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Notification of Patent & Copyright: 'The Delegates Route' - Printable Version

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Notification of Patent & Copyright: 'The Delegates Route' - Williams-Mordhauser - 07-23-2016

***Transmitting on open channel...***
***Official Communiqué, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing***
***Sender Identified: General Secretary Caroline Convair***

To Whom it May Concern

Williams-Mordhauser Distributing has patented, trademarked and copyrighted the intellectual property concerning trade routes between New York and New Berlin involving Delegates and/or Political Refugees. In addition, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing has patented, trademarked and copyrighted the physical and spatial implementations of these intellectual properties.

In accordance with the Maltese Corporate Law, Williams-Mordhauser Distribution, its employees, its contracted workers, and its lawful subsidiaries are now the sole parties authorized to utilize and propagate these intellectual properties, as well as the sole parties authorized to create and maintain their physical implementations.

In accordance with the Maltese Corporate Law section 145.9, subsection B, clause 21, relating to responses to the violation of copyrights, infringement of patents and illicit transmission of intellectual property, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing is now obliged to inform whomever it may concern that Williams-Mordhauser Distribution will now be enforcing our copyright on the relevant trading routes.

A one-time licensing fee of ten million credits ($10,000,000) per person may be paid to any Williams-Mordhauser Distributing employee or contracted associate in order to utilize these intellectual properties for one time only.

Individual Licenses may also be purchased in bulk allotments of:
Six uses for fifty million credits ($50,000,000)
Twenty five uses for one hundred and ninety million credits ($190,000,000)

Enterprise Licenses may be negotiated with General Secretary Caroline Convair and the Board of Directors in the Williams-Mordhauser Distributing General Thread attached in the message footer.

Consistent copyright violation and patent infringement without appropriate licensing fees will result in the involvement of the Williams-Mordhauser Distributing Legal Team. You do not want this to happen.


-Howard T. Williams, CEO, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing
-Finn Mordhauser, CFO, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing
-Donovan D. Davidson, Chief Legal Officer, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing
-Caroline S. Convair, General Secretary, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing
-Arturo Malinovsky, Head of Security, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing

RE: Notification of Patent & Copyright: 'The Delegates Route' - Commander ZooM - 07-23-2016

Hm well where to start, i suppose first will be the fact that im not beholden to maltese law so i will not be paying nothing to know one for the right to partake in this trade rout,
Second, i'v a legal vessel for moving passengers to and from, well anywhere best of luck trying to stop me, and Ooo yes i have a legal team as well thanks to this little declaration of your's,
Third, try and stop me i dare you, my ships name is Mile-High|Luxury-Liner

see you in space *winks*

RE: Notification of Patent & Copyright: 'The Delegates Route' - Shiki - 07-23-2016

[data package collapsed]

RE: Notification of Patent & Copyright: 'The Delegates Route' - Geoffacake - 07-23-2016

[Image: LhWaypp.png]

To: Williams-Mordhauser Distributing.
From: Oranos | Atlantis Olympian
Subject: Notice of my disapproval

Thats made me honestly chuckle a little bit. Unfortunately, what you want to trade-mark and/or copyright as "Delegates and/or Political Refugees" isn't yours to do. You did not firstly create or invent these "products" so you can't class them as your intellectual property or even patent it either. Never the less, trying to copyright a living being is... highly unethical.

You may want to watch out for my vessels in the Omicrons, attempting to take away a free trade and market from everyone else with the conditions described above can cause potentially lethal friction.

- Oranos
Atlantis Manufacturing PLC
Atlantis Metropolitan

[Image: 4SfZdAQ.png]

RE: Notification of Patent & Copyright: 'The Delegates Route' - Casta - 07-23-2016


From: 'HundredFirst Ghosts of Razgriz
Kelly-087, Number-Series - Administration proxy
To: Convair, C. - Williams-Mordhauser Distributing
Tau/Cali proxy node - Kirkwall proxy node
Sigma/Ruiz proxy node
Libertonian Republic/Comm-HUB Mactan - Cochrane proxy node

Zeta broadband spread - Enigma-Delta
Source: Corsica Outer Sanctum
Topic: ---

[message.loads - opening.visual-transmission - reads]

[Image: Kelly-087_640-001-R5_zpsf0c3ad35.png]

<Zero-Eighty-Seven, Kelly. We are authorized by Ghost Administration to run procedures with your group.>

<Your citing of what your entity refers to as Maltese Code of Law is not in accordance with the actual set of Maltese Laws, neither the public nor the Ghost version. You are to transmit transcripts of the documents referred to for evaluation by Nacions resident governing powers.>

<Further, records of your band linking to Nacions economy are not existant. You are advised to register with the supreme forces on Malta to avoid miscommunication. You will refrain speaking on behalf of Nacion and cease acting as you got Nacions approval until one of Nacions powers signed for your enterprise. Contempt will result in your termination.>

<For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.

[visual-transmission.canceled - message.closed]

RE: Notification of Patent & Copyright: 'The Delegates Route' - Williams-Mordhauser - 07-23-2016

***Transmitting on open channel...***
***Official Communiqué, Williams-Mordhauser Distributing***
***Sender Identified: Finn Mordhauser, Chief Financial Officer***

...right, alright, testing, this thing on? Perfect. This one's gonna be a tad less formal. I suppose it's time for me to open my mouth for one. I'm sure you all have become familiar.. ah, messed it up.

Greetings. I'm Finn Mordhauser, CFO and second founder of the WMD corporation. I was notified that a copyright claim has been made in the name of our corporation, and I feel some clarifications are in order. First of all, this copyright claim was not made with the explicit, unanimous approval of the WMD Board of Directors. In fact, I found my associate Williams asleep in his office, several empty bottles of what I assume to be whiskey of possibly Irish origin, and most importantly, his workstation still logged into the Company account. I can only assume he's been at his old tricks again, and seeing the shaitstorm he's whipped up on the public frequencies confirms this.

God dammit, Williams, this is exactly the kind of honk I asked you not to pull.

Look, guys, I'm not all that good with all the legalese junk my associate and our Legal team loves to spew. I'm a more simple man than that. By my accounting, this stunt of his has managed to piss off, let's see... several freelancers, an elite squad of Maltese pilots, even the goddamn Junkers, and the last is truly an achievement.

So let me assure you - once he wakes up, he's got more problems than just a hangover. I'll make HIM fill out some of that "paperwork" he so loves to threaten people with.

As for the offended parties, I guarantee each and every one of you personally that if my.. associate pulls another one like this without notifying me, there'll be.. internal disciplinary hearings.

*static*-sie, what kind of junk are we using for com-*static* -sian piece of- *static*

Ah, there, now it's working. Where was I.. yes. That is all. Mordhauser out. Fly high and fly proud, fellow spacers.

For space is wide and good friends are too few.

***End Transmission***