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To: AP Manufacturing | Deep Space Engineering - Printable Version

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To: AP Manufacturing | Deep Space Engineering - Deep Space Engineering - 06-08-2016

[Image: KvP5COs.png]

To: AP Manufacturing

Deep Space Engineering is interesting in procuring your services in developing a new type of automated weapon. We believe that your experience in this field will help us greatly in this endeavor. DSE is quite capable of designing and building the framework but where we lack is the weaponry itself. We are hope that you are interested in assisting us with this project and respond back soon.

Manager of Employment and Logistics, Matthew Bontrager

RE: To: AP Manufacturing | Deep Space Engineering - Foxglove - 06-08-2016


ID: Cordelia Lyell
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Your Proposal

Esteemed Mr. Bontrager,

There might be a possible business venue for DSE and APM, given the amicable terms the Core and Liberty are on. Yet, you surely realize that we need a bit more information about the nature of the proposed weaponry that is supposed to be designed by APM. Also, seeing as it is a weapon system, we would like to inquire as to what its purpose will be, whom it will be used against, and who will be able to purchase it if it reaches the market at all.

Opon receiving the requested information, I will decide whether APM shall work alongside DSE on this project. I await your response.

-C. Lyell
Guildkeeper, The Core


RE: To: AP Manufacturing | Deep Space Engineering - Deep Space Engineering - 06-09-2016

[Image: KvP5COs.png]

To: Cordelia Lyell, Core

Ah yes apologies for keeping you in the dark at first. I'm sure you understand that we can't simply lay everything on the table in one go.

The new platform will be based on one of our smaller construction floaters. The floater itself is already heavily armored due to its use in small spaces around stations. It has proven itself time and time again as a integral part of final inspections and construction with securing bulkheads and sections of hull. We suspect it would be quite easy to remove some of its tools and replace it with combat hardware. That's where you come in.

The new floater will be used to support ground forces, primarily foot soldiers and police in semi-urban to urban environments. The specifics of its new armament and equipment are kinda left up to you folks I suppose.

The primary customers at the moment are Liberty military forces planet side with station work coming later. Other military and corporate interests will most likely be allowed to be customers assuming the initial launch goes well.

I hope this satisfies your queries.

Manager of Employment and Logistics, Matthew Bontrager

RE: To: AP Manufacturing | Deep Space Engineering - Deep Space Engineering - 06-16-2016

Pinging Recipient

RE: To: AP Manufacturing | Deep Space Engineering - Foxglove - 06-17-2016


ID: Cordelia Lyell
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Weapon Prototype

Esteemed Mr. Bontrager,

The proposed idea has been discussed with the Board of Directors. If you were so kind as to provide us with the blueprints of said floaters in order to guarantee that we meet your standards and not that of some derivative, we could start concipating a weapon system that could be mounted thereon. Depending on its sturdiness and the situation of its employment, our engineers had already had several ideas on which weaponry might be suited to be mounted on these.

Of course, given that the weapon will be employed in urban environments, we discarded the idea of heavy artillery and bunker-busters rather quickly — after all, one does not need a bludgeon where a knife would be sufficient. The most popular idea seemed to have been a remote-controlled light recon and scout unit armed with rapidly-firing EM-Pulse weapons, similar to shockblasters employed by some police forces to subdue opponents rather than harm them. Additionally, several sensor and recording devices could be installed to further enhance this unit's ability to effectively support law enforcement units on the ground by giving valuable intel. Probably not a shield array, but that would depend on the floater's ability to lift a powersource that could sustain the output. I highly doubt this will be possible, however

This unit would probably not be able to win anything on its own, but as far as we have gathered, it is only supposed to compliment only existing ground units. The envisioned unit would be able to suppress an opponent long enough for police units to close in and ensnare the adversary. Of course, the EM-Pulse weaponry could just as easily be switched out with any one small-caliber ballistic or energy weapon, the latter might be a problem for the same reason as the shield array.

-C. Lyell
Guildkeeper, The Core