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To: OSI Board of Directors - Printable Version

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To: OSI Board of Directors - Dourden4 - 07-07-2016

[Image: dourden_trans.png]

Warning! Outdated security clearance detected. Creating secure transmission channel.....

Greetings Omicron Supply Industries Board of Directors,

I am Duncan Stow, one time public relations director and Former CEO of OSI. I have been in retirement for a few years, but find that life to not be all it was supposed to be. As such, I have decided to come out of retirement, and return to the company that I helped forge. It is my hope that the company does well, and that there remains room and purpose for an experienced pilot, trader and diplomat such as myself. As I have stated, I wish to rejoin the ranks of OSI's trade fleet but felt that the recruitment channel may not have been the best avenue for this exchange given my personal history with the company. It is my hope that I have not overstepped my bounds, but I felt circumstances warranted a direct line of communication between myself and the board of directors.

Best regards,

Duncan Stow

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

RE: To: OSI Board of Directors - Aazalot - 07-08-2016

[Image: Vontransbar2_zpszei6ipxn.png]

Well Well Hello Duncan
We had wondered where you went, up and leaving like that you caused the Board quite a headache just dissappering. Next time you want to give retirement a go let us know first yes?
With that out of the way it is nice to hear from you again, alot of the Directors you and i put into place still remain so there isnt much in the way of change in that department. However since your information and clearence is out of date ill need to send you the usual recruitment paperwork just to get relevent information, part and partial of my job you understand.
Long as your not intending on pulling a vanishing act on us again i doubt there will be issue with you returning.
Welcome back

J Voncloud OSI Director of Security

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: To: OSI Board of Directors - Dourden4 - 07-08-2016

[Image: dourden_trans.png]

Hello Jerard,

It has been some time since we last spoke and I do apologize for the way I went into retirement before. Those were trying times and my judgement was not at its best. You have my word that it will not happen that way again. As to the paperwork you sent me, I have filled it out and submitted it to the corporate office as requested. I am glad to hear that things are stable with OSI, and look forward to working with the Company once again.

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]