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The Tsugaru Arrow, chapter 4 - Printable Version

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The Tsugaru Arrow, chapter 4 - WesternPeregrine - 07-23-2016

[Image: Planet_Tomioka.jpg]

Okuma Plateau is one of the minor samura settlements in Planet Tomioka. Some 400 kilometres from Tomioka central spaceport and main urban settlements, Okuma was a developing waystation between the "capital" and some of the more exclusive resorts and villas being built in the east coast. However, the Blood Dragon invasion of the planet had made Samura evacuate said projects, and Okuma became more of a staging point for mercenaries and other irregular workers, a frontier settlement managed by Samura. The plateau slightly barren aspect had a great contrast to the dense forest expanses downhill, and it provided a natural defence against raiders in the area.

The landing pads of the settlement were active, with freight and personnel transports coming and out, as well as some fighters standing by for any action on the horizon. Guard patrols with armor sets displaying the Samura logo kept watch on key points, as Kusarians and few other visitors from other parts of the galaxy made their way to whatever was on their mind that day.

A new arrival was heading to the big saloon near the centre of the settlement. His clothes had caught less dust than his peers yet, but they indicated someone who was prepared to get in the wild and fight, like many of the other mercenaries. This wasn't the place for high tech droids, or powered up techy assassins and bounty hunters of the home worlds, but a place for the experienced and resourceful men and women of arms, looking for a fat contract and a dangerous adventure.

He entered the saloon, and spotted one of the bartenders polishing a teapot with trained movements, waiting on the slow day of business.
The visitor approached the bartender, and after a few greetings, showed up a cloth with a mark, a brand of a group.

"Where can I find the Tsugaru Mercenaries?" - said the man
The bartender put down the teapot without a word, and pointed to a pair of armed men that were sitting near the entrance, that he hadn't noticed.
The visitor thanked the bartender, and headed to the patrons of the saloon. He showed the same mark to them, which caught their attention.

One of the men spoke: "So, you be lookin for us? You looking to settle debts, or come with some work?"
"Perhaps a bit of both, Hidemaru Tsugaru ." - replied the visitor with a nod - "Name is Hiraku Shimoe, I am here on the service of The Fisherman. He sends his regards."

The eyes of the mercenary focused on the newcomer, before opening up a bit more in surprise.
"Oohh, it's been a while since I've met a Junyo-jin. And that old geezer sent you? I'm surprised he's still alive. Hahaha." - he says with a hearty laugh. - "Sit here boyo, have a drink. I must know more news from that lot.

Look at this guy, all tan and whatnot. Those Junyo folk are always working over the sea and under the sun, you knew that Yono?"

The other mercenary, Yonomori, replied with only a serious nod and a grunt, not much in the mood for small talk.

The trio engaged in a conversation for an hour or so, as news and matters were discussed at length.

Tsugaru had heard the concerns of the Fisherman and the Hogosha with an attentive ear.

"So he wants to intervene here as well.... hmm. Sure thing you can accompany us Shimoe-kun, but we need some more men before that, and some guarantees we can keep ourselves stockpiled with what we need.

"My captain has already arranged for the arrival of a good number of new weapons and explosives for you to use, and is interested in assigning some contracts to you support specific operations."

"Ah, did he bring me the good Rheinland guns? He always had a way to find the latest models for almost free. No wonder he's running a company now, with that profit he managed to get in his younger days." - Hidemaru Tsugaru remembered.

Yonomori showed a holopad to Shimoe, with a schedule and a contract. His grave voice gave him a stern vibe, in tune with his large build.

"Hiraku-san will join the 3rd group, together with a guy from the farmers, and whatever else we can pick up for it. we have been needing some guy with some competence in explosives and security systems. Work well and try not to die too fast."

Shimoe picked up the holopad, and after reading it, signed his name under. The Hogosha had joined up with the Tsugaru Mercenaries, and to the efforts of Samura to liberate the planet of the Blood Dragon influence.

The Tsugaru Arrow - Sakura - 09-03-2016

The leading members of the Mercenary group were gathered at their operation quarters, waiting for the arrival of a offworld transmission. Although still a minor element in the company, Hiraku had been called as well to attend, the reason being that it would probably an acquaintance of his.
Hidemaru is obviously present, as well as the old soldier Yonomori. Unusual for Shimoe's eyes was the presence of the two children of the Mercenary leader, the elder Tsugumi daughter, and her younger brother Tsuyoshi, who had recently returned from their assignments elsewhere.
Soon a chime came from the communications room, and a hologram projection began to flicker in the table they were gathered around. A figure of a slender woman began to form.

From her side, the woman now had a wide view of the conference room on the other side, many faces surrounding a table and looking at the camera.
She could see Hidemaru Tsugaru at the centre of the view, the man she was to contact.

"Kon'nichiwa gentlemen." Said the woman and with grace she bowed. "My name is Yukari Yakumo, council member of the Hogosha Association."
Shimoe bowed in return to Yukari. Yonomori remained silent, but produced a serious stare to Yukari visage.
Tsugumi Tsugaru, is Hidemaru's oldest daughter and she bowed respectfully in return to Yukari. In Tsuyoshi Tsugaru case a slight blush appeared when he saw Yukari. A smile went through Hidemaru's face when he saw that. He turned his sight to Shimoe.
"Hey Shimoe, you are a lucky man."
Surprised, Shimoe asked "Why is that?"
"Rumours said that the Hogosha Association is under control by some pretty ladies. Seems the rumours are true." The mercenary answered amused.
"Well, that’s right..." - Shimoe obviously didn't want to talk about such a topic right now, because Yukari was waiting.

"When you are done with your little unnecessary talk, can we continue?" Yukari asked in a serious tone.
Shimoe replied "Gomen'nasai Yakumo-sama. Dozo, proceed."

Yakumo makes a hand gesture, and an additional image shows up beside her. A map of the closest regions to Okuma -
"We discovered a Blood Dragon outpost 625 miles from your position. A former Samura water dam, Sakashita Dam, that was disabled and evacuated. It has taken over by Blood Dragon forces and reactivated. In addition, our reports indicate they have set up new installations on the area.
It appears they are using the dam to produce their own energy and to purify water. With such a facility the Blood Dragons will try to expand their territory faster than we could expect.
Your mission is a stealth and sabotage mission. Today we want you to infiltrate the facility and the dam, then placing several explosive devices on important objectives."

-* The map zoomed in, revealing a schematic of the dam and the alleged new facilities. -

"The facility has basic defenses, concrete walls and guard towers with a spacing of 300 meters. They are heavily armed, so avoid them on any cost. The area of the dam is surrounded by a barbed wire fence and guard towers.
From our initial scout reports, one way to enter the facility leads you through the culvert system. The second way to enter the dam would be by taking cover by a nearest rock group, here, and cut through the barbed wire fence and entering the dam area.
Of course, avoid the guard towers and detection by security will greatly help your success.
Operation should be composed by two teams, and act at nighttime. Speed is of the essence, so you need to strike both objectives at the same time. If there are guards to be killed, choose a stealth kill.
Corpses should be hidden, so you won't get unnecessary attention. Be efficient and quick.
Equip yourself with everything you need. We have delivered you firearms, grenades, combat knives, goggles with night vision and infrared function, other essential equipment resupply for your operations.
The last but not least, it's the explosive devices to be used. They have a remote function, but also a timer with a max of 120 minute. Once you arm the first bomb, you have 120 minutes to conclude the remainder of the operation.
Each team will have two sets of bombs at their disposal. Find the best spots to place them and neutralize the facilities, and get out. If you manage to set the bombs quick enough,
you will detonate the bombs with remote control and call the evacuation crafts. Should you get captured you might die in honor once the bombs detonate.

One more thing. We deduced this new facility complex is using the dam power to supply itself, but we couldn’t figure out what is its true purpose from remote observation. Should you be able, recover any information about the Dragon’s projects in the Sakashita area.
If you succeed you will be awarded with a sum of a hundred million credits, quite above any sort of payment you get on your business here in Tomioka. Will you take up on the job?”
- asked Yakumo, measuring their response.

Hidemaru stood silent during the explanation, keeping attention to the minimum needed details. He had already in his mind decided to accept the Hogosha offer and blow up the place to smithereens. The thought of the enemy being given leave to usurp and make use of his side assets annoyed him.
“Wakatta, Yakumo-sama. If it is a demolition job, we can do it easily. Not really the best at them sneak in and out deals, but we will get it done.”

"Very well, nothing else was expected from you. Once the mission is done, you will contact us immediately, Shimoe-sama. We bid you good luck. Sayonara."
When she finished her last words, the hologram projection vanished slowly.

The mercenary leader turned his attention back to the other members surrounding him.
“Having said that, I will now assign elements to each teams.”
He took a look at the ones gathered, and the few sheets of papers that were laid in front of him.
"Seems there is something complicated going on that facility, so I’ll handle that team. Shimoe-kun will come with me, show me those skills he’s supposed to bring to us. Get me Morishiba and Irina, and a few more men to close up that team.

As for the dam, Tsugumi will take up that challenge. Yonomori and Tsuyoshi will back her up, plus any more soldiers she needs to that can fill in that craft. We have some more variety of choice in terms of equipment, but don’t go overboard with it. Never know when we will be lacking supplies.”

In serious manner Tsugumi said "Don't worry father, we will get this job done with ease."
"I can't wait to get this job done!" Tsuyoshi replied eagerly.
Hidemaru's son got immediately interrupted by the old soldier Yonomori "Don't try to impress that Yakumo! You doing better to focus on your mission."
Slightly ashamed, Tsuyoshi answered "H-hai, you are right."

"Listen up everyone. I want you to make yourselves familiar with the new equipment, before the mission begins. That’s all for now." Hidemaru turned around to the table and started to study the facility area on the paper map.

RE: The Tsugaru Arrow, chapter 2 - WesternPeregrine - 09-16-2016

[Image: pAk2ObW.png]

The Nagano primary sun was settling on the horizon of Okuma Plateau, the sky becoming ever so dimly lit.
on the edge of the settlement, a troop transport was being loaded with material for the operation of the Tsugaru mercenaries. A small loading crew operated powered exoskeletons, while Hidemaru oversaw the operation.

"You guys, careful with those explosive ordnances. I want them properly organized so we can take them out of the transport as soon as we touch the ground. Leave those boxes for the far back of the cargo bay." - He barked out the commands to the crew, when another group of soldiers approached the craft.

He spotted his daughter Tsugumi, talking to Irina of his own squadron. The foreign looking woman seemed excited for some field work, as you could see from her movements.

"Guess we will have much fun out there, right?" - said Irina
"Don't get hyped too much Irina. We have to take this mission seriously." - Tsugumi replied curtly. She tried to act diligently and seriously under her father's eye, at least.
Her partner couldn't do anything else but laugh. - "Hahaha! Always so serious. You never change and try to get some fun out of this."
With a less serious voice, the young Tsugaru replied "Well, I'm not the one who goes with her head through the wall."

Hidemaru motioned to them to come closer, and then checked their equipment.
"Right, seems you two are set up. Tsugumi, who else did you picked up for your team?"

Tsugumi took out a small holopad from a pocket, and passed it to her father.
"I picked those three. I believe that their skills and experience will be handy for this assignment."

He looked at the list, reviewing the names and the recent records of them.
"This guy, he was in medical in the past weeks due to that last raid. He was recovering from a leg injury. Irina, do you think he's ready to get back on the field?" - he asked to the other mercenary woman.

Irina walked closer to Hidemaru and with a short look on the holopad she answered. - "I don't think so. His leg isn't fully cured. Guess we should take one of those Seekers to replace him, if you ask me."
"Well, I guess it could still carry the charges. However, Tsugumi would go with one less sapper, and would have to rely mostly on Yonomori to get the indications for the explosive set up. Think you can cover him and get the job done in time?" - he asked his daughter, to see what would her decision be.
"I think I get this handled. The Seeker should be quite useful because it detects people from far, where most of us don't. Yonomori has enough experience to set the charges and Tsuyoshi is doing well when it comes to cover someone of us."
Hidemaru held his voice for a moment, mulling her choice -"Very well, we will send the guy to the barracks." - he sets up a window in his terminal, tweaks some configurations. - "You can go pick up Seeker Grey-2 at the storehouse over there, and configure it as you need. Don't take too long, as we are almost ready to go."

As he was saying that, other members of the operation were starting to congregate in the landing area, each with their equipment and thoughts. Not much later a call came from the loading crew announcing the completion of the craft preparations.

Tsugumi soon returned with a large quadrupedal combat robot, with some of its features suggesting a design based on a hunting dog or wolf. The seeker followed its master to the assault craft, as the team took their positions inside to depart.

With a loud roar, the old but heavily armed air transport raised to the air above the landing pad area, and did a full circle around the settlement, before its engines quieted down and cruised to its destination in the lower lands away from the Plateau. On the now darkened sky, a flickering but strong light indicated the position of Planet Kodo, thousands of millions of kilometres away.

RE: The Tsugaru Arrow, chapter 2 - WesternPeregrine - 06-18-2017

Planet Tomioka, Sakashita region. Nightfall.

[Image: B7rrtQd.jpg]

The air transport propelled itself in the air, departing at the same low altitude as it had flown to get there undetected. On the ground, the group of mercenaries had assembled and reviewed the situation, before splitting into the two units as planned.

Hidemaru looked again at the compass in his equipment, and then glanced at Yonomori and Tsugumi, who were waiting his words.

"It appears we arrived a bit late, but still manageable. It's a bit of a walk from now on, so get going.
Go loud only if the situation demands it."

With the strict remark, the two teams split, each moving to their objective. With Morishiba on point, and a few men spread out scouting ahead, Hidemaru's team ventured through the forest, slowly going up a hill.

As they were approaching the top, a light flashes from beyond, making the team halt their advance. They wait, listening, the sound of engines throttling up.

[Image: l9DnORE.jpg?1]

Morishiba sneaks up to a rock formation, and peeks over. He motions to the team to come to him.

"Seems we have arrived at our target, boss."

[Image: Lw1SXJq.jpg]

The Sakashita dam dominated the scenery, stretching for almost a kilometer. One could see some activity on the far side, where a couple of civilian transports where departing, only the heavens knew to where and transporting what.

"Seems it has been here for quite a while. You can tell a bit of its age from the style of it." - commented Shimoe. Though no expert on construction, he had been picked up for the duty of mapping out the site and find a way in.

"Well, let's hope it's still more of a power plant than a haunted house." - replied Irina from the back.

"Any sign of air patrols?" - Hidemaru asks, arriving at the end of the group due to his heavy armor.

"No boss, other than those transports, it seems the pads a clear. Think they are expecting a quiet evening." - concluded Morishiba, checking through the viewfinder for the enemy locations along the site.

"They can sleep all they want, as long as they don't get in our way. We're being paid to bring this dam down, not to be Mr. Sandman.
Mori, set up a watch point with Kelly. Irina takes the front, Shimoe shows us the path."

Searching for a bit, Irina and Shimoe found a path going down the hill, and the team began descending towards the clearing at the nearest end of the dam, where the first Blood Dragon checkpoint was located.