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[101st] Shout out - Printable Version

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[101st] Shout out - Divine - 07-10-2016

I don't even know where to start.

[101st] is around since the very beginning of DiscoveryGC-RP. We've been reason to many situations people take for granted these days. The Outcast-neutrality to Bretonia, the loss of the Hessian support in Rheinland, the Orange Alliance with the factions of Liberty, relation to the birth of the Harbinger that kicked off the nomad factions, and more recently... the Outcast "civil-war" that shapes OC RP to this very day.
We've been in RP interactions with literally every single faction on this server (except some selected more recent few) over the course of nearly the last decade.
We've survived every other OC faction over the years.

And now we need the communities help.
Everyone claims us to be dead or wishes for us to be and those that still enjoy us being around will not take part in shaping this faction or its activity.

I'm desperate and reached the end of the line. 3 leaders since my departure and this faction gone nowhere except being inactive and disbanded. And I can't get them up again on my own with the current state of mind people have that's either following their very own paths disregarding any faction-RP, jumping on the newest trend in OC-RP in the hopes to get something out of it for their chars or just logging, if at all, for some shooting without much context.

If you don't want us to stay around, just admit it. Post it here.
If you want to help, get involved. Contact me.

Otherwise, and some if not many of you that read the forums will welcome that, this finally ends in a few weeks.

RE: [101st] Shout out - Vendetta - 07-10-2016

You know honestly, I've liked the faction. Though personally, I've never enjoyed Outcast RP. It's not a lack of trying or understanding. It's never been something appealing to me. It'd be a shame to see such a well established faction disappear, and I do hope you get some members your way.

RE: [101st] Shout out - Xenon - 07-10-2016

(07-10-2016, 03:15 AM)Divine Wrote: Everyone claims us to be dead or wishes for us to be

I don't think everyone do that.
I wish that you guys stay and have fun more and more, and please let me know what can i do to help you
I won't hesitate to give any support if i can.
Good luck 101st Outcasts Wink

RE: [101st] Shout out - Inferno - 07-10-2016

I do not know of many true 'Outcast' roleplay elements that I have encountered (due to all my 'Outcast' encounters drop something like 2milordie) but I have seen the 101st play about. I would like them better if the generic-ID'd 'Pirate' Outcast wasn't soiling the name and faction of the Outcasts.

Try not to explode or anything. I like having official faction 'unlawful' groups. At least they roleplay instead of only caring about the cash.

RE: [101st] Shout out - Divine - 07-10-2016

The problem is that nobody in this factions RP's besides me and the now returned Leiseka-character (which I hope will stay around for a good while).
We're a snub-faction that relies on people being able to find their own RP, that can roll alone but also fit into a group when we get one together. The stuff people can do for their indies or in other factions but not whilst they should fly [101st]. And most of it all we'd need people to play their [101st] as one of their main-characters and not just log for context-less shooting, should they log at all.


(07-10-2016, 03:29 AM)Inferno Wrote: ... I like having official faction 'unlawful' groups. At least they roleplay instead of only caring about the cash.

We're not an official faction anymore.

RE: [101st] Shout out - Riess - 07-11-2016

I *may* consider reapplying. I was one of souls pulled in when AE tried to get 101st active somewhat, and while I am supermeh on PvP side on things, I could participate in faction's RP and ingame presece.

I just need a bit to have a look at current status and activities as well as my other commitments to make final call, maybe run into you guys in game.

RE: [101st] Shout out - sindroms - 07-11-2016

I can relate.
I would consider coming back to the 101st if you stopped clinging to Hamburg Server faction rules and allowed people fly ships beyond the sabre. This mod adds so much content to it including ship types, but you seem to be dead on set ignoring all of it and then have your members be bitter when a group fight is ruined as there is no counter to the varid ships that the opposing side brings.

RE: [101st] Shout out - Reid - 07-11-2016

tbh when you put me in the 101st, it just felt like CL first did except I wasn't allowed to have fun. The feel was just "We're doing this to kick out the official faction" but instead of "Let's have fun doing it" it was like "Do this exactly like I say. +1 to what spazzy said, chill on the rules and you'll probably see more people come in

RE: [101st] Shout out - Divine - 07-11-2016

Riess, just PM me once you made your decision.

Now. Spazzy's next. We avoid fighting against capships and engage Gunboats when we feel like suiciding. Usually the capships come to us rampaging into a snubfight, but that's eventually our fault for not having brought a capship on our side in the first place. So yes, there are quite some strict rules, which even do have an inRP explanation nobody wants to hear bc that's where the part starts where the actual RP is deemed hindering the enjoyment of the people flying for that flag. Then again, if it's not for you, then it's not for you. You left us the last time bc you couldn't get your back into a ship you'd rather like to fly and that's alright.

As for Reid. As long you follow the outlined restrictions you can literally play your character in whatever way you want, do the RP you want, fight who you want - within the limits of this faction. But when nobody goes out on their own to do all that, then I'll tell them what we're going to do.

RE: [101st] Shout out - nOmnomnOm - 07-11-2016

People need to put a hault on making factions that are already existing and just join existing ones.
That's one of the issues here. Too many varieties of OC and too little player base.