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"Tantalus" - Character Sheet - Printable Version

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"Tantalus" - Character Sheet - Ace Razgriz - 06-22-2016

[Image: NC7X0aQ.jpg]

Full Name: [REDACTED] Only "Tantalus" on file
Age: 30
Birth Year: 793 A.S.
Height: 6'0 (182 cm)
Origin: Bretonia
Current Status: UNKNOWN, MIA, last seen in Coronado


“Tantalus” was born in a gritty mining community on the southwest hemisphere of Planet Leeds, at the height of the mining period within the system. Like most children born on Leeds, Tantalus was given away as a child, never knowing his parents as they gave him away to head back to their work as grunts of the mining corporations. Tantalus grew up amongst a fostered family, which to this day he remembers quite fondly. However whilst growing up this family, they had never given him a full name that his parents lacked the will to give him upon his birth. While the name “Tantalus” has only followed him since his time in the Order, growing up on Leeds he was known by his family and few friends as “Shade” due his reclusive nature and want for seclusion amongst most of his peers, despite making a fair few friends that are likely still alive, and likely despise him now in 823 A.S.

Entering his teenage years, it was normal for the youth of Leeds to begin learning the trade of mining and carrying along the business their parents had been doing since their teens. Tantalus leaned more towards the very scarce, top class Neural Net Science’s at the sole University that was established on the planet: Planet Leed’s Consumer Studies University. The college was something unimpressive and meager compared to the top minds of Cambridge, and was a goal that Tantalus devoted his time towards in his primary schooling. A favorite hobby of Tantalus in his downtime was taking a day off of school, once in awhile, and jet off towards Dublin in a little Cavalier fighter handed down from a good friend training in the local BPA department. That little Cavalier was a dream for any child on Leeds, and Tantalus took it towards Dublin, using it to race. He encountered more than a few notable characters racing, developing a knack for betting on the sport and running into the infamous racer Dexter Hovis more than a few times as a regular visitor of the hood in 808 A.S.

After Primary school, Tantalus managed to get a scholarship to the University of Leeds, elated and going into the University for his studies on Neural Net Science’s. Freshman year as one of the few students on Planet Leeds’ sole University was a rush over Tantalus. He had the drive, studying diligently for his first year in his four year program. Around October of 809 A.S, Tantalus was on his own in his dorm, working on projects within the deep Neural Net, on a proxied database to access deeper files in the Neural Net. Eventually coming across files on what all of Sirius had cast off after the Nomad war 8 years ago, the terrorists known only as The Order. The University had been tracking Tantalus’ adventures within the deep Neural Net, and found it rather troubling to themselves that their students were browsing this kind of “propaganda”, so they took it upon themselves to call the Armed Forces and wait until Tantalus was removed properly from the campus. Tantalus had never seemed more surprised than when his quiet college dorm door suddenly fell to the floor from a loud boom.

When the Armed Forces caught whiff of Tantalus and his snooping into what shouldn’t be, they were rather aggressive in their approach to take care of the problem they saw. Tantalus immediately reacted when the Armed forces arrived, but nonetheless the soldiers overpowered him in the small environment and had him on the ground in cuffs. Tantalus was escorted aboard a Clydesdale and left alone while the officers searched his room for any other signs of ties to the terrorist organization. While they left, he reacted as quickly as he could, breaking the glass the peered from the back into the cockpit of the empty Clydesdale, and piloted an AI as far as it could go: to the Kyushu system on the western end of Kusari. Tantalus never looked back from Bretonia that day, heading towards Kusari with a new goal in mind and the image of the Eye of Anubis implanted in his mind.

Tantalus arrived in Kusari shortly after, only a few days after his escape from Leeds. He huddled in the bar on Planet Kyushu for a few days recuperating from the pure shock of what he had went through, his own house betrayed him, forcing him out of his dream in University for what were branded as terrorists. After recuperating, he headed back out, speeding towards the Sigmas after talking to a few locals on how to get to the Omicrons. After a few days of travel, he stood on the cusp of the Omicrons at the Omicron Theta jump hole in Sigma-17, and jumped in, to plunge into his new future away from the censorship of the houses. The Omicrons were something he had never experienced before, gorgeous but immensely hostile and untamed. Tantalus eventually came on to the Omicron Minor system, stumbling around before pleading his case to an Order patrol, and being led to the stronghold of Planet Toledo. From there he became a mechanic of the Order for the next 7 years, repairing ships and going on the occasional patrol with the regular pilots before 816 A.S. came, and with it the biggest eye-opening experience Tantalus had yet had.

The Battle of Toledo is something engrained in the mind of every Order agent that survived that day, of which very few remain. Tantalus was acting as an engineer onboard a freighter convoy bound that day for Liberty, he even remembers the freighters ID number: OF-8217. The freighter was just getting ready to lift off after prep, before the alarm sounded across all of Toledo that a Nomad force that would dwarf even the resistance the Order faced 15 years ago in Omicron Major. It was Tantalus's job to be thrust into the cockpit of an Anubis and learn to fly it in the space of 5 minutes it would take the get to get out of the atmosphere. The experience guiding the freighter was short, as it practically evaporated, caught in the fire of a Nomad Guardian. All Tantalus could do was keep his head down and suffer, watching in horror as Toledo, and all the inhabitants left on it, where consumed in molten fury as the tectonic plates parted, letting the liquid magma beneath the surface bubble up and consume those left on the surface.

All he could do was turn off his radio to keep himself from losing his mind that day. From low orbit he could almost see the masses of bodies.

After Toledo was lost, Tantalus wandered with the Order, eventually coming onto Akabat a month after its initial discovery and after base camps had been set up. Over the years, the Order built up its might on Akabat, and Tantalus had received the Medal of Isis for surviving the fall of Akabat. While Akabat was restructuring, Tantalus was assigned as a regular patrol pilot, and transferred briefly for a time to a 'Dark Wing" squadron, before shortly leaving and acting as a secondary fleet pilot.

In 820 A.S, four years after Toledo had fallen, things were slowly getting back to normal. Tantalus had been approached by the commander of one of the surviving battalions from Toledo, the O'Rhu cell, growing rapidly in their niche of stealth and recon. Tantalus took up the offer of the leader, Jason Orack, to join the battalion. Tantalus flew with this Battalion for ages, before eventually getting assigned by Orack down to Bretonia for monitering of the Newcastle system and to reach out for any sort of... diplomacy with Bretonia. His attempts there were unsuccessful, and eventually he gave out and was lost to O'Rhu for an entire year, under the radar and lost in his cause.

Tantalus was spotted by a secondary fleet Order agent roughly a year later in Dublin playing a rigged poker game against some Junkers. The agent recognized the tatters of Tantalus's O'Rhu uniform, shortly after dragging him out and having a... sit down with the agent and reminding him of his mission. After dwelling on the matter for a few weeks, Tantalus took it upon himself to finish what he started, and ventured towards the Omicrons on the Hathor class he had left on. It didn't take long to find Orack, and after a long talk got back into the fray of the Order... after jumping through a few hoops of course.

Tantalus acted as a captain and field commander in O'Rhu for roughly the next year, and on July of 822 A.S, started something that would grow to affect his entire future, Operation Spear and the Horus Battalion. Horus was originally meant as something small, and Tantalus was chosen to be one of the commanders of the Battalion to lead it against the Core in the capture of Dabadoru station. The role was simple, act as a cloaking force that would infiltrate the front lines and attack the objective. It worked wonderously to plan, driving back the Core with the Resheph sized hull of the soon to be, OCV-Razgriz.

Horus fell into the cracks afterwards, and Tantalus worked within the secondary fleet after detaching from O'Rhu shortly after Operation Spear. This was a relatively quiet period for Tantalus... as he worked simply on furthering the Orders goals, before an opportunity came up to rise farther up in the Order than he ever had before, to bring back the glory of the Horus Battalion. Tantalus was offered by Kelly Hellion, a pilot he had worked with before on Horus in its initial creation for Operation Spear. After a few months of planning, Horus was re-instated within the ranks of the Order Primary Fleet as a Stealth and Reconaissance Battalion. The hull of Tantalus's old cruiser, OCV-Razgriz was also scrapped and Rechristened under a new Osiris class outfitted with the latest in veil and stealth technology from the Order. This ship acted as the mobile headquarters for Horus and has been under the command of Tantalus since then, although now its colors fly in a flurry of confusion.

Over his time in O'Rhu, Tantalus came to know certain people who have been dubbed his enemy, notably Sapphire Raven, an ex-Core pilot and now commander of Battlegroup Auxesia in the Inter-House sectors. It was no secret to closer friends of Tantalus that he did not wish to harm many humans in his time, so he was welcome to befriending even some of his human enemies. This followed Tantalus, through his time in the Omicrons even to meeting with Raven a few times outside of the Order and everything else going on, until one day he went a little further than normal for a visit. Tantalus went down rather suddenly to Coronado under the ploy of a black ops project, where he asked Raven for a place to stay in that week. It was in that time that Tantalus got to meet the pilots of Auxesia and explore more in depth just what Raven was leading. Tantalus had no personal vendetta against them, and when he casually left and returned, things got a little more than heated in the aftermath.

After Tantalus returned to the Omicrons, it was a peaceful yet short peace before Admiral Jeremy Hunter, an Overwatch memebr Tantalus had sparsely worked with in the past, called Tantalus back down to Coronado, this time with the heaviest guns he had. Tantalus at the same time, got a communication from Raven talking about the same situation Hunter presented to him... Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter of the Liberty Navy. Tantalus moved to Coronado as quickly as he could with the ship, quickly being thrown into a vanguard of events everywhere from discovery to betrayal. The Razgriz and Tantalus sat in Coronado, quickly dispatched from the Order with Auxesia close to their side along with any signs of the Order's activity. Tantalus is currently listed as MIA in any Order database's, as his personal connection with any database in Mu or otherwise has been cut off for him to access. Tantalus currently sits in orbit of the small moon of Jericho, with him and the slowly aging hull of his Osiris scanning the horizon for new word on a currently developing situation.

>>Linked Information:Horus: Order Reconnaissance and Stealth Battalion
Personal Terminal 1005793: "Tantalus"
Horus Command Vessel Razgriz

RE: "Tantalus" - Character Sheet - Ace Razgriz - 07-16-2016

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