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To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - Printable Version

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To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - nOmnomnOm - 07-26-2016

[Image: l3P7UWY.gif]


Hey there, Sugar.

Remember or not, you asked for us to look into getting you a speed ship. An Arrow in-fact.
While the Arrows are prized among the Archangels, I can see you have what it takes a the true spirit of one. For a tipsy navigator sometimes myself, I am impressed on your skills.

Anyway, take a look at what I got for you so far:

Please review the specifications above and let me know about all the specifications you would like to have.
Something to note is if you would like to include special seats, sound-system, vinyls or a paint job, etc.
What is really key is what engine you would like to have on this thing. If you have no idea where to start then just let me know what color you want the afterburner to be as well as if you want a quiet or loud one.

Be hearing from you soon, I hope!



RE: To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - Jazzi - 07-27-2016

[Image: UVOnOg3.png]

Oh no! Th...the nickname re...really is sticking!

He...hey there Sunny,

I am ur... glad you remembered as I do...don't think I would have; te...tends to be a cruel mistress. Re...regarding the specifications, I shall admit I know little about racing rigs. What runs better, H...H-fuel or oil ran engines? Ar...are there more alternatives?'s say faster is better, there's a pa...particular competitor I ha...have in mind to beat.

Oh! a...and instead of red stripes ca...can you pl...please paint it them a da...dark blue? Th...thank you Sunny! much is this go..going to set me back?

RE: To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - nOmnomnOm - 07-28-2016

[Image: l3P7UWY.gif]


Hey there, dear,

Here is an update at what's been cookin' up in the hangars:

Hope you like the work so far on your little beauty. She a pretty one, ain't she?
I've made a few modifications on the Arrow since you are concerned with speed. We've gotten rid of most of the fluff on the ship to make it as light as possible for maximum acceleration performance. On top of that I've been looking at the engines you'd be interested in. Everyone's got their favorites but for me I like a nice clean and well performance engine. I am suggesting a nice yellow-flamed Kusari variant. I have personally been using these and I am happy with how they perform. You wont need to worry so much about engine maintenance as much as well with this.
Other options you might be interested are from the Blackmarket. Gallic engines to be exact that have been converted to be able to use. A blue-flamed Royalist or a pink-flamed Corse engine would be good choices for this ship as well.

Think about it, Birdy. She's your baby after all.

As for how much it is going to cost... I'll accept either credits or perhaps you could offer to do something in return?

Anyway, be hearing from you soon.


RE: To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - Jazzi - 07-31-2016

[Image: UVOnOg3.png]

Hey Su...sunny,

Been a while since I wa...was on comms. Sorry about that, been a rough week and ur... well, yeah. That ships a beauty, ad you the shade of blue just right. I'm going to trust you on the engine, and maybe in the future swap it out. Depends on how it feels on the stick I suppose, but I'll give it a fe...few runs before making a mind up on that one. What, ur... what kind of favour are you looking for Sunny?

RE: To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - Big_B - 08-01-2016

>Incomming Transmission<
>Comm ID: Logan Torrio<

[Image: wZvHdgj.jpg]

"Hey there T-Bird, its me Logan,
I'm sorry but Sunny went on a vacation trip, away from the stress and things a President has to do.
I would like to take over this here for him but it looks like this is something he should take care of.
He will be back next week and I guess he would be really happy if you could wait for him, unless you really need it quickly.
If thats the case, tell me.
Until then, see ya"

>End of the Transmission<

RE: To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - nOmnomnOm - 08-07-2016

[Image: l3P7UWY.gif]


Sup sweet cheeks,

While I've been away the crew's been working on tuning and fixing up the Arrow as well as installing the engine. In the end we picked the Kusari variant with a sleak yellow afterburner.
If your interested for something else after then we can help with replacing it. No worries.

As for price, she's worth 35 million as a rough estimate. I can give you a deal for 30 million if you'd like to drop the cash but like I said a favor is also acceptable.
At the moment I don't have anything in mind. Perhaps we can leave it as an IOU if you are comfortable with having some debt.

Cheers and be hearing from you soon,


RE: To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - nOmnomnOm - 08-13-2016

:::Signal Intensified:::

RE: To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - Jazzi - 08-15-2016

[Image: UVOnOg3.png]

Hey Sunny,

At th...thirty Million it sounds like we have a deal. I'd like to come see th...the vessel before handing over the cash though. No relfection on yourself, but naturally I'm qu...quite keen to know what it is i'm sp...spending the vast majority of this years savings on. I'm out on Cu...curacao for th...the next couple of days but ur... perhaps we can arrange something. Where wo...would we meet? The hangers near the Cherry?

RE: To: T-Bird | From: Sunny of the Archangels F.C. - The Archangels Fighter Club - 08-30-2016

[Image: l3P7UWY.gif]


Hey there,

Sorry about the wait, cupcake. Making a fine piece of race craft takes some time after all.
The ship is ready and delivered in the hangars of Ames Research Station. We can meet there to do business.
I hope you stick around with that ship near and don't go running off with it just yet. We have a little surprise in store that you can find quite entertaining.

Cheers and be hearing from you soon,