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NoMe - Wild Eagle - 06-10-2016

I have been trying to wrap my head around this for ages. Why when so many new people are slapped for ooRP and speaking in another language is NoMe still here and not banned? This is in no way a direct attack or trolling effort I genuinely wish to know. I mean the constantly weak Comms in the comm thread which get moved to flood and the complete lack of even trying to write in English correctly. I just don't understand the lack of punishment there when others who try but get things wrong are hit with punishment.

Serious question and it does need a serious answer

RE: NoMe - Kauket - 06-10-2016

the rules say to speak in english
but it never said it had to be perfect.

RE: NoMe - Wild Eagle - 06-10-2016

I'm not saying it has to be perfect either but you can understand the point I'm trying to get across surely.

I just want to know why

RE: NoMe - Kauket - 06-10-2016

What do you mean weak comms?

The lack of formatting? That isn't against the rules.

His wording is weird but I don't see anything too infringing besides use of emoticons.

RE: NoMe - Wild Eagle - 06-10-2016

One of many examples

Like above its not his formating it is the lack of RP. Hence the reason the majority of his posts get moved to flood. One or two sure but all clearly there is an issue but no one seems to do anything except have a laugh when its moved to flood.

RE: NoMe - sindroms - 06-10-2016

Many of our members do not meet the ''standards'' of an RP community but they are still around. And I am not talking just about speech.

The thing about NoMe is because yes - it is as you said it. Have a laugh. But the thing is, he laughs along with it and that is what makes him a very fun member of the community. He himself is very well aware that his current level of English is not enough to actively partake in roleplay, but he knows the server rules and his actions are amusing and not ill-mannered.

The thing is, he is the good kind of ''lowpar roleplayer'', the one who tries regardless and is good mannered about it.

RE: NoMe - Tunicle - 06-10-2016

Last post nicely sums up what is aimed for, attainment is work in progress.

RE: NoMe - Wild Eagle - 06-10-2016

Well that does sum it up nicely and I can see the logic. As I said I meant ZERO harm with this and NoMe if this offeneded you I do apologize.

RE: NoMe - sindroms - 06-10-2016

And that is a neat way to end this thread.

RE: NoMe - Wild Eagle - 06-10-2016

Lock would be great