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[101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Printable Version

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[101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Divine - 07-11-2016


RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Divine - 07-11-2016


RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Divine - 07-11-2016


RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Divine - 07-11-2016


RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Divine - 07-11-2016


RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Divine - 07-11-2016


RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Ramke - 07-11-2016

I have a question. Why do you request 75% on LH/GC/RoS equipment when your faction diplomacy states you're neutral (or even suspicious!) of the factions you want the equipment of?

That, and just a random observation - your roleplay I've seen on forums is pretty singular, enigmatic "do things our way, or else", which might lead up to having no actual factions that you're friends with in the long run. Hope that's not all we see from you. ^^

Anyway, writeup seems extensive, good luck!

RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Divine - 07-11-2016

The tech restrictions at 75% are leftovers from the factions previous years of RP where we used to have a better understanding with those groups. Lane Hackers and the Chrysanthemums slowly degraded on our diplomacy for the lack of shared operations or disagreements in how we wish to run such. The RoS is a recent wild shot by me to round up the list, but can take that off the moment one of the RoS asks for it. Otherwise it's engineered backwards from the technology we've taken up.

And the RP, well... there's the occasional other appearance we make, but the behaviour you observed is an integral part of this faction. We usually can work it out with those involved if nobody eagerly jumps the gun.

RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - DonSam - 07-11-2016

Hello, I have a question please.

about your official ID you stated this point - Can demand cargo, but not credits.
while outcast ID says ##Can demand cargo and credits from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and attack them if they do not comply.

I just want to know the reason why your faction can't demand credits?

Thanks and good luck.

RE: [101st] Ghosts of Razgriz Maltese Spectres - Emperor Tekagi - 07-11-2016

(07-11-2016, 12:50 PM)Divine Wrote: Lane Hackers and the Chrysanthemums slowly degraded on our diplomacy for the lack of shared operations or disagreements in how we wish to run such.

Is that so? Interesting point of view. I cannot remember any attempt to do anything with GC| nor the last few months when it was still ~*~ and \W/~ seperated.
And there was no need to contact the 101st over the official OC faction in terms of diplomacy or operations in my eyes, if you had contacted us we could have made such things though.
Not our fault so this doesn't really explain the drop from ally to neutral concerning GC.