focused a while to create the necessary experiments in Beta to create the needed hybrid tech that will serve our purpose. So far Jared has sent substantial funds to this project as I will call it “Black Nova”. I will continue to give more input on the relay about the progress of my work.

Dave Synk logging out.

Transmission End

RE: The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - Shaggy - 07-15-2016

[Image: s11Ep9f.png]

Sender ID: Angel Cara Kendall, Commune
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Sector
Target ID: Relay Zeta
Encryption Code: #Babylon_S_3.74b.alg

Jared Nomak,

I sure hope you all know who I am, I am Angel Kendall from the Fallen Angels,

Well I am suppose to be waiting for Jared Nomak to finish with his meeting but he is taking his time so I went on patrol with a few Commune pilots and well it all started in Liberty when we made our first impact together, which I managed to take out and destroy one Navy Officer in self defense.

But I am not here to report that, I am hear for my vision that I saw. My vision was right. I saw three of them outside Freeport 11. Here is the footage.

[Image: 8FEP3XH.jpg]

Not long after seeing my vision come true, I also saw these K'Hara's fly towards Yaren Base and cause destruction to the Core. They open fired upon Two Core Mako Battleships as far as I could see which were both destroyed within minutes. As I was flying with Commune I moved and assisted but I have no clue what I am seeing or feeling. Someone help me.

[Image: MXLCRpk.jpg][Image: MumZO5Z.jpg]

There was so much destruction caused, I have no clue what happened. In the process I have shot down three Order pilots that got involved which led to a fleet of Order Osiris Battleships move to the Freeport while me and the small fighter wing was returning. It was not pretty.

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I have no clue what to say, feel, understand, see. All I need to know is what my visions mean, I need this meeting with Mr Nomak as soon as possible. Until then I have little to say. My visions came true.

Angel Cara Kendall

RE: The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - Sanctions - 07-16-2016

.Destination_ID: Jared Nomak
.Sender_ID: The Commune Informer
.Location: Libertonian space
.Encryption_algorithm: #Babylon_S_3.74b.alg
Hearty greetings, my Lord. Finally I've got a chance to contact you. It's something more important than ever, as far as I can judge. Now let's instantly get to the topic without wasting any time.
As it had been requested some time ago, we've sent out an agent into the deep Omicron systems in order to assist to agent Synk during his explorations. As far as I'm being informed, the recent expedition was successfully finished and all the listed objects were investigated in details.
Illustrated logs are going to be sent shortly.

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[16.07.2016 21:08:45] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Mister Synk, I guess?
[16.07.2016 21:09:00] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes, greetings. We haven't been properly introduced I am afraid…
[16.07.2016 21:09:14] (C~Roy.Lockhart: It's an honour for me to finally meet you. Even though I wouldn't ever expect myself to be sent to the Edge Worlds.
[16.07.2016 21:09:41] (C~Dave.Synk: Honor ? No need for that, my brain works but, I'm just one man *laughs* Sorry, my humor is ... bad lately.
[16.07.2016 21:09:46] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Only positive feedback towards your persona, as far as I'm informed.
[16.07.2016 21:10:16] (C~Dave.Synk: Well... I tried at least... Crazy times... I've seen crazier before but now.
[16.07.2016 21:10:32] (C~Roy.Lockhart: The trip to Omicrons has taken quite a while. Informer should be thankful for now, huh.
[16.07.2016 21:11:22] (C~Dave.Synk: There was one Commune member that had a daring trip through Kansas... and ancient alien system that I visited... a very long
[16.07.2016 21:11:24] (C~Roy.Lockhart: You tried in the past, you try now. What's the problem?
[16.07.2016 21:11:29] (C~Dave.Synk: time ago. It got my attention…
[16.07.2016 21:11:46] (C~Dave.Synk: Well now at least I know I try with the good crowd, heh.
[16.07.2016 21:12:01] (C~Roy.Lockhart: As far as we've acknowledged recently, there was even an expedition sens there long time ago.
[16.07.2016 21:12:11] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Even before the disbandment.
[16.07.2016 21:12:27] (C~Dave.Synk: I thought the charts to Kansas system were... "lost"
[16.07.2016 21:12:44] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Several Samarran agents got everything recorded.
[16.07.2016 21:13:07] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Not really! You've been too far away all that time so I don't blame you.
[16.07.2016 21:13:11] (C~Dave.Synk: I see.. I was established a surface base there on planet Wichita.
[16.07.2016 21:13:51] (C~Dave.Synk: In my Cerberus days, we had a.. strong base on that planet. I think there might be some hidden remnants..
[16.07.2016 21:14:01] (C~Dave.Synk: A cache of data and some valuable artifacts..
[16.07.2016 21:14:55] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Wichita?
[16.07.2016 21:14:58] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes
[16.07.2016 21:15:14] (C~Dave.Synk: At least that's what I remember it was named.
[16.07.2016 21:15:23] (C~Dave.Synk: We had problems with the Hellfire Legion back then..
[16.07.2016 21:15:27] (C~Dave.Synk: Eh... memories.
[16.07.2016 21:15:28] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I'm sorry, I may not be informed enough regarding distant systems and their containments.
[16.07.2016 21:15:52] (C~Dave.Synk: I am curious... what field you operate most ?
[16.07.2016 21:16:13] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Our wing covers Liberty, mainly.
[16.07.2016 21:16:40] (C~Roy.Lockhart: As for now, please dock on that Freeport and go for the ship maintenance.
[16.07.2016 21:16:49] (C~Roy.Lockhart: See you outside after some time.
[16.07.2016 21:16:52] 2016-07-15 22:18:40 SMT  Traffic control alert: (C~Dave.Synk has requested to dock
[16.07.2016 21:17:10] (C~Dave.Synk: Alright, systems are green.
[16.07.2016 21:17:27] (C~Dave.Synk: So.. what it will be the today's main objective ?
[16.07.2016 21:17:32] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Guess we're ready to move out then.
[16.07.2016 21:17:53] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Informer barely provided me with any.
[16.07.2016 21:18:09] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Was relying on your knowledge, Mr. Synk.
[16.07.2016 21:18:41] (C~Dave.Synk: Well if you have a plan of where to start first.. I will follow your lead.
[16.07.2016 21:19:07] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Let me check the listings.

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[16.07.2016 21:19:39] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Here's one thing... Ever heard about so-called "Azurite Site"?
[16.07.2016 21:20:07] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes, I've been there and got some samples with the Nighthawk, the samples are aboard Gallicia at the "Pandorum"
[16.07.2016 21:20:13] (C~Roy.Lockhart: It's the first thing on the list. Where would they take that from?
[16.07.2016 21:20:21] (C~Dave.Synk: Well.
[16.07.2016 21:20:30] (C~Dave.Synk: Let's head out. Follow me.
[16.07.2016 21:20:36] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Oh, good for you then Mr. Synk. Guess that one can be skipped then?
[16.07.2016 21:20:53] (C~Dave.Synk: Nah... let's see it. For your curiosity *chuckles*
[16.07.2016 21:21:42] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Nice to hear. You take the lead.
[16.07.2016 21:21:54] (C~Dave.Synk: Be ready to reinforce your shield frequency to.. 1340.45 GHz
[16.07.2016 21:22:01] (C~Roy.Lockhart: The more explorations and findings, the better.
[16.07.2016 21:22:14] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Will do.
[16.07.2016 21:22:17] (C~Dave.Synk: The radiation is heavy, we cannot hold for too long. You will be... intrigued.
[16.07.2016 21:22:43] (C~Dave.Synk: You are a scientist like me right ?
[16.07.2016 21:22:54] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Hmm... Not really.
[16.07.2016 21:23:02] (C~Dave.Synk: More or less at least, are you curious at least ?
[16.07.2016 21:23:16] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I may come as an assistant, but not really... oh wait!
[16.07.2016 21:23:22] (C~Dave.Synk: *chuckles*
[16.07.2016 21:23:34] (C~Dave.Synk: Hmm what do you say mr. Lockhart ?
[16.07.2016 21:23:56] (C~Roy.Lockhart: That's massive!
[16.07.2016 21:24:09] (C~Dave.Synk: The exterior structures yes.
[16.07.2016 21:24:15] (C~Dave.Synk: Come here
[16.07.2016 21:24:42] (C~Dave.Synk: This is what we suppose to be an Azurite Generator
[16.07.2016 21:24:44] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Will never regret for being sent here.
[16.07.2016 21:24:54] (C~Dave.Synk: Fire at the glowing energy fluxes around you
[16.07.2016 21:25:13] (C~Dave.Synk: Be careful not trigger a chain reaction tho'
[16.07.2016 21:25:17] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Any guesses on how did that all actually served the Higher Ones?
[16.07.2016 21:25:27] (C~Dave.Synk: Call them K'Hara.
[16.07.2016 21:25:37] (C~Roy.Lockhart: As you say.
[16.07.2016 21:26:01] (C~Dave.Synk: Well.. this generator presumably is one of their main raw energy pool.
[16.07.2016 21:26:16] (C~Dave.Synk: And prime materials for the Nomadic Bio-mechanical structures to form.
[16.07.2016 21:26:26] (C~Dave.Synk: Took the samples you wanted ?
[16.07.2016 21:26:35] (C~Dave.Synk: Radiation starts to punch
[16.07.2016 21:26:53] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Got few.
[16.07.2016 21:27:05] (C~Dave.Synk: Good let's leave. I have something else to show you.
[16.07.2016 21:27:09] (C~Roy.Lockhart: We can move out now I guess. Radiation bites for sure.
[16.07.2016 21:27:55] (C~Dave.Synk: I need to trace their neutrino trails...
[16.07.2016 21:28:09] (C~Dave.Synk: Hmm not around here...
[16.07.2016 21:28:12] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I wonder if that Gas can actually help us out in some way?
[16.07.2016 21:28:27] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes, plenty of benefits, to adapt and create hybrid technology to our systems.
[16.07.2016 21:28:51] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Sounds interesting. Never encountered anything like that.
[16.07.2016 21:29:22] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Been told though.
[16.07.2016 21:29:48] (C~Dave.Synk: Azurite Gas is similar to... the blood in our veins.
[16.07.2016 21:30:01] (C~Dave.Synk: But the blood doesn't animate individual organs like the Azurite does.
[16.07.2016 21:30:24] (C~Dave.Synk: The Azurite can activate individual parts of a broken Nomad system.
[16.07.2016 21:30:34] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Hope it serves us in a good way.
[16.07.2016 21:30:39] (C~Dave.Synk: Hence if we have a pure nomad weapon, being apart from it's system, it cannot work.
[16.07.2016 21:30:51] (C~Dave.Synk: If we use Azurite, we can... bring it back to "life".
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[16.07.2016 21:31:20] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Second on the list goes...
[16.07.2016 21:31:37] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Something.
[16.07.2016 21:31:43] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Any idea what that is?
[16.07.2016 21:31:55] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Sounds Rheinland-ish.
[16.07.2016 21:31:56] (C~Dave.Synk: Das Wilde complex inside the Omicrons.
[16.07.2016 21:32:05] (C~Dave.Synk: Our allies from the Rheinland territory.
[16.07.2016 21:32:29] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Oh. Will have to report that. The more information the better for our Liberty wings.
[16.07.2016 21:32:40] (C~Dave.Synk: Get all the telemetry data
[16.07.2016 21:33:23] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Doesn't seem to be friendly.
[16.07.2016 21:33:32] (C~Dave.Synk: Das Wilde has all of their members with Nomad Incubi.
[16.07.2016 21:34:48] (C~Roy.Lockhart: However, without the latest versions of our personnel data-base, can't blame them.
[16.07.2016 21:35:19] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Lists have to be frequently refreshed.
[16.07.2016 21:35:29] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes, indeed. No problem about them.
[16.07.2016 21:35:47] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I wonder why would they sent ME out?
[16.07.2016 21:36:00] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Are you low on members here, in Omicrons?
[16.07.2016 21:36:17] (C~Dave.Synk: We require… good people. I don't trust anyone.
[16.07.2016 21:36:30] (C~Roy.Lockhart: But why me?
[16.07.2016 21:36:34] (C~Dave.Synk: I asked Jared to have good people.
[16.07.2016 21:36:46] (C~Dave.Synk: That's a question you will have to answer yourself in time.
[16.07.2016 21:37:04] (C~Dave.Synk: Similar posture I was years ago. Why me ? To live here.. to understand Nomads.. to cooperate with them.
[16.07.2016 21:37:07] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Hmmm. All right, as you say Mr. Synk.
[16.07.2016 21:37:08] (C~Dave.Synk: Others are not capable ?
[16.07.2016 21:37:18] (C~Dave.Synk: And time shown, they are not.

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[16.07.2016 21:37:31] (C~Dave.Synk: Where do you wish to venture next ?
[16.07.2016 21:37:51] (C~Roy.Lockhart: List says Minor and Iota.
[16.07.2016 21:37:59] (C~Roy.Lockhart: What is that? Any guesses?
[16.07.2016 21:38:07] (C~Dave.Synk: That what ?
[16.07.2016 21:38:22] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Some systems?
[16.07.2016 21:38:24] (C~Dave.Synk: This jump hole ?
[16.07.2016 21:38:26] (C~Dave.Synk: Oh those..
[16.07.2016 21:38:29] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes, they are.
[16.07.2016 21:38:45] (C~Dave.Synk: This one leads to Omicron Lost
[16.07.2016 21:39:01] (C~Roy.Lockhart: This one looks nice as well! We can venture towards freely.
[16.07.2016 21:39:15] (C~Dave.Synk: Jumping in. Hope you will say that.
[16.07.2016 21:39:20] (C~Dave.Synk: This system.. is strange.
[16.07.2016 21:39:34] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Try to be in my shoes.
[16.07.2016 21:39:46] (C~Dave.Synk: I encountered something once..
[16.07.2016 21:39:57] (C~Dave.Synk: Let me see if I can find it. But this system is... strangely barren.
[16.07.2016 21:40:03] (C~Dave.Synk: Until one part.
[16.07.2016 21:40:11] (C~Dave.Synk: Where K'Hara drones swarm it.
[16.07.2016 21:40:38] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Your brain certainly is of some value, Mr. Synk.
[16.07.2016 21:40:55] (C~Dave.Synk: They way you said it.. it's like good to be harvested *laughs*
[16.07.2016 21:41:00] (C~Roy.Lockhart: With all the knowledge lying within. I'm getting jealous now.
[16.07.2016 21:41:34] (C~Dave.Synk: If you are interested in... what I do. I can teach you.
[16.07.2016 21:41:37] (C~Dave.Synk: All I know.
[16.07.2016 21:42:01] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Heh, not to be sounding like a maniac, but in Liberty we're quite used to be treating simple people as
[16.07.2016 21:42:02] (C~Dave.Synk: This place.
[16.07.2016 21:42:32] (C~Roy.Lockhart: bio-materials of a sort. Wilde usually appreciate healthy bodies.
[16.07.2016 21:42:49] (C~Dave.Synk: *chuckles* I don't like their methods but.. whatever suits them.
[16.07.2016 21:42:57] (C~Dave.Synk: What do you see.
[16.07.2016 21:43:02] (C~Dave.Synk: Like beyond.
[16.07.2016 21:43:26] (C~Roy.Lockhart: You mean that star whirpool far away?
[16.07.2016 21:43:38] (C~Dave.Synk: No.. what do you see the way we are oriented.
[16.07.2016 21:43:43] (C~Dave.Synk: Straight ahead.
[16.07.2016 21:43:49] (C~Roy.Lockhart: And yes, what comes to Wilde and us... We're strange people, while they are even more.
[16.07.2016 21:43:52] (C~Dave.Synk: That should be Andromeda
[16.07.2016 21:44:04] (C~Dave.Synk: That twirl in the distance.
[16.07.2016 21:44:24] (C~Dave.Synk: This is where the edge nebulae ends.
[16.07.2016 21:44:25] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Forgive my lack of education on that matter, Mr. Synk.
[16.07.2016 21:44:36] (C~Dave.Synk: We are at the Sirius frontier.
[16.07.2016 21:44:45] (C~Dave.Synk: And what we see there.. ahead. Is empty void.
[16.07.2016 21:44:47] (C~Dave.Synk: Unnatural.
[16.07.2016 21:44:48] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I can be more of a listener with a charged blaster, but not a teller.
[16.07.2016 21:44:52] (C~Dave.Synk: It should be filled with stars right ?
[16.07.2016 21:45:00] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Please feel free to tell everything.
[16.07.2016 21:45:10] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Who said?
[16.07.2016 21:45:18] (C~Dave.Synk: The stars that we see ahead are ... around several hundred if not thousand LY
[16.07.2016 21:45:22] (C~Dave.Synk: Away..
[16.07.2016 21:45:48] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Chances are high enough that even the Ancient Ones couldn't answer the same questions.
[16.07.2016 21:45:49] (C~Dave.Synk: Well it's an observation I made in the last years.
[16.07.2016 21:46:06] (C~Dave.Synk: I was absent from Sirius... in this system.
[16.07.2016 21:46:09] (C~Dave.Synk: In this point.
[16.07.2016 21:46:29] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Is this basically the edge?
[16.07.2016 21:46:32] (C~Dave.Synk: If you calibrate your scanners to detect tachyons and neutrinos it's here.
[16.07.2016 21:46:35] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes.
[16.07.2016 21:46:38] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Of what we call Sirius?
[16.07.2016 21:46:43] (C~Dave.Synk: Indeed.
[16.07.2016 21:46:53] (C~Dave.Synk: What we see it's... the great beyond.. far away.
[16.07.2016 21:47:10] (C~Dave.Synk: The closest system past the edge nebulae is a barren world.. similar to this.
[16.07.2016 21:47:27] (C~Roy.Lockhart: You want my head to explode today, right?
[16.07.2016 21:47:36] (C~Dave.Synk: Those systems are genuinely there to... not attract attention, and for conventional jump drives not to reach.
[16.07.2016 21:47:47] (C~Dave.Synk: Well. I told I want to teach you *chuckles*
[16.07.2016 21:48:03] (C~Dave.Synk: Point is.. Sirius was created.
[16.07.2016 21:48:05] (C~Roy.Lockhart: With that overload of new discoveries you tell me of.
[16.07.2016 21:48:12] (C~Dave.Synk: By the K'Vosh.
[16.07.2016 21:48:25] (C~Dave.Synk: Arranged, engineered, thoughtfully created.
[16.07.2016 21:48:31] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Created as a space, or as cluster of systems?
[16.07.2016 21:48:33] (C~Dave.Synk: So their legacy, the K'Haras, to endure.
[16.07.2016 21:48:45] (C~Dave.Synk: Who knows.. even entire stars made by them and planets.
[16.07.2016 21:49:00] (C~Dave.Synk: Their level of technology from my calculations.. is.. Cosmological.
[16.07.2016 21:49:05] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Wexler's journal stated something like that, I recall.
[16.07.2016 21:49:23] (C~Dave.Synk: So more observed that... Good, there are more like minded..
[16.07.2016 21:49:29] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Were they the only ones around?
[16.07.2016 21:50:04] (C~Dave.Synk: Well.. how my journey begins to the Omicrons is when I ran out of.. "things" to do in Liberty. More complicated, that another
[16.07.2016 21:50:07] (C~Dave.Synk: time.
[16.07.2016 21:50:27] (C~Dave.Synk: But, I did encountered with an old friend of mine that passed away tragically a grouped called "Phantoms"
[16.07.2016 21:50:45] (C~Dave.Synk: Their technology was purely off-Sirius.
[16.07.2016 21:50:48] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Never heard of those. Anything special?
[16.07.2016 21:50:55] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Oh!
[16.07.2016 21:50:57] (C~Dave.Synk: They were a terrorist group to...
[16.07.2016 21:51:13] (C~Dave.Synk: Well I didn't really got into their motives but they "served" or were loyal to a race named
[16.07.2016 21:51:21] (C~Dave.Synk: Crathygtan or C'Tan.
[16.07.2016 21:51:41] (C~Dave.Synk: Or at least the legacy of the C'Tan.
[16.07.2016 21:51:57] (C~Dave.Synk: Thousands of years ago, presumably the C'Tan were in a massive war with K'Vosh.
[16.07.2016 21:52:12] (C~Dave.Synk: And since the K'Vosh had a vast space Empire, they had problems themselves.
[16.07.2016 21:52:14] (C~Roy.Lockhart: How are we all still sane after dealing so much with so uncommon things?
[16.07.2016 21:52:34] (C~Dave.Synk: Well... sometimes. I have an entire week, sleepless.
[16.07.2016 21:52:50] (C~Dave.Synk: I wonder and wonder.. and think, and then think again.
[16.07.2016 21:52:54] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Beliefs are one things, but this is real, undoubtful. And we live with that? Just like that, simple?
[16.07.2016 21:53:09] (C~Dave.Synk: Sirians do not know. The governments hide it.
[16.07.2016 21:53:23] (C~Dave.Synk: The Truth is... life changing.
[16.07.2016 21:53:31] (C~Roy.Lockhart: No wonder.
[16.07.2016 21:53:37] (C~Dave.Synk: The Sirians have too much simple lives and trivial goals.
[16.07.2016 21:53:47] (C~Dave.Synk: I see something I didn't noticed before in the system. Let's investigate.
[16.07.2016 21:54:16] (C~Dave.Synk: So in this location... we can break the Space-Time continuum to make rifts...
[16.07.2016 21:54:24] (C~Dave.Synk: So we can advance further beyond the limits of Sirius.
[16.07.2016 21:54:43] (C~Dave.Synk: Normally those systems beyond Sirius are too far away to be reached even with high-end Drives.
[16.07.2016 21:55:52] (C~Dave.Synk: This looks like a planetary fragment..
[16.07.2016 21:55:57] (C~Dave.Synk: Oddly standing ... here.
[16.07.2016 21:56:16] (C~Dave.Synk: No marks, no radiation no nothing...
[16.07.2016 21:56:27] (C~Dave.Synk: Which is weirder. I told you, this system is... out of context.
[16.07.2016 21:56:49] (C~Roy.Lockhart: These yellow-green particles flying around...
[16.07.2016 21:57:03] (C~Dave.Synk: Also the location we stood for a while. The presence of tachyons and neutrinos and azurite traces...
[16.07.2016 21:57:09] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Remind me of those we've encountered in Kansas. However, those were red or purple.
[16.07.2016 21:57:12] (C~Dave.Synk: Are because of well.. you will see.
[16.07.2016 21:57:39] (C~Dave.Synk: In Kansas there is red-dark particle cloud as I remember.. highly concentraded with energy particle..
[16.07.2016 21:58:06] (C~Dave.Synk: These rocks have nothing..
[16.07.2016 21:59:05] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Surprised by seeing no Zoners here.
[16.07.2016 21:59:26] (C~Dave.Synk: Nothing. That is weird. Usually a system that is so quiet. Has more mysteries than we can think.
[16.07.2016 21:59:30] (C~Dave.Synk: Or it hides something terrible.
[16.07.2016 21:59:44] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Usually they get somewhere before one could even think of it.
[16.07.2016 21:59:57] (C~Dave.Synk: Indeed..
[16.07.2016 22:00:29] (C~Dave.Synk: I always felt uncomfortable in such systems..
[16.07.2016 22:00:29] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Anything more terrible this Sector could offer?
[16.07.2016 22:00:40] (C~Dave.Synk: Let's hope not.
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[16.07.2016 22:01:13] (C~Dave.Synk: Next, Minor.
[16.07.2016 22:01:23] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I mean since we've really seen much already.
[16.07.2016 22:02:12] (C~Dave.Synk: Strangely protected for an empty system eh ?
[16.07.2016 22:02:36] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Agree.
[16.07.2016 22:02:55] (C~Dave.Synk: You will see later. I will take you to more systems.
[16.07.2016 22:03:07] (C~Dave.Synk: I hope you are prepared to see what you will be about to see.
[16.07.2016 22:03:15] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Maybe because of the planet, or perhaps the reasons are too unclear for me.
[16.07.2016 22:03:33] (C~Dave.Synk: They will be clear soon *chuckles*
[16.07.2016 22:03:48] (C~Dave.Synk: Just try to survive. Environments will be hostile.
[16.07.2016 22:04:04] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Will try my best.
[16.07.2016 22:04:10] (C~Dave.Synk: K'Haras have an automated genetic thing to trigger against non-organic space entities.
[16.07.2016 22:05:01] (C~Dave.Synk: Omicron Minor.. ancient home of The Order... was my home for a while too.
[16.07.2016 22:05:17] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Really?
[16.07.2016 22:05:26] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Were you once one of them or among them
[16.07.2016 22:05:28] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes.. here it is where it all started for me.
[16.07.2016 22:05:32] (C~Dave.Synk: One of them.
[16.07.2016 22:05:42] (C~Dave.Synk: Another group but.. had Order flags.
[16.07.2016 22:06:25] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Right. Zoner sneakies.
[16.07.2016 22:06:46] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes.. apparently the Order and the Core disagreed.
[16.07.2016 22:07:03] (C~Roy.Lockhart: These ones got their warning though.
[16.07.2016 22:07:22] (C~Dave.Synk: Foolish in the first place. This system was... dangerous even then.
[16.07.2016 22:07:29] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Or not the humans alone?
[16.07.2016 22:08:12] (C~Dave.Synk: We have more to see
[16.07.2016 22:09:00] (C~Roy.Lockhart: What was their main base of operations here?
[16.07.2016 22:09:04] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Any signs of it?
[16.07.2016 22:09:23] (C~Dave.Synk: Should be around..
[16.07.2016 22:10:29] 2016-07-15 23:12:18 SMT
[16.07.2016 22:10:29] (C~Dave.Synk: Escape ships
[16.07.2016 22:10:32] (C~Dave.Synk: Useless.
[16.07.2016 22:10:36] (C~Roy.Lockhart: What a sight.
[16.07.2016 22:10:45] (C~Dave.Synk: There it is..
[16.07.2016 22:11:03] (C~Roy.Lockhart: These volcanic erosions...
[16.07.2016 22:11:03] (C~Dave.Synk: The attack was relentless. I remember that day.
[16.07.2016 22:11:10] (C~Roy.Lockhart: What happened?
[16.07.2016 22:11:22] (C~Dave.Synk: It was a massive fight at first between the Order and the Core.
[16.07.2016 22:11:33] (C~Dave.Synk: They tried to invade us. They used to do it oftenly but without prevail.
[16.07.2016 22:11:40] (C~Dave.Synk: They came to Minor, we went to Delta.
[16.07.2016 22:11:47] (C~Dave.Synk: But the surprise guest.. was the K'Hara Armada.
[16.07.2016 22:12:13] (C~Dave.Synk: And... i've then understood that.. the Slomon'K'Hara race.. is something not to be reckoned with.
[16.07.2016 22:12:40] (C~Dave.Synk: They launched massive energy pulses towards the planet, shattering it's geological structure, making it unstable
[16.07.2016 22:12:45] (C~Dave.Synk: and look the way, it is now.
[16.07.2016 22:12:56] (C~Dave.Synk: The Core lost, the Order lost. Only the K'Hara prevailed.
[16.07.2016 22:13:16] (C~Dave.Synk: The nebulae was blueish before.. now it's all green.
[16.07.2016 22:13:29] (C~Dave.Synk: It has the echoes of the past.. all over.
[16.07.2016 22:13:47] (C~Roy.Lockhart: A silent graveyard of formerly settled hive.
[16.07.2016 22:14:00] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Trembles within the head.
[16.07.2016 22:14:22] (C~Dave.Synk: A fully Order ghost ship.
[16.07.2016 22:14:32] (C~Dave.Synk: It's haunting how it stays silent and watches this graveyard..
[16.07.2016 22:14:52] (C~Roy.Lockhart: It's kind of hard to be here.
[16.07.2016 22:15:22] (C~Dave.Synk: Eh.. I got over with it. When I realized that the Order was sick too. Stupid idealism.
[16.07.2016 22:15:26] (C~Roy.Lockhart: An interesting design.
[16.07.2016 22:15:47] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes, a more reinforced Liberty Dreadnaught class battleship..
[16.07.2016 22:16:23] (C~Dave.Synk: Well let's head.. to where we are mostly interested, and to where it's all about.
[16.07.2016 22:16:48] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Order apparently had too many enemies around. What's with them at the moment?
[16.07.2016 22:16:59] (C~Dave.Synk: They Operate in a similar way.
[16.07.2016 22:17:10] (C~Dave.Synk: Less powerful as before, at least in my eyes.
[16.07.2016 22:17:14] (C~Dave.Synk: And I have e vendetta.
[16.07.2016 22:17:22] (C~Dave.Synk: To hunt their admiral down.
[16.07.2016 22:17:28] (C~Dave.Synk: If it's still the same.
[16.07.2016 22:17:31] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Oh, I see.
[16.07.2016 22:17:41] (C~Dave.Synk: The one that opposed Cerberus to take control of The Order and .. advance it.
[16.07.2016 22:19:17] (C~Dave.Synk: How did Jared contacted you ?
[16.07.2016 22:19:26] (C~Dave.Synk: There it is..
[16.07.2016 22:19:44] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Jared? Nohow directly.
[16.07.2016 22:19:51] (C~Dave.Synk: I see.
[16.07.2016 22:20:04] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Informer usually tells me what to do.
[16.07.2016 22:20:05] (C~Dave.Synk: Are you ready ?
[16.07.2016 22:20:13] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I recognize these!
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[Image: CHIU3iQ.jpg]
[16.07.2016 22:20:25] (C~Dave.Synk: Get scanners and telemetry readers ready. [16.07.2016 22:20:35] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Exactly how those ones in Kansas, but not failing apart.
[16.07.2016 22:20:51] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Done.
[16.07.2016 22:20:54] (C~Dave.Synk: Be aware of when we arrive.
[16.07.2016 22:21:24] (C~Dave.Synk: Active sub-light drives fast.
[16.07.2016 22:22:16] (C~Roy.Lockhart: And what are these?
[16.07.2016 22:22:26] (C~Dave.Synk: Hyperspace Gates.
[16.07.2016 22:22:38] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Why they have so many at the same spot?
[16.07.2016 22:22:54] (C~Dave.Synk: They are used to create space-time ruptures to pinpoint a jumping direction to specific points.
[16.07.2016 22:23:28] (C~Dave.Synk: If you scan more, you will see their energy signatures lead to separate places in Sirius.
[16.07.2016 22:23:33] (C~Dave.Synk: There is agate for each house.
[16.07.2016 22:23:38] (C~Dave.Synk: It is a one way trip.
[16.07.2016 22:23:47] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Sounds ultimate. Glad no humans can lay their hands on something like this.
[16.07.2016 22:24:07] (C~Dave.Synk: Nor they will. We will only. If we understand and coopearate more and more with K'Hara.
[16.07.2016 22:24:17] (C~Roy.Lockhart: However I know how influential Valhalla One was in terms of space technologies.
[16.07.2016 22:24:31] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes.. and we managed to translate a quarter.
[16.07.2016 22:24:54] (C~Dave.Synk: I think there are the secrets to what happened to K'Vosh. But some information were made only for a K'Hara mind to read.
[16.07.2016 22:25:07] (C~Dave.Synk: Let's head to some other points of interest.
[16.07.2016 22:25:22] (C~Roy.Lockhart: To be honest, it would be so challenging to infiltrate that site.
[16.07.2016 22:25:41] (C~Dave.Synk: I have a... wild theory .. idea.
[16.07.2016 22:25:47] (C~Dave.Synk: But it's impossible..
[16.07.2016 22:26:13] (C~Dave.Synk: As a side .. thing, I am picturing a theory about how to.. reach a K'Vosh sytem.
[16.07.2016 22:26:20] (C~Dave.Synk: Nomad Trade Lanes..
[16.07.2016 22:26:25] (C~Roy.Lockhart: You're a scientist, not a daydreamer. Your thoughts should be closer to the reality.
[16.07.2016 22:26:35] (C~Dave.Synk: Be aware when we arrive. Nomad weapons active.
[16.07.2016 22:26:42] (C~Dave.Synk: Disconnect when I do.
[16.07.2016 22:26:46] (C~Dave.Synk: Now !
[16.07.2016 22:27:05] (C~Dave.Synk: Well..
[16.07.2016 22:27:21] (C~Dave.Synk: We'd need some critical artifacts.. used in the Nomad War.
[16.07.2016 22:27:21] (C~Roy.Lockhart: How deep are we going? Not really up for disturbing Them that much.
[16.07.2016 22:27:42] (C~Dave.Synk: They are aware of you as you are of the Mindshare.
[16.07.2016 22:27:44] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Please guarantee we're not being defilers currently.
[16.07.2016 22:27:46] (C~Dave.Synk: It is fine..
[16.07.2016 22:27:49] (C~Dave.Synk: We are not.
[16.07.2016 22:27:56] (C~Dave.Synk: I've been here with Jared before..
[16.07.2016 22:28:54] (C~Dave.Synk: Not too many humans seen these sites.
[16.07.2016 22:29:01] (C~Dave.Synk: I think.. 2-3.
[16.07.2016 22:29:15] (C~Dave.Synk: I was one of them, when I was with Cerberus even. Had Order tags.
[16.07.2016 22:29:20] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Speechless.
[16.07.2016 22:29:59] (C~Dave.Synk: Let us leave. We will return here with another occasion I promise you.
[16.07.2016 22:30:15] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Hope so.
[16.07.2016 22:30:37] (C~Dave.Synk: I am the only one around our group that doesn't .. see the Nomads higher than us.
[16.07.2016 22:31:10] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Really you do?
[16.07.2016 22:31:20] (C~Dave.Synk: There is a Nomad lair.. just active..
[16.07.2016 22:31:26] (C~Dave.Synk: I do not.
[16.07.2016 22:31:29] (C~Dave.Synk: I see them as us.
[16.07.2016 22:31:33] (C~Dave.Synk: Equals.
[16.07.2016 22:31:41] (C~Dave.Synk: The only thing different is their evolution.
[16.07.2016 22:31:46] (C~Dave.Synk: And their DNA arrangement.
[16.07.2016 22:32:37] (C~Roy.Lockhart: However their being seems more advanced and complicated than ours.
[16.07.2016 22:32:40] (C~Dave.Synk: The only planet they have..
[16.07.2016 22:32:52] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes.. but if understood, it is.. a simple society.
[16.07.2016 22:33:00] (C~Dave.Synk: Organized, more intelligent and wiser.
[16.07.2016 22:33:17] (C~Dave.Synk: This is one of their few and only lasting planets.
[16.07.2016 22:33:31] (C~Dave.Synk: See ? They live like we do.. only different atmospheric composition.
[16.07.2016 22:33:40] (C~Dave.Synk: They are helpless on that surface like we are.
[16.07.2016 22:33:52] (C~Dave.Synk: They are living entities.
[16.07.2016 22:34:03] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I know of course.
[16.07.2016 22:34:14] (C~Dave.Synk: There is no need to be worshipped or even ... considered as masters. No way.
[16.07.2016 22:34:22] (C~Dave.Synk: That's what they did to us just to defend their kind.
[16.07.2016 22:34:30] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Still it's so hard to get used to alien lifeforms, even for our agents.
[16.07.2016 22:34:32] (C~Dave.Synk: We are violent and volatile.
[16.07.2016 22:34:40] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes.. it is.
[16.07.2016 22:34:58] (C~Dave.Synk: One more site to be seen for you in this system.
[16.07.2016 22:35:13] (C~Dave.Synk: The Dur-Shurrikun.
[16.07.2016 22:35:15] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Thanks in advance.
[16.07.2016 22:35:32] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I hope we're yet good enough on fuel.
[16.07.2016 22:35:40] (C~Dave.Synk: We will. It will be enough.
[16.07.2016 22:36:08] (C~Dave.Synk: And after this.. one more thing to be seen.
[16.07.2016 22:36:12] (C~Dave.Synk: It will... change you.
[16.07.2016 22:36:16] (C~Dave.Synk: I promise that.
[16.07.2016 22:36:39] (C~Dave.Synk: No really..
[16.07.2016 22:36:49] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Like everything previous wasn't life-changing enough, Mr. Synk. Forgive me my sarcasm.
[16.07.2016 22:37:13] (C~Roy.Lockhart: It's so quiet here.
[16.07.2016 22:37:31] (C~Dave.Synk: If you stay long enough.. you will..
[16.07.2016 22:37:33] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Like it would be a vacuum.
[16.07.2016 22:37:35] (C~Dave.Synk: Well.. feel something.
[16.07.2016 22:38:00] (C~Dave.Synk: It is supposed that here is one of the main nodes the K'Hara grand Mindshare.
[16.07.2016 22:38:06] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Something like what we felt in Kansas.
[16.07.2016 22:38:18] (C~Dave.Synk: The telepathic power of them is.. overwhelming.
[16.07.2016 22:38:31] (C~Dave.Synk: Let's go to the final site.
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[16.07.2016 22:38:48] (C~Dave.Synk: And the most dangerous of every man on this Sirius sector.
[16.07.2016 22:39:34] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Sorry for me being so silent at times. I'm trying to aknowledge all the surroundings.
[16.07.2016 22:39:50] (C~Dave.Synk: It is alright... I usually talk a lot.. arhh *laughs*
[16.07.2016 22:39:57] (C~Dave.Synk: Being the lonely kid.. eh.
[16.07.2016 22:41:05] (C~Dave.Synk: When we get on the other side.. get ready to thrust.
[16.07.2016 22:41:10] (C~Dave.Synk: Maximum power.
[16.07.2016 22:41:16] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Will try.
[16.07.2016 22:41:23] (C~Dave.Synk: God's speed.
[16.07.2016 22:41:44] (C~Dave.Synk: Oh..
[16.07.2016 22:41:46] (C~Dave.Synk: Well..
[16.07.2016 22:42:15] (C~Dave.Synk: That was Space-Time Rapture Jump.. typical to jump in points "of-no-return"
[16.07.2016 22:42:20] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Unbelievable.
[16.07.2016 22:42:25] (C~Dave.Synk: This system has.. ground.
[16.07.2016 22:42:28] (C~Dave.Synk: Look below.
[16.07.2016 22:42:54] (C~Dave.Synk: The infinite that you see on the Horizon..
[16.07.2016 22:43:00] (C~Dave.Synk: It's the same structure.
[16.07.2016 22:43:04] (C~Roy.Lockhart: An artificial ground?
[16.07.2016 22:43:08] (C~Dave.Synk: This is a K'Vosh Dyson Sphere.
[16.07.2016 22:43:35] (C~Dave.Synk: A colossal structure of several AU in diameter that is built around a solar system.
[16.07.2016 22:43:45] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Too hard for a human brain to realise the scale.
[16.07.2016 22:43:52] (C~Dave.Synk: We can get to that..
[16.07.2016 22:43:55] (C~Dave.Synk: We can get even into it.
[16.07.2016 22:44:02] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Not to mention the creators' possibilities.
[16.07.2016 22:44:06] (C~Dave.Synk: Come here
[16.07.2016 22:44:34] (C~Dave.Synk: But be aware.
[16.07.2016 22:44:41] (C~Dave.Synk: Defense systems is on.
[16.07.2016 22:45:04] (C~Dave.Synk: There it is..
[16.07.2016 22:45:23] (C~Dave.Synk: Let's hope I remember where the entrance was..
[16.07.2016 22:46:09] (C~Dave.Synk: Now.. you can imagine.. what were the K'Vosh right ?
[16.07.2016 22:46:19] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Think so.
[16.07.2016 22:46:51] (C~Roy.Lockhart: You sure we need to get inside?
[16.07.2016 22:47:05] (C~Dave.Synk: Only if you need to see an alien energy source.
[16.07.2016 22:47:36] (C~Dave.Synk: The way home is more dangerous. *laughs* But this is where the fun begins.
[16.07.2016 22:47:52] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I would like to, but... Isn't it too much?
[16.07.2016 22:48:05] (C~Dave.Synk: I can understand your concern.
[16.07.2016 22:48:15] (C~Dave.Synk: It could be.. our ships start to be warned out.
[16.07.2016 22:48:23] (C~Dave.Synk: Let's head towards the exit..
[16.07.2016 22:48:39] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Wise decision.
[16.07.2016 22:49:05] (C~Dave.Synk: Energy pylons we are close.. I hope.
[16.07.2016 22:49:22] (C~Dave.Synk: Nomad contact.
[16.07.2016 22:49:31] (C~Dave.Synk: Oh..
[16.07.2016 22:49:39] (C~Dave.Synk: What's this..
[16.07.2016 22:50:01] (C~Dave.Synk: We are above the energy source.
[16.07.2016 22:50:04] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Some kind of a grid?
[16.07.2016 22:50:24] (C~Dave.Synk: Enough scans.
[16.07.2016 22:50:49] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Lets head out.
[16.07.2016 22:50:57] Elune: **yours..not..-reach-...ours/generator...*
[16.07.2016 22:51:02] 2016-07-15 23:52:51 SMT
[16.07.2016 22:51:02] (C~Dave.Synk: Oh boy...
[16.07.2016 22:51:06] 2016-07-15 23:52:55 SMT
[16.07.2016 22:51:06] (C~Roy.Lockhart: They don't seem to be pleased.
[16.07.2016 22:51:13] 2016-07-15 23:53:02 SMT
[16.07.2016 22:51:13] (C~Dave.Synk: Not yet..
[16.07.2016 22:51:21] (C~Dave.Synk: Not all of them know.. US.
[16.07.2016 22:51:34] (C~Dave.Synk: We are not interested in your power source.
[16.07.2016 22:51:58] (C~Dave.Synk: C'mon god damn it.. where it is..
[16.07.2016 22:53:07] (C~Dave.Synk: What the…
[16.07.2016 22:53:21] (C~Dave.Synk: I've never been here before. Tha gate is amazingly huge.
[16.07.2016 22:53:45] (C~Dave.Synk: That should be the main entrance. I think..
[16.07.2016 22:54:15] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I just have nothing to say mainly.
[16.07.2016 22:54:34] (C~Dave.Synk: I am sorry for this incovenient experience you are currently having.
[16.07.2016 22:54:43] (C~Dave.Synk: Finally I got it on scanners.
[16.07.2016 22:55:00] (C~Dave.Synk: Full Thrust now !!
[16.07.2016 22:55:12] (C~Dave.Synk: Sending signal..
[16.07.2016 22:56:17] (C~Dave.Synk: We need to re-dock to that again.
[16.07.2016 22:56:23] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Some rest finally, Mr. Synk?
[16.07.2016 22:56:36] (C~Dave.Synk: Not yet !
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[16.07.2016 22:56:53] (C~Dave.Synk: Trust me we won't get in the same system.
[16.07.2016 22:57:19] (C~Roy.Lockhart: That's some interesting way those gates work.
[16.07.2016 22:57:38] (C~Dave.Synk: I don't want to know or.. not even remember what happens the way back.
[16.07.2016 22:58:17] (C~Dave.Synk: This system is again.. a site to view.
[16.07.2016 22:58:34] (C~Roy.Lockhart: That's some another beauty to look at.
[16.07.2016 22:58:43] (C~Dave.Synk: And it puzzles me..
[16.07.2016 22:58:54] (C~Dave.Synk: Have you noticed the Great Tunnel in Kappa ?
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[16.07.2016 22:59:00] (C~Dave.Synk: That's how I call it at least..
[16.07.2016 22:59:17] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Never been there. Omicron Kappa, I guess?
[16.07.2016 22:59:22] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes.
[16.07.2016 22:59:25] (C~Dave.Synk: Well that for another time.
[16.07.2016 22:59:35] (C~Dave.Synk: And Razgriz ? Seen it ? You gotta do..
[16.07.2016 22:59:43] (C~Dave.Synk: It's part of my work..
[16.07.2016 22:59:49] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Mr. Synk always has something special to show.
[16.07.2016 22:59:54] (C~Dave.Synk: A massive unusual Blackhole in our systems..
[16.07.2016 23:00:10] (C~Dave.Synk: Actually.. in this system.
[16.07.2016 23:00:19] (C~Dave.Synk: Come take a look.
[16.07.2016 23:00:27] (C~Dave.Synk: We will be going home, I promise *chuckles*.
[16.07.2016 23:00:29] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Look, a fellow Outcast system! Such a pleasure to see.
[16.07.2016 23:00:56] (C~Roy.Lockhart: All right, following.
[16.07.2016 23:00:58] (C~Dave.Synk: Corsica was once a planetoid at least.
[16.07.2016 23:01:09] (C~Dave.Synk: Now it's an observation post and a shipyard also.
[16.07.2016 23:01:17] (C~Dave.Synk: Observation to you will see what..
[16.07.2016 23:01:55] (C~Dave.Synk: To that..
[16.07.2016 23:02:15] (C~Dave.Synk: That is the Razgriz Blackhole
[16.07.2016 23:02:32] (C~Roy.Lockhart: How isn't it getting sucked in?
[16.07.2016 23:02:38] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I'm wondering even more now.
[16.07.2016 23:02:44] (C~Dave.Synk: Well that's the mystery. Is it really a blackhole ?
[16.07.2016 23:03:00] (C~Roy.Lockhart: We shall ask the locals on Corsica.
[16.07.2016 23:03:14] (C~Dave.Synk: I am thinking and upon studying.. that the razgriz blackhole.. was once used as a massive transportation portal/gate.
[16.07.2016 23:03:21] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Such a sight they have from there.
[16.07.2016 23:03:22] (C~Dave.Synk: By the K'Vosh.
[16.07.2016 23:03:59] (C~Roy.Lockhart: You  think so? What matter would endure such pressure.
[16.07.2016 23:04:25] (C~Dave.Synk: They built .. what you saw in Omicron Major *chuckles*
[16.07.2016 23:04:34] (C~Dave.Synk: I can expect something from them even more.
[16.07.2016 23:04:45] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Can't wait to get some rest, Mr. Synk.
[16.07.2016 23:04:57] (C~Dave.Synk: Well perhaps in ancient times this massive anomaly was a giant Jumphole and then "sealed" to be transformed as a blackhole
[16.07.2016 23:05:01] (C~Dave.Synk: Not to be accessed again.
[16.07.2016 23:05:07] (C~Roy.Lockhart: The bar is where we're going to talk some more.
[16.07.2016 23:05:10] (C~Dave.Synk: Yes.. Yes..
[16.07.2016 23:05:13] (C~Dave.Synk: We should rest.
[16.07.2016 23:05:38] (C~Dave.Synk: You can file the report on this expedition to Jared. I will start the research on Azurite and hybrid tech.
[16.07.2016 23:06:00] (C~Dave.Synk: We will be in touch, mr.Lockhart.
[16.07.2016 23:06:02] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Please save up some more things to tell, I may be able to learn yet.
[16.07.2016 23:06:18] (C~Dave.Synk: There is much to be told *laughs* No worries.
[16.07.2016 23:06:28] (C~Roy.Lockhart: I'll be reporting everything to The Informer.
[16.07.2016 23:06:50] (C~Dave.Synk: Next time ? I think we will talk about the bio-mechanical engineering capabilities of K'Vosh seen in K'Hara anatomy.
[16.07.2016 23:07:01] (C~Dave.Synk: But until then, take a rest.
[16.07.2016 23:07:17] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Thank you very much.
[16.07.2016 23:07:25] (C~Dave.Synk: Commune has just started to make the steps to achieve our goals. We will operate more in those systems you saw today.
[16.07.2016 23:07:43] (C~Roy.Lockhart: Was a pleasure.
[16.07.2016 23:07:50] (C~Dave.Synk: All mine. Until next time !
.Attached_files: None

RE: The Commune - Message Relay Zeta - PRJKTLRD - 12-08-2016

[Image: 264px-Lerdi.jpg]

Accessing channel

Source ID: Jared Nomak

Location: The Pandorum Deck, Galicia Research Station

Encryption: #Babylon_S_3.74b.alg

Adressing to all relay contacts,

I will be short and I will summarize everything.

First of all, excellent job with the expeditions. The more information we retrieve, the more better for us and our plans. Try to find more about Schmid and Wexler and their work.

Doctor Synk, we have some new people around and I will adress them to meet up with you and assist you with anything you will need. Again, I will repeat, you can ask for anything that you will need in this secure channel.

For the rest- I am sure that you are aware of recent incidents in Bretonia. As a result, we will hurt the Kingdom where it would hurt the most- the economy and their development. All contacts that aren't included in expeditions and aiding doctor Synk are to deploy into Bretonia. Capture any cargo that goes in and out from their borders and make glorious fireworks out of their capital vessels.

We are to work on this operation until they come to beg us and give us enough good reason to end it perhaps, if our conditions will be accepted. Afterwards, and if that happens, we will follow the Maltese steps towards the Bretonians.

Your primary and above all targets are Auxesian vessels and their operations there. We also noticed some presence of one member of so called "Ghosts of Razgriz" or 101st. You are free to engage any contact having that tag as they were in past found cooperating with the Auxesians.

And on the end- miss Kendall. This is just only beginning of your journey. Welcome to the organisation, and do not worry about anything. All questions will be answered to you by the time passing further.

That is all for now, Nomak out.