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What's your FL Keymap? - Printable Version

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What's your FL Keymap? - Ximen_Benitez - 12-01-2008

I'm just wondering what people use for their main keys on Freelancer. I changed mine quite a bit.. does everybody else change theirs or use the default?


Q and E - Strafe Left and Right
Tab - Thrust
W - Launch CD
A - Launch Mines

F and G - Bots and Bats
B - Tractor

123456 - Weapon Groups

Z - Engine Kill
X - Strafe Backwards (slowly)
Shift W - Cruise
Space - Freeflight
H - Turret view

I think those last few are default... but those are the main keys I use.

What do you use?

What's your FL Keymap? - GhostFace - 12-01-2008

I'm just listing what I've changed...

Strafe Up-Up arrow key
Strafe Down- Down arrow key

Fire torpedo-1

And its not usually the same but I like to keep my Mini/torp on 2,3,4

To be short I usually change my weapons or weapons group to something nearby for easy change during battle.

What's your FL Keymap? - MarvinCZ - 12-01-2008

ASWD - strafe
Arrow keys - turn
Ctrl + W - cruise
Shift + Space - free flight (that first mode before goto and dock, not mouse control)
Mouse wheel (turn) - throttle
Mouse wheel (press) - thruster (Tab as well)

1 - 9 - select weapon group
Q - fire weapon group 4 (usually razor, torp or mortar)
E - fire weapon group 5 (usually mines or cap inferno)
N - mines
I usually use groups 1-3 for main gun setups, 4 and 5 for special weapons.

Plus some top secret keys I can't talk about;)

What's your FL Keymap? - Virus - 12-01-2008

` - Freeflight
1 - Select Weapon Group 1
2 - Select Weapon Group 2
3 - Select Weapon Group 3
WASD - Strafe up, left, down, right respectively.
Tab - Subtarget
- (Minus on the Num-pad) Invite to Group
Up,Down,Left,Right are turn (pitch is reversed; down is up)

On my Mouse:

Cruise Disruptor is Middle Mouse Button (click the scroll wheel).

What's your FL Keymap? - eodas2 - 12-01-2008

SDXC: strafe
A: reverse engine
E: kill engine
Space: Fire
Tab: Cruise

LK: weapon groups
NM: nano/bat
FG: countermeasure and mines

right mouse click: thruster

What's your FL Keymap? - X-Lancer - 12-01-2008

`=Free flight
Q=Strafe Down
E=Strafe Up
Shift+1,2,3,4,5,6=activate weapon group
1,2,3,4,5,6=fire weapon group
Shift+S=Pull Up
Shift+A=Turn left
Shift+D=Turn right

What's your FL Keymap? - Virus - 12-01-2008

' Wrote:SDXC: strafe
A: reverse engine
E: kill engine
Space: Fire
Tab: Cruise

LK: weapon groups
NM: nano/bat
FG: countermeasure and mines

right mouse click: thruster

Are you on a laptop?

What's your FL Keymap? - eodas2 - 12-01-2008

No. Why?

What's your FL Keymap? - Derkylos - 12-01-2008

The main major change I made to the defaults was to put CD on mouse button 3, as I got really annoyed by people cruising off as I pirated/arrested for smuggling them.
The rest of my setup usually changes from ship-to-ship, and occasionally depending on what I'm intending to fight (NPCs or players).

What's your FL Keymap? - tansytansey - 12-01-2008

WASD for strafe, seems more popular than I thought.

Arrow keys to pitch, helps with flying through Asteroid Fields.

1234 for weapons groups, I leave 5 out cause that's my Greyhounds' CD

` for select next sub target
shift + ` for select previous target