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La terre rouge - Black Box records. - Dimon - 07-15-2016

Opération Qx-67 - Magellan system

GRN Scout wing - Commander: Juan Lerosse, Assets: Charle Rune, Eru Phae, Charlotte Roberts.

08:14 Juan Lerosse Log #14-95 Wrote:Here we are - Magellan. Wing! Listen to my command. Keep the formation up on my tail, in the case if you see the hostiles on the radar - ignore. Our wing must get to the north part of this Nebula and establish the recon satellite... I hope you are not those dumb and understand all I say. Now! Cruise engines. Let's go!...

08:25 Charle Rune Log #15-07 Wrote:Le commandant! I've got seven hostile contacts on our radars. Appearently they are moving to the Carcassonne. Two of the contacts are Capitale ship classes. Orders?

08:26 Juan Lerosse Log #14-97 Wrote: Understood. Good catch Rune. Our bomber wing just few clicks nearby. They will engage them. Wing! Listen to my next command! Recrues Phae and Robers, you'll have to move forward and check if there's no trap for us. We need to cross the frontal blockade' and establish Le'satellite. Rune, you stay with me. For our recrues, I've established waypoint for you two. Do not forget, this is battlefield, you have no time to learn here. Just follow the commands or you'll die in first minute of the brawl.

08:31 Eru Phae Log #16-04 Wrote:Roberts! My scanners are clear, but I hear something strange here. Where from does this noise comes from?

RE: La terre rouge - Black Box records collection. - "Nightstalker" - 07-15-2016

08:32 Charlotte Roberts Log #17-05 Wrote:Not sure where that strange noise is coming from, let's take a small perimeter and let's find it's source. It could be on top of us for all we know. Soon as we find it's source let's inform our Commander of this Magellan Wing... Commander is going to want to know what we have found, if we have found anything. It might just be our sensors playing up in this damned nebula.

08:33 Charlotte Roberts Log #17-06 Wrote:Commander this is Recruit Roberts, we are hearing an interesting sound coming from below, we are unsure if the nebula is playing around with our sensors or what. We will inform you of anything that happens. We will keep moving forward.

08:36 Juan Lerosse Log #14-101 Wrote: Roger that Recrue Robers. If the noise upcoming from everywhere around your ships - it might be some Nubula's symphonie. Don't mind La' space music and keep on!

RE: La terre rouge - Black Box records collection. - Dimon - 07-15-2016

08:38 Eru Phae Log #15-05 Wrote:Alright Roberto-san. I got it, keep moving on then. Scanners still clear, whoever don't check the news would never guess that this place, where we can hear the noise of space itself is the battlefield...

08:42 Eru Phae Log #15-07 Wrote:Roberts!!... Unknown vessel on our radars! It's just a click away! Appears to be Capital vessel! Robers, what shall we do?

08:43 Eru Phae Log #15-08 Wrote:Commander! Commander! Unknown capital vessel just appeared forward us, when I try to scan it my console just breaking up. Orders!?

08:45 Juan Lerosse Log #14-106 Wrote: First of all Recrue Phae, calm down! What ship class do you see? Probably you can identify it's origin by the technology type? Any signs or Logotyps?

RE: La terre rouge - Black Box records collection. - "Nightstalker" - 07-15-2016

08:46 Charlotte Roberts Log #17-08 Wrote: Oh hell!!! Why is it right on top of us. so close. From the design and outer armor it looks like a Liberty Warship, but it is very hard to tell. This foggy nebula is not helpful at all. The noise is gone, I asume we were followed.

08:46 Charlotte Roberts Log #17-09 Wrote:Commander it is hard to tell what ship class it is, but it could be a battlecruiser or a siege cruiser. It is unclear. The foggy nebula is making my vision unclear. Consoles and sensors are up and down and not stable. Permission to take a closer look sir.

08:47 Juan Lerosse Log #14-112 Wrote: Alright Recrues, but be careful. It might engage on you. Me and Rune will take the west.

RE: La terre rouge - Black Box records collection. - Dimon - 07-15-2016

08:52 Eru Phae Log #16-06 Wrote:Getting closer to it's left side... Ohh, I can see odd Logotyph, reminds for the Liberty flags just doubled and crossed... Oh wait! Hey it's LNS Tennessee. Roberts, I don't like it. Let's take distance!

08:55 Charle Rune Log #15-14 Wrote:Commander, I hear odd noise upcoming. It is getting stronger. We are being followed by cloaked ships! Commander!... Watch ou...!

08:57 Juan Lerosse Log #14-117 Wrote:Recru...we a.. being engaged... Aliens! They are on ma'..tail. Losing controls...

09:01 Eru Phae Log #16-08 Wrote:Commander! What is your current location? Commander Lerosse? Do you copy? Commander!?...

09:07 Eru Phae Log #16-09 Wrote: Roberts! The Battlecruiser! It got light sphere round'... My head... I hear something... Ohhh... Roberts! Formation up on me, let's get away!...

RE: La terre rouge - Black Box records collection. - "Nightstalker" - 07-15-2016

09:05 Charlotte Roberts Log #17-010 Wrote: Commander...Commander report, respond, are you there? What is your location, where are you at? Respond god dammit!!!

09:08 Charlotte Roberts Log #17-11 Wrote: Phae did you say the LNS Tennessee, with a non Liberty Navy logotyph? Let's move slowly out of this nebula, we need to return to Carcassonne and get some bomber support or something. We need to regain contact with the Commander also. Stay together at all costs, get on my six. We can get through this together.

09:10 ??? ??? Log #??-??? Wrote: This is LNS Tennessee, Commander Jack Summers to the GRN Assets. You have no where to run, we are surrounded by the Alien Forces. According to our Wide Range Scanners the Nomad Forces will hit us within a minute. My pilots already activated the Cloaking Device, since alone we'll not able to stand against them. I'd advise you to forget about our hostility and war. We are all humans, we all fear to die. I've ordered my people to open the docking bay. We exactly have place for two fighter class vessels.

09:012 Charlotte Roberts #17-12 Wrote: Recruit, are you getting this... I am receiving comms from the LNS Tennessee, Commander Summers. They have information on a Nomad Force that is going to hit us any minute, we are surrounded. They are willing to help us get out alive, not as prisoners, we can't get in touch with our Commander. I say take there offer, they have offered a truce and willing to help us. They got room for both of us. Let's take it.

RE: La terre rouge - Black Box records collection. - Dimon - 07-15-2016

08:52 Eru Phae Log #16-06 Wrote:I see them on the scanners! Oh my... There's just an army of those... Alright-alright Roberts, returning to the Tennessee. I even agree to become a prisoner than an infected by Aliens!...

09:07 Eru Phae Log #16-09 Wrote: This is Recrue Eru Phae of the Gallic Royal Reconnaissance to the Battleship Carcassonne, our wing failed with the mission. We've been attacked by Alien forces. Me and my wingman are going to dock with the LNS Tennessee, Liberty Navy Battlecruiser. Over.

Signals on #16 ; #17 have been lost.

Dernière position
[Image: vPOcGNH.png]

Opération Qx-67 - Magellan system
Mission failed.