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Meet the OSC Team - Printable Version

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Meet the OSC Team - Orbital Spa and Cruise - 06-10-2016

We at Orbital Spa and Cruise are more than just a company, we're a family.
It is our belief that each member of staff, from the Bar Staff to the Chairman, should be treated as equals whose talents, lives and stories are richer than the blue seas of Curacao, that is why we are proud to present:

Meet the OSC Team

Here you will find short biographies of our staff, all completely optional of course, that will allow you to see the more human side of OSC that'll make your stay with us a far grander experience.

Chairman Henry Pines
[Image: En186TX.png]
The youngest in a family of five, Henry Pines enjoyed the life of a middle class Libertonian unconcerned with the hardships of others while finding himself constantly overshadowed by his older brother and sister, a rift that would eventually lead to estrangement in later life.
A stubborn, calculating Henry went on to surprise and disappoint his parents by refusing college education opting to pursue his passion as a professional gambler. The decision lead to a decade of considerable fortune that was sadly marred by the death of his parents, a blow that saw him retire permanently from the gambling scene and fall into several years of isolation.

After depleting his stored wealth, Pines shifted aimlessly between jobs. His high school education limited him to office work and other menial tasks until finally securing long-term employment with Orbital Spa and Cruise, working as an administrator for one of the smaller Curacao resorts at the age of 31. Over the next 20 years Pines gradually rose within the company ranks. He enjoyed a lengthy seven year stint as a liner captain until reaching the position of planetary director for Baden Baden, a “cursed” job as staff had labeled it, due in no small part to the frequent assassination attempts carried out by the terrorist group known as the LWB.
Pines remained in this position for 4 years before being transferred to Curacao where he fulfilled the same role until being forcefully shuffled into an advisory capacity at the age of 55 following an attempt to boost visitors to the planet failed due to the outbreak of the Tau War and the following Rheinland-Liberty conflict, despite repeated advice to the contrary. Six months later Pines retired in protest, stating his long years of service had simply been thrown aside for the sake of a scapegoat and eventually settling upon planet Denver.

However 3 years later OS&C contacted Pines seeking new leadership, the company was facing dire straits as the Gallic Invasion combined with the Rheinland-Liberty war had driven tourism to rock-bottom and all attempts devised by the shareholders to reverse the trend had met with abject failure. Still resentful of his treatment at the hands of OS&C Pines pressed the advantage, gambling their desire to use his experience and drive against the desperate state of the company. The gamble paid off, the shareholders and OS&C board consented to giving him majority control in exchange for his acceptance of the chairman position. Unsurprisingly his first meeting with the shareholders made clear his disdain for credit-powered authorities.
Bringing the meeting to order, he threw the list of failed attempts onto the table and categorically explained how each and every idea had gone wrong, finally ending the beratement by issuing an ultimatum:

“You can either keep the engines fueled and trust I’ll steer us in the right direction or try to take the wheel again and wreck us against the shore.”

RE: Meet the OSC Team - DkJericho - 09-24-2016

Security Director Kiko Saguma

[Image: TP9aSP8.png]

Kiko Saguma is the only daughter of the Saguma family. Her parents are the proud owners of farm land and make there living off this. Kiko on the other hand had a different path for her life she joined up with the Kusari Fleet at the age of 20 and finished her duties after 5 years. With the military in her past Kiko went out to seek employment with Orbital Spa and Cruise Security Division. With success she joined there ranks and worked her way up to being a well known and respected Officer and eventually sat her place as the Director of Security. With every report that she see's it reminds her of the times she spent in the fleet which makes her feel at home. Now Kiko spends most of her time away from her desk and is out in the field with her Officers.

RE: Meet the OSC Team - Oldum - 10-13-2016

Andrew Wells , Head of Research and Development
[Image: AndrewWellows2_zpsjaqe6b51.png]
Born in Liberty , but raised on New London , Andrew Wells was always interested in spaceships, both designing and building. After graduating at Cambridge University of Mechanics and Technology, he began to work as a research engineer at Southampton Shipyard. He didn't really got what he asked for, as insted of doing actual research , he was downgraded to be responsible for the upkeep of BMM vessels.

However, he soon realized that finding holes on BMM miners isn't really the thing for him, so a few years later, he became the silent partner and head engineer of a small company working under the flag of Orbital Spa and Cruise. The company, Holiday Resort Inc. didn't last too long, as its owner and chairman was accused with stealing and smuggling, which than caused investors and customers to leave. This was the moment when Wells realized, he needs to save what he can and move on. Just as he did that, with the remaining assets from the company, - multiple liners and escort ships along with their crew- he joined the fleet of Orbital Spa and Cruise.

In a short notice, he became the head of R&D, which since than concluded multiple successful system scans, data collecting missions and also finalized and started producing Orbital Spa and Cruises very own passenger shuttles, the "Taurus" and the "Dorado".

While being a scientist, Wells has no regards going onboard any of the research ships Orbital Spa and Cruise has in stock, or to use weapons to solve any problem that might come in the way, despite being know for his calm nature.

RE: Meet the OSC Team - Oldum - 10-13-2016

Security Commander Tyler Reks
[Image: TylerRex_zpshkt4c2f5.png]
A real redneck from the cream of it, Tyler Reks was always the "shoot first and don't even bother asking" kind of person. Born and raised in Liberty, he applied to the Liberty Navy, where he went up the ranks only for a bit, due to his aggressive nature and ways of dealing with things. Eventually, he became a commando officer, leading his team to places not to many wanted to go. However, his manners couldn't be left unattended and despite having more comfirned vessel kills and ground takedown operations than most of his age, he was kicked from the Navy.

Having nothing left, he became a mercenary for hire, doing whatever he was paid to do. During one of these events was when he got to know the later Security Director Saguma, who offered him a position at Orbital Spa and Cruise Security Department which payed a lot more than average shooting and smuggling. Reks also tried working on his manners, and after some intense work and a few broken arms, he calmed down to be a "shoot first, ask later" type of person, which already was an improvement.

Being as trigger happy as he is, Tyler Reks is one of the most trained commandos and is capable of solving most situations in space or on the ground, given he has something to shoot his opposition with.