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KNF High Command to Alliance Star Fleet - Printable Version

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KNF High Command to Alliance Star Fleet - Ophiuchi - 11-28-2008

Message to: Alliance Star Fleet
Comm ID: Chijin, Vice Admiral, KNF
CC: Sulu, Taicho, KNF
CC: KSP Barracks, Osumi

Leaders of ASF,

Today in Kyushu and New Tokyo, two of your vessels were found in violation of numerous Kusari Legal Codex clauses:

NO capital vessels may enter Kusari Core systems without prior permission;

NO Bounty Hunter capital vessels may enter Kusari beyond Deshima station;

NO "Private police forcers" are recognized, condoned, nor desired in Kusari.

Further you repeatedly ignored lawful orders from KNF to withdraw, choosing instead to argue with the on-scene Commander.

High Command hereby demands that you withdraw all ASF vessels from Kusari space until you have presented valid reasons why you should be permitted here. We further demand that you present your credentials officially and immediately to KNF High Command, along with the reasons you failed to obey the Kusari Legal Codex, and direct orders from Kusari Naval personnel.

This is a serious matter, ASF, and will neither be treated lightly nor forgotten.

You have 24 hours to respond, or be declared unfriendly or hostile in Kusari Space.

Chijin, Chujo, Kusari Naval Forces

KNF High Command to Alliance Star Fleet - Ophiuchi - 11-29-2008

[Image: clock_ticking.jpg]

8 hours left to respond....

KNF High Command to Alliance Star Fleet - Ophiuchi - 12-01-2008

Message to: Alliance Star Fleet
Comm ID: Chijin, Vice Admiral, KNF
CC: Sulu, Taicho, KNF
CC: KSP Barracks, Osumi

Well, Destroyer, the deafening silence of your response has been sufficient to warrant you a very special place on Kusari's "Criminal's List".

Obviously, you didn't bother to read the Kusari Legal Codex, as I suggested. Now you can read it to see your group's "name in lights".

Enter Kusari at your extreme peril,


KNF High Command to Alliance Star Fleet - (ASF)Destroyer - 12-08-2008

We were hunting one of the criminals who destroyed our Transporters.

It was a necessary action, considering your ships were getting blown up one after another.

We left the systems after the warning in New Tokyo.

As far as i recall the pirate killed at least 5 of your people.

Thats it, we did what we needed to do. No offence, but your people werent capable of handling the pirate ship.

KNF High Command to Alliance Star Fleet - LoTeK_ - 12-09-2008

...From: Taisho Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Alliance Star Fleet, ASFDestroyer
...Cc: KSP Osumi Barracks

Regardless of the odds that are imperversing on your "Transporters" you (or any of your fellow hunters) are not allowed to bring fleets of capital ships in Kusari Core Space,
not even a single one.

If you are worried for your business then provide your shipments a sufficient fighter and bomber escort wing or take them elsewere,
we don't care.

Oh and KNF isn't friendly with you...gaijins. Please correct your IFF accordingly to neutral status.
