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Emmeleia - Loyola - 07-03-2016


Family Name: Loyola
Given Name: Enma
Gender: Female
Age: 33 (19.07.790 A.S.)

Place of Birth: Planet Malta - Omicron Alpha
Nationality: Maltese
Maltese National ID: 4098871311

Height: 179 cm
Weight: 68 kg

Colour of eyers:: Gray
Hair: Red

Medical issues: Knee trauma, mental instability.
Marital Status: Single.

» Current:
The Wild
The National Council

» Former:
The Crimson Cross
The Core
Battlegroup Auxesia

RE: Emmeleia - Loyola - 07-03-2016

Family History

There was the two people of Loyola surname who arrived to the Sirius on Hispania Sleepership. We have information only of one of them; Arturo Loyola was hydrologist who made a great contribution to the research and development of water resources on Malta. Arturo Loyola was the founder of modern day house of Loyola. Other person who arrived to Sirius stayed on the planet Crete, while Hispania continued to drift until reached Omicron Alpha. We don't know for sure what happened to the Cretan line of Loyola, but it seems like it was interrupted at the first few generations.

Rise of the Loyola family in 520-x was rapid and impetuous. Members of the family gained some key positions to allowed them influence the Maltese economy. However with some time Loyola turned into military dynasty and remained such until the beginning of 700-x when birth within the family decreased down to dangerous elevations. In the same time Loyola slowly, but surely lost their influence while other families took all of the initiative in their hands.

In year 714 A.S. due to many arising difficulties Loyola was not able to exit as an independent family. The head of the House Abele di Loyola had decided to swear allegiance to Masonni family. It is worth noting that head of the Masonni family Daniele and Abele were rather a good friends and the whole vassalization process was a formality, but still a necessary one. This specific kind of relationships between two families for sure maintained in the next generations.

Mother of Enma, Launa origined from Manzione family. As Loyola, Manzione aslo were the vassals of Masonni, so it was to be expected that Loyola and Manzione will cross their lines. Families of new wave like Manzione who quickly rose in the power through the Cardamine trade were one of the main reasons of downfall of the old families like Loyola. However, thoughts of that kind did not make any influence on the future relations between Launa and Roberto.

The father of Enma, Roberto was the combat pilot in the traditions to the last few generations to the family. He actively participated in the battles on the Sigmas front with Corsairs. His main task was cover of the Cardamine convoys which were mainly belong to his patron, Masonni. Of course it was included preventive raid in Corsair space. One of them became last to Roberto and his wing. Enma did know that reason of her fathers death was betrayal of the group of the Zoners which were supposed to provide the additional supplies. But still there was no direct proofs in the support of this theory.

After Robetros death, current leader of Masonni, Don Achille Massoni took Launa and her children Enma and Mateo under his personal patronage. Achille have remembered loyal service of Roberto, not to mention to say that just as their fathers, Roberto and Achille were a good friends. Enma was protected from impoverishment, but her personal relations with Achille and other members of Masonni were fairly not that good.

Launa had continued her work as a smuggler on the profitable route, known as Baffin corridor. After a years she became the main Masonni representative person in the partnership with the Lane Hackers. Sadly, Launa, during her duties, was not even able to be at home for more than a month per year. Of course this fact didn't make relations between Enma and her mother any warmer. Despite that, news of her mother missing without a noticing in Magellan system was a very hard blow to Enma.

Even after Launas missing, Achille continued to patronize to Enma and her brother. Unlike Enma who did not have any notable success in any of the fields, Mateo even at his early age established himself as a talented scientist. He was selected to participate in the development of top secret projects, perhaps for that reason, only little information is available to public. His current location and occupation are unknown.

RE: Emmeleia - Loyola - 07-04-2016

From where it begins

After loss of parents, even despite Achilles patronage Enma had a really poor chances to reach something worthwhile staying on Maltese surface. This understanding was inherent to both Enma and Achille as something really obvious and as something that is not really worth mentioning. Enma had a pretty positive reaction on Achilles proposal of private training with the best pilots of Masonni family, it even gave her some kind of enthusiasm. However her enthusiasm did not last long and exhausted at second or third training.

Lack of enthusiasm is one of the Enmas very basic personality traits, inherent to many of late members of Loyola. She perceived her future work in space as another onerous necessity imposed by the life itsуlf. Despite her general inactivity, she was a quite proud person, she did not see herself in the lower layers of the Maltese or any other society, outside Malta. This was something that gave her a basic motive to act and in the end was the really motivating factor at the early stages of her 'career'.

Her first flights Enma made in the late of 820 A.S. on some old ships that were originally belong to her mother. All of the guns on those ships, of course, were dismantled. Same with all modern navigation systems. In other words it were the most optimal ships for the beginning pilot. Nothing to lose if the pilot will fail and ship will be lost. Enma was very careful and didn't fly far away from Malta, but these flights seemed exciting to Enma, she felt something that she would never feel on the ground.

Up to the year 822 A.S. Enma have finally became a pilot with the very basic pilot and even some combat skills. Of course, such young and talented pilot wasn't interesting to anyone, so she still did not perform any useful work and still was in completely dependence to Masonni family. Masonni have tried to pushed Enma out of his influence, Enma also have tried to liberate from Masonni influence, but for some mysterious reasons status quo maintained for quite a long time.

One of the really important meetings in Enmas life happened, of course, at Maltese orbit. She met Kusarian woman, which differed by hunger for knowledge and very cleared dignity. This woman was one of the Golden Chrysanthemums and as all of GC, she of course followed the teaching of Yuyu Matsuda. Not to mention to say, that she was quite avant-garde and freethinking individual within this movement. All in all she impressed Enma mostly as the person who is the making her own way, using her head as the main tool.

Name of this Chrysanthemum was Hana Ken. In time, Hana will glorify herself as one of the most outstanding leaders of the Golden Chrysanthemums movement. Hana was known as the founder and main ideologist of the Sisterhood of Dreams, the radical branch of the GC movement, known mostly by it's terrorist acts and wide propaganda.

Hanas work on Malta attracted attention of Achille Masonni who was looked at Kusari as an another opportunity to strengthen the position of his family. When he have learned that Enma and Hana entered in some sort of friednly type of relationship he decided to kill two birds with one stone. Send Enma far away from Malta and probably use her relations with Hana to probably make additional profit.

Enma was ordered to be Hanas companion and probably some sort of bodyguard that can't be bodyguard at all. She apprehended that she finally got some work to do, the fact that she can't perform her duties properly did not change her positive view on the situation. She really liked to spent a lot of time with Hana and she saw it as the good opportunity to visit other Worlds. In other words she took it more like a vacation than serious work. She began to provide herself with all that necessary by making a small piracy raids with Hana in Sigmas and Kusari. Enma was quite impressed by Kusarian culture and many wise thoughts of Matsuda, however she still stayed out of ideology and just tried to enjoy every minute of her life.

By the greatest regret it could not last long and during the returning to Malta to refresh their Cardamine supplies they have met unknown contact in Siniestre nebula. Hana persuaded Enma to flee and just leave her alone. Enma felt infernal fear heading Hanas words and ran away in semi hysterical delirium. Achille Masonni saw this situation as the perfect occasion to cut the ties with Enma as not loyal and cowardly person. So he just drive her away right after the report. Hana was missing for awhile after that incident and Enma was only pointlessly blaming herself.