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GNN News - Badger - 08-14-2006

...and now over to Geoff Harris with some exciting revelations in Bretonia. Geoff?

Geoff: Thank you Chris. We're here at Southampton Shipyard to witness the preparations for the launch of the latest in a long line of Battleships. The Sirius Federation have announced the launch date of their new flagship- The Paladin.
The ship, designated [SF]-SFBS-Paladin by Sirius Federation command, is in fact the latest of a line of Paladins stretching back to the very birth of the Federation itself. Many officials within Bretonian Armed Forces and also various other organisations helping to build the vessel have commented on it's power in battle, and also how pleased they are to see the "Paladin" name return to active duty in Bretonia.
Southampton shipyard is currently holding the vessel in dry-dock, applying the finishing touches for it's commemorative launch date. It's an important date too, as it marks the very same day Sirius Federation was founded here in Sirius:

15th of August.

The launch time is as-of-yet unconfirmed, but it is expected to draw large crowds not only from around Bretonia but also many neighbouring star systems and possibly even further! Security will of course be high to ensure the safety of all, and celebrations are expected to run long into the night.
This is Geoff Harris for GNN, signing off.

GNN News - Hyperwave22 - 08-14-2006

Just a question:
If we know the time that the launch will be taking place, it should be posted so people can come witness it being launched (or maybe just me, :P )

Hyperwave :cool:

GNN News - Virus - 08-15-2006

Time would be good. Planning has to be made!

Oh Darkstar!

GNN News - Badger - 08-15-2006

...haha, I guess that kitten will never be the same, eh Liz? Thanks for that light news update. And now back to Geoff on-site at Southampton shipyard.

Geoff: Hello Chris. Yes, things are heating up over here in New London. As you can see behind me the festivities have already begun among the Bretonian Armed Forces Engineers as they appear-
* A rowdy, merry engineer jumps up behind the news reporter with a party hat on, blowing loudly into his whistle *
-Heheh, as they appear to have finished work on the Paladin. We now have a confirmed launch time for the new flagship:

21:00 GMT
(that's 13:00 (-8 west coast) to 16:00 (-5 east coast) to you Americans here, depending on where you are)

I hope you'll be enjoying this back in the studio as much as I am here, Chris! Back to you.

Thank you Geoff. And now a look at the weather across New London...

GNN News - Badger - 08-16-2006

...our correspondent in the field, Geoff Harris reports now from Southampton shipyard.

Geoff: It was a wonderous scene set to make kings cry. Tears of jubilation however, quickly turned to tears of sorrow. This is the glorious sight that took place in the New London system just moments before a horrific terrorist attack struck the festivities at Southampton shipyard.
The Paladin launch, though slightly delayed, went ahead successfully until a serious security breach somewhere in Bretonia allowed 3 terrorist vessels to swoop on the shipyard. The group, positively identified as the notorious Phantom Empire, charged the Paladin with guns blazing. Quick thinking Bretonian Police and Armed Forces cleared the area of civilians as soon as the terrorist threat emerged, and it is believed no bystanders were harmed.

The Paladin, however, is another story. It was clear that the terrorists only had one thing on their mind, seeing destruction brought to the new symbol of righteousness in Bretonia. During the ensuing battle, the Paladin received critical damage and was forced to be evacuated. In the fray, a new Bretonian Frigate was also put out of action by Phantom weapon barrages. The SF stood their ground though, and eventually the Phantom threat retreated, also with heavy damage and a Battleship in critical state.

The Sirius Federation have since cordoned off Southampton shipyard in-order to bring in the salvaged Paladin and Frigate. The close proximity to the station and the sheer volume of engineering staff available and willing to continue work on the Paladin means the damage will mostly affect the pride of the Battlefleet, but fortunately the prestigious SF flagship will not be far from flying once again.

A spokesperson for the Paladin engineering team had this to say:
...What should be noted from all of this though, is that despite the damage, the SF have proven they have the strength and resolve to keep Bretonia protected against anything that is thrown at them.

This is Geoff Harris, signing off for GNN.

GNN News - Fellow Hoodlum - 08-16-2006


A main studio and up link somewhere ...
Screens all over Bretonia go blank ... White noise ... static ... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
The inhuman face of the Phantom creature Glock appears, surrounded by the mutilated
bodies of GNN staff and security.
"Inhabitants of this sorry system, you will bow to our will, or be destroyed. The Glorious
C'Tan will rule you all, one way or another. Normal service will not be resumed."

*Click* ...

White noise ... Static ...

GNN News - Badger - 08-17-2006

* One day later... *

Geoff Harris walked from the mourning grounds dedicated to those lost in the GNN station assault. The station, situated in the outskirts of Bretonian space to enable better broadcasting, was now shut for an undefined period while GNN Headquarters worked out how to get up and running again in Bretonia. The news broadcasters were running things from the safety of Liberty space, the usual friendly Bretonian celebrities now lost souls, replaced by up-and-coming Liberty yuppies straight out of school. Their distinct accents grated on Geoff's nerves.

He zipped his jacket up to shield from the breeze starting to howl through New London suburbia, and made his way back to his apartment. What to do now? He had a couple of options: 1) warm up some soup and watch the GNN replacement service, scowling as the newbie anchormen mispronunciated every Bretonian place name; or 2) ...get a camera crew and take it to the heart of the action, show those GNN fatcats in Liberty that they already had the best reporter they needed, a small-timer from Bretonia with a mission. To give Bretonia the best news they ever saw.

After about an hour and a half of option 1, Geoff grabbed his jacket and apartment keys and headed out.