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To: Frau Keller | [Encrypted Source - Array 113] - Printable Version

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To: Frau Keller | [Encrypted Source - Array 113] - Jazzi - 06-12-2016

[Image: ijwiDQz.png]
Frau Keller. It has been a long time indeed since we last spoke. Much as passed within this time. I have enjoyed the usage of this military communication array. I trust it is still available for use?
I trust you are well? Concern struck me earlier this week - Captain Lewis has remained silent. Has something happened to him? Are you alright?

RE: To: Frau Keller | [Encrypted Source - Array 113] - SkyNet - 06-13-2016

[Image: keller3hqa99.png]
Hauptkommissar Keller

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Dr.Thorn
.......● SENDER:-..............Erika Keller
.......● LOCATION:´..........U-177, Omega-9 System
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ ░ ░
.......● SUBJECT:..............(No Subject)

Long time no see Frau doctor Thorn,

I'm glad to hear from you. And ja, you may still use our communication array.

Damian is... well... He is on one of his "important missions". But i can assure you that he is in good health. He just tends to cut all communications while he is at work.

I hope you could collect something useful in the meantime. My superiors await results, doctor. Have you any news for me?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hauptkommissar Erika Keller
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Kommissariat

[Image: hauptkommissar66bar.png]

Message End

RE: To: Frau Keller | [Encrypted Source - Array 113] - Jazzi - 06-14-2016

[Image: ijwiDQz.png]

If would indulge in the matter, please av...avoid using my name on th...these channels. An...any designation see fit would suffice - Array 113 is no...not insecure yet it is not invul...vulnerable.

I have for you. is impossible to sh...share my sources directly, ye...yet you can trust they are, urm... reliable.

It se...seems the Order ha...have grown rather cu...curious of the goings on in Iota an...and beyond, especially they've found themselves some, ur... new friends. The Ingenuus Research Group. No...nothing new, yet th...this time they are bo...boldly scouting wi...without fear. Th...they've learnt of the st...static defenses present on entry, and, urm... plan more thorough recon operations. It, ur... has also been said a capital vessel called the Atum Ra is st...staging operations nearby in Minor. In ad...addition, wh...whilst it is th...thus far impossible to co...confirm, it is li...likely and possible th...that the two organisations are co-operating on sensor in order to, urm... facilitate this curiosity of theirs. It is mo...more than probable th...this rumour and the mo...movements of the Atum Ra are linked.

If and, ur... when have further re...requests or intel for me, I shall be awaiting them.

RE: To: Frau Keller | [Encrypted Source - Array 113] - SkyNet - 06-15-2016

[Image: keller3hqa99.png]
Hauptkommissar Keller

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Dr.Thorn
.......● SENDER:-..............Erika Keller
.......● LOCATION:´..........U-177, Omega-9 System
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ ░ ░
.......● SUBJECT:..............(No Subject)


I have ensured that this channel is secure. And believe me, we will look into this matter. I just wait for a specific... let's say "keyword"... from the Oberkommando. Ja, well... So i might have more work for you soon. They are, however, not famous for their speed. Hence this could take a while.

You will hear from me.


Hauptkommissar Erika Keller
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Kommissariat

[Image: hauptkommissar66bar.png]

Message End

RE: To: Frau Keller | [Encrypted Source - Array 113] - Jazzi - 06-29-2016

[Image: ijwiDQz.png]

Fr...frau Keller,

I, ur... have a fa...favour to ask of you if are willing to hear me out. Wh...whilst I have come to le...learn many things ab...about the unknown in th...this universe, th... there are stilll th... those facets ri...ripe for experimentation. I re...require an i...item, and I am su...sure one such as yourself po...possess the neccessary skills to o...obtain it.

Ma...may we meet in se...seclusion, so that I may see if are willing to assist me in th...this endeavour?

RE: To: Frau Keller | [Encrypted Source - Array 113] - SkyNet - 06-29-2016

[Image: keller60gsic.png]
Hauptkommissar Keller

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Dr.Thorn
.......● SENDER:-..............Erika Keller
.......● LOCATION:´..........U-177, Omega-9 System
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █ ░ ░
.......● SUBJECT:..............(No Subject)

Frau Thorn,

You know where you find me. Exact coordinates will be transferred into your neural net as soon as you enter Omega-9. Make sure no one pursues you. The same procedure like every time, doctor.

And then... then we see what i can do for you.


Hauptkommissar Erika Keller
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Kommissariat

[Image: hauptkommissar66bar.png]

Message End