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Communique to the Kusarian Government, From: Kingdom of Gallia - Printable Version

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Communique to the Kusarian Government, From: Kingdom of Gallia - Ramke - 07-26-2016

Planet Orleans, Château de Orleans
26. juillet, 739 AGS

[Image: 5hyxoYx.png]

Sender: Claire DeFrance, Duchesse de Orleanais
Recipient: Kusarian Republic's Government, CC: KNF Command
Topic: Contraband in the Taus

Bonjour, Kusarians. The Grand Maréchal was unfortunately too busy to contact you himself, and has asked a member of the DeFrance family to contact you on his behalf.

The Kingdom of Gallia has felt the need to contact you due to troublesome trends starting to appear in the Tau systems, and the stem of this issue seems to originate from the Republic of Kusari itself.

Marine Royale Gauloise patrols in the Taus keep witnessing an increase in contraband and supplies heading from Kusari towards inner Bretonia, majority of these smugglers belonging to Sirian corporations. The logical assumption is that Bretonia is getting desperate and is starting to rely on massive foreign aid to even manage to last a little bit longer under Gallia's might. While this normally isn't an issue - as seen with Republic of Liberty attempting to do similar - we still have to root out any snakes that attempt to help Gallia's enemies.

This brings us to why am I contacting the Kusarian government: The Kingdom expects you to deal with this sudden increase in exported contraband towards Bretonia. We hope you will find and disband these smuggling rings, arrest and send these criminals to Gallia for trial in court and an appropriate punishment. Conspirating with the enemy is a serious offense, and Gallia will not stand by idly and watch it happen.

You would not endorse this smuggling, would you?

With that said, we would like to see the Naval Forces disrupt these waves of smugglers before they enter the Gallic Tau region. Unless, of course, you are having too much issue dealing with your own rebels that we heard were trying to get themselves back into Kusari.

In service of the Roi,

Claire DeFrance,
Duchesse de Orleanais
Marine Royale Gauloise



RE: Communique to the Kusarian Government, From: Kingdom of Gallia - The Republic of Kusari - 07-28-2016

[Image: kuhead.png]

[Image: yOlOrC0.jpg?1]
Hitoshi Minami
State Secretary

Claire DeFrance, Duchesse de Orleanais

Good day, miss DeFrance, I am Hitoshi Minami and state secretary of the republic.
The government of Kusari would like to assure you and the kingdom, that all necessary steps will be taken to ensure that all smugglers trying to move through Kusari will be arrested and prosecuted.
We have already noticed the increased activities of these notorious criminals and instructed our Naval Forces and State Police to increase their patrols in the border regions.

The imperials might very well be helping those smugglers reach their destination as they move through the Tau sector, but our continued assault on their positions will make it hard for them to keep this up.
We hope to have satisfied your curiosity in this matter and hope we could dispel your concerns.
If you happen to have more questions we are of course ready to answer them as soon as possible.

With cordial regards,

Hitoshi Minami
State secretary, Republic of Kusari