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Roleplaying Ironically - sindroms - 07-04-2016


You know, I remember we used to have a time here on Discovery Freelancer Roleplay Community, where people actually took pride in their roleplay skills. Where a person could post some random sirius wide transmission and people would jump at the chance to involve their own personal RP characters in it.

Over the last few years I have seen not the roleplay per-se, but rather the attitude towards roleplay deteriorate to a point where I myself do not know if I should bother or if anyone else bothers for that matter.

Every roleplay encounter I get on the server that involves some of our more longer-standing people, tagged or not, official faction or not, seems to devolve into the other party trying to squeeze in as many meme and ''lol funny'' online-culture references as they can. So why do we even bother trying to advertise the community as a roleplay one, when even the people that seem to be the most invested in it are doing this crap?

Some time half a year ago it was the staff decision that we try to improve the overall roleplay quality of the ingame and forums, but it seems that idea has lost its steam. This thread is nothing more to remind people that their attention on the problem is slipping. Ignore the current drama and ask yourself if the overall attitude we have towards roleplay quality in general is worth preserving as this community. I like dank meimeis like the next person, but how about we keep it on 9gag and off the forums and ingame. Otherwise this drama is making it really hard to sympathize with the project that is Discovery Freelancer, when any attempts to rekindle the flame and bring back people to our forums and server is them walking in, looking around, shaking their head and leaving again.

I think the administration team in par with the community should start hosting the Top 10 best Roleplays award, I think @mwerte was responsible for that idea last time. Take pride in your effort. If you won't, who will?

RE: Roleplaying Ironically - Ramke - 07-04-2016

This is an issue that hits home.

I've largely lost interest and have stopped playing for quite a while as a result of a buildup of exactly this. Most of my encounters devolved into encountering people who want to drop one-liners and engage for blues, people acting like memes and making jokes in-game, ruining the actual mood of the encounter. It's hard to find people who actually roleplay for the sake of roleplaying, rather than just trying to throw as many memes to have some laughs.

It's not really possible to counter this in any way either, besides just ignoring them. Not realistically, without causing massive drama, at least.

RE: Roleplaying Ironically - Kauket - 07-04-2016

I dunno. I always try to keep my characters in character - but they always have some slip-up moments - which is fine since it's Human nature.

What really pissed me off is when I was playing on one of my chars in Leeds, all my character was doing was cleaning out an item, and people respond with internet-esque responses - out of universe responses like;

mannerisms of "lel shoot urself" "dork" or whatever. Instead of ones who in that universe would probably query what's happening, or what they're going to do.

It's annoying seeing memers doing the same crap over and over. They're taking the 'real real world' reality - to this reality. People in different universes think differently. I want to see more effort than memes too. I hate dumb people trying to be funny when they're blantantly not.

RE: Roleplaying Ironically - Tarator - 07-04-2016

Personally, I think the deteriorating "quality" of roleplay is a result of a number of factors that are not necessarily related to skill nor even the will of the players involved. Often, this happens unintentionally. Time passes, things happen, and the influence of events outside the RP world, is being channeled inside, largely because.... it's the same people playing all the time. I'd say, if the community would have had a constant flow of new comers with fresh minds, bringing ideas and roleplay styles, this issue would have been suppressed, but it's the same people, so it's quite understandable.

Simply put - it's boredom that causes it.

RE: Roleplaying Ironically - Sombs - 07-04-2016

I think it's hard to balance some roleplay things. I always try to not gift Discovery with just another serious-dark-mysterious character but instead with a funny-to-a-certain-point and more real one. An easy one, that makes jokes of some things, like we made a Kishiro Service Robot, giving it Erik Nodtviet's speechpatterns and voice (with a cold) and call the robot "Nodtvibot". People seem to like it, as it seems to be a good example of humor within the non-immersion breaking roleplay environment. Other people could say it's already borderlining, and I question it always when I try to cheer stuff a bit up.

Another example is the made-up ingame-online chat platform "Cuddles" I made up, where people actually can talk in chat-speech. It's listed in Sombra's contact spoiler. I think a simulated environment like this can actually be used for that kind of speech. However, not in the ingame-chat.

I took the liberty to put some outgame-related puns in there, since it's very likely a person that knows Sombra Hookier ingame would play around with her name. In that case, she did it herself.

RE: Roleplaying Ironically - ProwlerPC - 07-04-2016

Nothing beats a well fleshed out character that is delivered right. Sometimes you gotta cycle through some mediocre characters before you hit the mark and watch your char rise in reputation be it fame or infamy. I'd also like to add that breaking character in game has always been taboo for me and any of my members back when I made a faction.

RE: Roleplaying Ironically - TheFreelancer - 07-04-2016

(07-04-2016, 11:09 PM)sindroms Wrote: Top 10 best Roleplays award

I think this would be a good Idea, But how would they find the time to browse through paragraphs of RP, when they are already stretched thin as it is?

RE: Roleplaying Ironically - Durandal - 07-05-2016

(07-04-2016, 11:09 PM)sindroms Wrote: I think the administration team in par with the community should start hosting the Top 10 best Roleplays award, I think @mwerte was responsible for that idea last time. Take pride in your effort. If you won't, who will?

All else aside, how do you even judge this when 95% of people's roleplay is only witnessed by 5% of the community, at least when it comes to ingame stuff?

RE: Roleplaying Ironically - sindroms - 07-05-2016

The Joker.

These names strike as memorable? Bingo.

RE: Roleplaying Ironically - Kauket - 07-05-2016

(07-05-2016, 12:39 AM)sindroms Wrote: The Joker.

These names strike as memorable? Bingo.

just because they were loud, it doesn't make them good.