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Sirus Junk ship and ships parts dealer - Printable Version

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Sirus Junk ship and ships parts dealer - hack - 11-28-2008

' Wrote:We've got a shipyard considerably larger than Yukawa, a nice collection of scrapped parts from the sister ship, and a full schematic, plus 50 years of time repairing and maintaining the ship. Worse comes to worst, black market. The ship design is 600 years old, so there ought to be plenty of examples lying around, and we know plenty of people there, too

I was reading this in one of Eppy's post and it got me to thinking. Here is another type of business that could be incorporated and look cool too. Maybe in one of the border worlds, or maybe one in each house system, there could be a outer space junk yard. Couple of old ships in various states or disrepair or disassembly. You could haul in scrap metal, and come out with recycled parts, like ship hull panels or optronics, engine parts, and who knows what else...

Navy could have one with old ships in it, and a civilian one....

Just an Idea, lets hear your thoughts....

Sirus Junk ship and ships parts dealer - jdftheman - 11-29-2008

I like the idea, though it needs to be worked out a bit more, like will the junkyards be in new systems?

Sirus Junk ship and ships parts dealer - kacijon - 11-29-2008

I like this Idea too. But Can you describe it more?

Sirus Junk ship and ships parts dealer - hack - 11-30-2008

Hmmm, could be a little out of the way section of space in each house, have like a space station, some derelict ships parked outside. Could have a small shipyard structure for ships under going repair or stripping. It could sell waste, ship hull panels, optronics, all the stuff that goes into making ships. You could even bring in scrap metal and sell it.

It could even sell small fighters, bombers, and freighters, but they would be VERY stripped down models. Stuff that has been hauled in and made barely flight worthy

EDIT: I think Helgoland station in Sigma 13 would be a good model for this. I think they might be limited to systems that are linked by tradelanes and jump gates. I would hate to try and tow a Destroyer thru a jump hole.

Sirus Junk ship and ships parts dealer - Linkus - 11-30-2008

Basically a junkyard full of old ships and junk awaiting scrapping?
Sounds good to me, the more we can reflect real life in Discovery, the better. At least in regards to these sort of things anyway. Lets avoid the genecide etc >.>

Wrecks, debris, small fields of scrap. A Junker station being built or built nearby perhaps. An ALG base getting rid of the ships etc.
Sell a range of old vessels from the Junker station maybe, with multiple docking ports so you can sell more than 3 of course.