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Rate your own RP - Printable Version

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Rate your own RP - looqas - 12-02-2008

Ok folks. This thread's point is to make you think about your RP level (I believe 95% are capable of doing a good RP).

Do you bother (yes, bother) to keep your RP good? Most of us slip up for some reason or another. We have all kinds of excuses.

Be truthful to yourself. Search your self and your actions.

Rate your own RP - Zapp - 12-02-2008

Not surprising, 100% (3 people) have voted 'Very Good' so far. I'd like to say I have great RP, but that's just me. I think it's best to get an objective person with no prejudice to tell you how your RP is. Kinda hard to get an unbiased opinion of ourselves.

Rate your own RP - Orin - 12-02-2008

I'm not bragging in the least, but "Very good.":sleep:

(Or "Good.", I can't really see a difference. Good I suppose, since it's subjective.)

Rate your own RP - Reverend Del - 12-02-2008

I'd consider mine to be very good, but mainly cos folks keep telling me it is. I know both my factions inside and out and can lecture you for endless hours regarding their beliefs and history.

Rate your own RP - dr lameos - 12-02-2008

I would say not bad... I think it could be better, but when in a faction or organising them i do fully research them. Cryer especially I'd say very good. I don't RP my corsair as well as i could, i'd say average on that. My others i'd say are only good. So overall i'd say good, and I need to work harder.

I wouldn't say I write enough background stories to be very good on any of them really though. I've written one, and thats now months out of date, i did bring it up to date but lost it when i clicked post... and so am too annoyed to do it again!

So overall I'd say good, because I don't think I'm bad.

Rate your own RP - Klaw117 - 12-02-2008

I said "Good." My RP is excellent on most of my characters (yes, even my BH), but there are rare occasions where I can get carried away with PvP or just say something stupid without thinking.

Rate your own RP - Kuraine - 12-02-2008

I'd like to think my RP was very good, although I don't really write any forum stories etc. Almost all my RP is ingame, although I know a lot of the factions inside and out, in terms of background history/information. I voted for merely "Good" RP, though. Wouldn't feel comfortable giving myself a "very good" rating heh.

Rate your own RP - Lux - 12-02-2008

I put average, because whenever I'm IG, I can never think of something good to say -_- Not to mention that my forum RP here is just about inexistent.

Rate your own RP - Thexare - 12-02-2008

Though I of course try for better, I think I'm at Average. Mostly in-game dragging me down since I'm not so good at improvising, though I'm doing better when I'm using Mia.

Rate your own RP - Xing - 12-02-2008

I voted "Good" for myself.