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Does everyone like the RP? - Printable Version

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Does everyone like the RP? - seio - 07-31-2016

I used to play this game back when was the main servers.
It had very simple rules, you could be a Pirate (x), Rogue ®, Hunter (h), or a trader (t - But this was often skipped).

Pirates could tax trades and freelancers, usually only if they were actually transporting something (max fees based on levels, and nobody under lvl20).
Hunters were police, they would demand pirates leave the system and pay a fee, sometimes could be hired as escorts.
Rogues were lunatics, and would kill anyone and everyone, did not ask for taxes.
Traders, while it may not have been a real rule, they were people who traded, to basically make it easier for Pirates to track.

That was how simple it was, and it was very fun.

I've tried to play Discovery mod a few times, but the amounts of rules (Literally in the thousands ~17k rules for ships/equipment) is just too much, and the requirement to actually role play (A light novel on restrictions of how to RP), just makes it unenjoyable... Since, I'll essentially just be alone, to avoid the role play, and you can't get any ship you want, because it'll be too hard to get it... Even if you do get it, you'll be restricted to certain zones to be in. The big ships too, is a big turn off, and they coming with their own rules on how you're eve allowed to fight them.
Add in the big universe with the small amount of players, and it's restrictions on where each player is allowed, and you come to the conclusion that player interaction will be low.

I know there's been "Relaxed discovery" servers, but I can't see them anymore. I assume they died because of too few players?
Does everyone really want to RP this hard? How many people have quit because the rules and RP was too bothersome?

RE: Does everyone like the RP? - sindroms - 07-31-2016

The server rules were revamped recently, so you might want to look those up. If you are not interested in RP, you can use the Connecticut system or participate in large PVP brawl events where RP requirements are very basic, usually 2 lines of text before opening fire.

As for your question - yes. Roleplay in general is often associated with working with large amounts of text overall. The rules are specific only because of the environment of RP we have, since the game is old and we cannot restrict things via mechanics - so we need players to do that instead.

RE: Does everyone like the RP? - Goldberg - 07-31-2016

I'm also not the biggest RPer in the world and I'm enjoying pvp more then RP but I play here since 3 years. Like, I have my fun, even as a trader or when I fly my hardcore I'm going to kill you char Big Grin

And the rules are pretty easy, like really, that's nothing. Play arma 3 altis life, and you have like 130-150 rules. Big Grin

RE: Does everyone like the RP? - Wild Eagle - 07-31-2016

To be frank the Roleplay is the only reason the mod is still here. There are plenty of better space games out there but none have the level of roleplay (though its been dropping of the years) that is here.

RE: Does everyone like the RP? - Eva Adenauer - 07-31-2016

(07-31-2016, 01:47 AM)Wild Eagle Wrote: To be frank the Roleplay is the only reason the mod is still here.

The reason this is true is that it gives players a sentimental attachment to the game. No other Freelancer server took/takes RP to the same level as Disco, and that gives people a reason to come back. They don't want to feel like they've "wasted" their time here. That's all.

RE: Does everyone like the RP? - seio - 07-31-2016

(07-31-2016, 01:47 AM)Wild Eagle Wrote: There are plenty of better space games out there
I can't agree with that, there's no good space games.

EVE - Barely any interaction as I understand it, with point and click "combat".
Elite Dangerous - No engine kill, not sure about after burner, but basically the combat looks stale... It looks like you can jump anywhere at any time too.
Star Citizen - In pre-alpha now, and it's already shaping up to a disappointment. Not much different from Elite Dangerous.

If there actually were better games out there than freelancer, I'd be playing those games.

RE: Does everyone like the RP? - Omi - 07-31-2016

Most of the times I log, it's primarily for the (snub) PvP. This game's group snub brawls are unique among all the games I've ever seen or played, and my only regret is that I spent so many years trying as hard as I could to avoid that particular aspect.

That said, and without contradicting myself (I hope), the only reason I am still around is because of the setting and the RP. I wouldn't be interested in playing this game as a purely PvP experience, just as much as I wouldn't be interested in flying around an entirely sterile environment without some form of aggressive player interaction being present and accounted for.

In my experience, though, it is a lot easier to find a halfway decent fight than it is to find a halfway decent RP of any substance whatsoever - probably because players that are stronger in PvP will fight just about anyone, while a lot of the quote-unquote "roleplayers" stick to their known friend groups and type their text there. For someone like me who really can't get on board with too much premeditated roleplay (unless the characters involved really, really mesh well), I always feel a bit disheartened and aggrieved at the difficulty I experience in finding RP interactions that are truly organic.

RE: Does everyone like the RP? - Wild Eagle - 07-31-2016

Try the X-series or no mans sky and just for the record with flight assist off in ED you move as if engine kill, its combat is far from stale.

I'm not saying it as anything against freelancer but she shows her age alot. I keep hanging around solely for the RP i can't get this elsewhere.

But if you dislike RP that much there is conn or like 2 other servers that run this mod.

RE: Does everyone like the RP? - Omi - 07-31-2016

(07-31-2016, 02:01 AM)Wild Eagle Wrote: Try the X-series or no mans sky and just for the record with flight assist off in ED you move as if engine kill, its combat is far from stale.

The combat in X3 etc is nothing like Freelancer's combat, No Man's Sky isn't even released yet (and will almost certainly not play like Freelancer), and Elite: Dangerous's similarities to Freelancer in terms of mechanics begin and end with the fact that it has (janky) engine kill mechanics. Artificial limits on pitch/yaw, heavy inertia, power management, and the general weirdness overall that defines E:D's clunky combat leave it far in the dust compared to Freelancer's in everything but graphics - and that's without mentioning the fact that you can just combat log in E:D without anyone being able to stop you.

RE: Does everyone like the RP? - seio - 07-31-2016

(07-31-2016, 02:01 AM)Wild Eagle Wrote: Try the X-series or no mans sky and just for the record with flight assist off in ED you move as if engine kill, its combat is far from stale.
Those are single player games.

The other two mods have an average of 1.5 players or something like that, so it'd be playing single player.
I guess Connecticut would be the only way to go then... Hope it's a series of star systems, not just a single one.