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Day's in Liberty - Printable Version

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Day's in Liberty - The Olympius - 08-05-2016

// OORP Section: This is going back to the beginning where Rosalina sends a distress signal out to the A/) and [LN] and is later taken into a "Thalia Grace" holding cell then moved to Alaska. Which did not work out and moved to Radford Research Station, Virginia. With two escapes and Admiral Jack O'Neills death, Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter taken hostage, Rosalina having something weird happen to her and then the D9|LNS-Ottawa is destroyed.

"Rosalina Romanov: Speaking"
"Crimson Stone: D9 Agent Speaking"
"Vice Admiral LN Alexis A Hunter: Speaking"
"Green Sparrow: Speaking"
::[Artificial Intelligence: Sound Effects/Systems]::

The day's within Liberty...

"I will be on my way. I am unsure I liked those odds.

"No one in their right mind would..

"I feel lucky to be alive.

"Head for Beta seven in Colorado..lets make sure they don't chase you.

"My scanners are clear.

"Ah, good. I'll be with you soon then.

"Got time for a brief talk?"

"Did not expect such hostility from the Navy. Brief talk about what?"

"You being around Liberty.

"Is there a problem with me being here?"

"No, it's just curious.

"Nor did I.. I shall be with you soon..

"In what way? All I am doing is trying to search for my fathers closest friends. I am moving to Beta Severn as we speak."

"Bringing a Rheinland vessel to Liberty doesn't seem to be the best approach, if I may say so."

"Well I did not come from Rheinland. It was the only vessel that seemed reasonable to bring. It was either this, a Bergelmir or a warship."

"Very well. Assuming all obtained by the Core?"

"Not all, I was a former member of the BDM also known as MND."

"Tell me, as I move to your location, why you are seeing us out?"

"I was a forensic scientist there until they gave me two years fighter pilot training."

" I recall a name similar to yours being amongst the Core however."

"From the information I obtained while being a member of MND and BDM forensic science team and a Paladin within The Core, you were the Division that could help me with what I am seeking. I was a well known pilot within Core ja."

"And what is it that your seeking?"

"Reasons as to why my father was killed by Nomads known as K'hara. He was a Federal Officer of Rheinland after being a Mercenary within Liberty."

"Killed? Well, their reasons for killing hundreds is usually unknown, but a military man, perhaps targeting someone of power and rank...Knock one of them out, cause a panic."

"But you're not amongst them anymore as you're flying a clear Rheinland banner."

"Ja, I left The Core when I realized all they wanted was power within the Omicrons, killing hundreds and thousands of people because they can and will to show power."

"More directly, a reason behind such is...well, something else, it could of been because of stuff he knew."

"Not that different from Rheinland in a way... Are you still part of this MND?"

"My father was not of a high rank, nor did he have any form of power within Rheinland. I am a free agent with the crew I have."

"But he was a military man, even of low rank, if one was to be suddenly targeted and killed by the nomads...cause a panic and a shift in the military..."

"A 'free' agent?"

"Indeed. I am a 'lone-wolf'"

"And you have no superiors?"

"It is not clear to me, I don't get why would they chose my father. He was only a mercenary and then a federal police Officer. I am my own superior."

"That is a good question, but I must ask you this."

"Former Paladin of The Core, and also commanding officer of the Olympius Bullhead."

" What would you give to know that information of which you seek....?"

"What would I have to do to get the information I seek."

"Sounds a little questionably to me but who am I to really question who you work for."

"Well I work for myself and I am just trying to seek answers about my dad while making amends to all those I hurt."

"Getting such information, even from the nomads of all things, comes at a price..."

"Along with my crew."

"Would you be willing to meet someone?"

"And you're using Rheinland assets to achieve that? Heh... you'd think Rheinland would have better ways to spend their few credits."

"What sort of price are we looking at? I will meet anyone. I will do anything it takes to get answers. Well this ship I am flying was purchased from the blackmarket."

"Including spacing yourself and allowing me to take you to said person...? Understand, this is just a question."

"A Military vessel?"

" Well it was highly damaged, was barely usable. But I had enough time on my hands to fix it up. Power source is only running at 75%. You wish to take me to this person.."

"As an MND officer you'd think you would have the resources to get a decent Wraith."

"Well the Wraith I was training in they kept when I took my leave from MND."

"Then I need you to do a few things...ready? I need you to transmit a distress signal. And then space yourself...I won't destroy yourself, and I will take you to the person...but we need to make sure no one comes after you..."

"So you're not part of them anymore?"

"Again I am a 'free agent'. "

"A mere freelancer working for themselves then."

"You wish me to transmit a distress signal."

"So your ship is found yes."

" Then eject my pod so you can destroy my Wraith?"

"Only if you want me to destroy it, other wise, we can leave the ship behind and let it be used as bait so we can run."

"You could say that ja. But I have a crew that works with me, we are a team."

"But not in the name of the Rheinland government?"

"It is damaged enough to be seen as a wreckage."

"Nein, the crew is from The Core."

"So would there be any need for it to be destroyed?"

"But you're no longer part of them either... I see."

"Ja that is correct."

"No lets cover it up ready?"

"Ja, I think so."

"I guess it begins to make sense now. You're not part of any group but you still own a Core vessel with which you escaped and the assest that came along with it."

" Send a distress signal to the following..send a warning to first, the primary navy (/fm LN) and tell them your under fire by an unknown hostile..then do the same to Aux'..."

"Well ja in a way, the crew and myself stole the Olympius (Core Vessel) and it is our safe haven as some would say."

"Then pod yourself, and I'll take you to meet someone who will know."

"You wish for me to make a distress signal to the Primary Navy and Auxesians. Then make my way to my escape pod."

"I see, how can your dad help with that situation as you mentioned looking for a friend of him or something along those lines?"

"Well my father was killed by Nomads and I just wish to seek why."

"That is why so many intelligence services and so on."

"And you turn to the D9 for this?"


"Ja maybe they could help me. Very well. "

"You're aware that the D9 is rumored to be compromised, right?"

"Nein... One moment.."

Green Sparrow Sighs before answering Rosalina.

"I doubt they are even rumors anymore as I've seen the D9 units commit acts you would only expect from the Nomads."

::[Boosts the signal]:: "If you're still around that D9 unit, I recommend you leave while you still can."

::[[Boosted Signal fails, communications cut out]::

::[Distress Signals being sent out from Rosalina's Wraith with a voice recording which is playing on repeat to the Primary Liberty Navy and Auxesians.
Voice Recording was saying: This is a distress signal from Rosalina Romanov's Wraith, Location Beta-Severn, Colorado. Assistance is required immediately]::

"Shots are being fired!!!"

"Pod yourself when your ready."

::[Distress Signals being sent out from Rosalina's Wraith with a voice recording which is playing on repeat to the Primary Liberty Navy and Auxesians.
Voice Recording was saying: This is a distress signal from Rosalina Romanov's Wraith, Location Beta-Severn, Colorado. Assistance is required immediately]::

Rosalina moves to her escape pod and jettisons it.

Division Nine Agent tractor's it and waits for something to happen.

"Covering on your location, hold on."

::[Distress Signals being sent out from Rosalina's Wraith with a voice recording which is playing on repeat to the Primary Liberty Navy and Auxesians]::

"This is the Thalia Grace,we are on the way."

"40k and closing, hold on. Pilot?"

::[Distress Signal sends an alarm out]::

Green Sparrow stares her eyes into the cockpit

The Auxesian can hear gun shots from some where close.

The ship appears to be heavily destroyed and weakened, as if someone forced its way in during combat, the pilot of the ship entirely MIA.

RE: Day's in Liberty - The Olympius - 08-06-2016

// OORP Section:
"Rosalina Romanov: Speaking"
"Crimson Stone: D9 Agent Speaking"
"Vice Admiral LN Alexis A Hunter: Speaking"
"Green Sparrow: Speaking"
"Alex Kingston: Speaking"
::[Artificial Intelligence: Sound Effects/Systems]::

The day's within Liberty...

::[::[Distress Signals being sent out from Rosalina's Wraith with a voice recording which is playing on repeat to the Primary Liberty Navy and Auxesians.
Voice Recording was saying: This is a distress signal from Rosalina Romanov's Wraith, Location Beta-Severn, Colorado. Assistance is required immediately]::

Green Sparrow Snorts "Can you hear me, pilot?"

The weapon systems are firing automatically.

"Guess we'll stun it."

The beacon is still going off.

The fighter is heavily shot up, there seem to be dark purple glowing burns and holes in the armor and hold, the pilots emergency ejection pod is entirely missing, as is Rosalina herself, the shields appeared to be entirely disabled, clearly something had forced it's way in.

::[::[Distress signals are being sent out to more Auxesian vessels]::

Green Sparrow cusses something.

"I hate this" She mutters before disappearing into the back of the Falcon.

There is a scream from the distances from Rosalina but it is muffled like something was blocking her scream.

"This is the Thalia Grace, we're inbound."

Moments later the cargo bay opens and the pilot floats over towards the wraith and clamps onto the outer hull.

The muffling is silenced entirely by what sounds like gunfire, possible pistol or sub weaponry.

"This is LNS Thalia Grace to unidentified ships, please send ID codes."

"Grace, a rescue mission is in progress, I'd appreciate it if you kept the area secure."

The fighter was heavily weakened to the point that it was in an disabled yet emergency ready state, the pod was missing with no sign of Rosalina in sight then the gunfire recording and clear forced entry.

"Auxesian vessel, situation report."

The pilot takes out her sidearm and crawls to one of the openings on the vessel.

"Grace, possible assault of Nomadic vessels that compromised this Wraith."

"This is Kingston. Present and accounted for."

She aims her side arm inside of the Wraith while using a flashlight to illuminate her surroundings.

The screams for help is still heard, something scuttles inside of the ship quickly, it was hard to tell just what it was, yet the screams were from outside of the wraith, the pilot clearly still alive.

"Commander Kingston, secure the area. SRC mission in effect by Auxesian vessels."

Upon entry there is no lights, or electrics that are working.

"Hold fire due to unusual circumstances...Auxesian pilot, what's going on?"

"As said, the wraith has been compromised by a possible Nomadic attack, I'm trying to retrieve the pilot."

The muffled scream can still be heard but it is not coming from the wraith.

The pilot enters the Wraith further, being cautious and on full alert for any sudden movements. Her sidearm aimed ahead.

The source of the scream is unclear.

There was no life signs inside the ship, it was clear that she was spaced and tractored, though it was hard to tell where.

"This is getting out of hand."

"The wraith is cleared but they are still in the area. Or at least I can feel the presence of a nomad."

Something launches itself at the Auxiesan, it was clearly alien in matter and state, though upon impact, their suit would take damage...a trap?

RE: Day's in Liberty - The Olympius - 08-09-2016

// OORP Section:
"Rosalina Romanov: Speaking"
"Crimson Stone: D9 Agent Speaking"
"Vice Admiral LN Alexis A Hunter: Speaking"
"Green Sparrow: Speaking"
"Alex Kingston: Speaking"
"Thalia Grace Marines: Speaking"
"Thalia Grace CIC: Speaking"
::[Artificial Intelligence: Sound Effects/Systems]::

The day's within Liberty...

"How can you "feel" them?"

"Aye... I believe I'm getting something as well.."

The screams went silent. There was no sign as to where the source is or where Rosalina has gone. It was clear the ejection pod was used but the beacon had stopped.

" 'Hear th- ah'" Static and gun shots follow as she tried to shoot the alien matter away.

"Auxesian Pilot, what is going on?"

"Ma'am, if need be, I can board the vessel."

*Whatever was used on the pilot was some form of acid, meaning if they didn't act fast, it was going to eat past the suit skin itself, the entire ship having been trapped in case it was found to a point that the Aux' pilot had tripped only one possible onboard trap in advance.

"Negative Commander. Thalia Grace is preparing a marine detachment at once. Continue flying cover."


"Auxesia pilot, deploying a team of Marines. Do you copy?"

A energy went through the electronics of the ship and sparked up a energy field. It was a great force that shocked the ship.

Heavy breathing. "'It's a trap... a-are your scanners not picking anything up?"

Making it difficult for the Auxesian pilot to stand up right without some form of gravity to keep them down.

"I'm not getting anything out here."

"Energy field has been detected. Cloak signature phantom readings recorded. Auxesia pilot, marine team Delta Niner are deploying to your location via maneuvering packs."

The creature or something was still lingering and watching, it was clear that they had sprung its trap, the hatch suddenly closing on the Wraith just seconds after the Aux escape.

The pilot moves her way back to the hole on the hull to move herself out of the Wraith in an effort to get back to her Falcon in time.

"Try and get to the hatch pilot, we're get you out."

This is Delta One, firing line. Auxesia Pilot, grab on.

A grapple line shots in and embeds itself in the inside of the wraith.

"Auxesian Pilot, once you grab on do not let go."

She grabs the cable and pulls herself along it, checking the integrity of her suit.

The fighter internals began to resolve in the acid like matter inside the ship, the hostile still lingering in the area, the acidic matter was still stuck to their suit, it was like a goo that was just dissolving matter in its path.

The Marines hit the thrusters, jerking the pilot out of the wraith.

"I got it... I need this stuff off me." She sounded in a rushed and somewhat panicked voice.

"Pilot, your suit is compromised. We are heading for the Thalia Grace."

"The pilot of that Wraith is still around, I know it."

"Right now we have you."

The Marines hit their thrusters at full, heading for the airlock of the Grace.

A distant muffled scream, squeak can be heard, but not loud.

The hostile was indeed still lingering in the area, the wraith was beginning to be purged, almost like an attempt to hide what truly happened with the idea of a trap in mind.

The scream lasted for a split second.

A power surge happens within the Wraith and the shields appear to be coming online.

The marines drag the woman into the airlock. Once sealed, they grab cutters and begin to cut the suit off,trying to keep from harm" Marine: Don't move!

It is unclear how or what could have put the shields online.

"This is the Thalia Grace, the Wraith's shields are online. Auxesian pilot, I will be destroying the Wraith."

The pilot remained still to let the marine handle the alien substance.

"Was there anything of value on the Wraith?"

The acidic material was about to bypass the suit entirely, the hissing getting louder as it just kept slowly melting away at it. The fighter was motionless, though something seemed heavily out of place...

"Take it down, no one was onboard, they already got her"


"Get that stuff off me already!"

She muttered to the Marine.

"[31.07.2016 22:11:27] Death: Rosalina.Romanov was put out of action by [LN]-LNS-Thalia.Grace (Gun).

It appears the shield went online via the energy power surge and it was to seal the hole in the side.

"Wraith purged."

Something scattered around the hold, around the Auxiesan and the marines, though whatever it was, was moving to quickly.

Ma'am, movement in the aft airlock!

"Commence quarantine immediately!"

The entire section immediately is sealed, the Marines ripping the suit off of the woman and dragging her away to safety.

As the second marine looked around, when suddenly the alien creature attacked the alone marine quickly, disarming them during its lung.

She looked up to the red alarm lights as the compartment was locked up, she didn't say anything unless the marine required it.