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[[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - Printable Version

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[[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - thisDerius - 08-08-2016

[Image: XI8cHpM.png]
Greetings Raven.

How are you doing since we last met? I hope you are doing well.
That aside, I wish to talk to you about something that might be set as important. Call it a business deal or something. Are you willing to listen to me?


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - Kauket - 08-08-2016

[Image: DTBxohr.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven
» SUBJECT: Pffff.



What is this?

One of the cubs club coming out to contact me?

What happened to your little heroine boy band, Stormclaw? Amuse me and I may look into your offerings.

[Image: 976nCIp.png]


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - thisDerius - 08-08-2016

[Image: XI8cHpM.png]

Your attitude is the same as ever.

Anyway. My idiotic ex-leader Joker is attempting to assist the nomads. He has his personal team that is mindlessly following him in that.
With that, every other ex-Blackguard member is looking for a way to stop him. So here is the thing, I am willing to give you assets of engineers, scientists, combatants and assassins. We have nothing better to do so we might as well assist the group we are not fond of. If you are willing to accept this we might even procure some additional assets for you.

Feel free to laugh at this if you want, but I am in no mood to joke right now. Answer fast I need to change my location soon. Assassins are after me.


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - Kauket - 08-09-2016

[Image: DTBxohr.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


Is that so? How laughable. I wonder how he even fell to such a degree. No matter to me - as the bigger question is: Why? What do you expect us to do? What do you want us to do? What is it that you want?

[Image: 976nCIp.png]


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - thisDerius - 08-09-2016

[Image: XI8cHpM.png]

I need a safe place for my crew. That is a first one. You provide them a safe place, they will assist you in what you need.

Next, I will need to track the bastard down so, proper equipment and a good place for it.

And last thing is helping us kill him. He probably won't be alone so I might use some backup while I am at it.

Three things. Quite simple, no? After that you can hook us up with any job you need help with and we will do what we can.


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - thisDerius - 08-10-2016


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - Kauket - 08-10-2016

[Image: DTBxohr.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


I'm not quite sure if I like that tone of yours. It sounds like you want things your way, hm?

"You will, I will... "

Nononono... To redeem yourself, you're going to have to prove yourself. After seeing yourself leeping into combat like that was somewhat amusing, although it doesn't quite prove your worth.

Impress me, go find me the relevant data on your old pal and do some other worthy acts, then maybe I'll help out. Consider that as your mini-job.

Speaking of a safe place, you could try Baffin, or with the Crayter Republic in Coronado.

[Image: 976nCIp.png]


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - thisDerius - 08-10-2016

[Image: XI8cHpM.png]

I'll get some info on Joker. Anything specific you need or you wan't as much as possible in general?

I can list some people that are willing to help out with any research and engineering. They won't say no. They love to work.

Crayterians might come in handy with a good place to lay low. Thanks for that one.

Anything else, feel free to contact me. I tend to have free time here and there.


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - Kauket - 08-10-2016

[Image: DTBxohr.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


Contacts are always resourceful. Do give out some names. All in all, I'll expect to hear from you sometime in the future.

[Image: 976nCIp.png]


RE: [[To: Sapphire Raven of Auxesia]] - thisDerius - 08-11-2016

[Image: XI8cHpM.png]

Alright. I have learned a bit about Joker so I am going to report it now, before I go silent for a few days.

I got attacked by some of his assassins and I managed to interrogate one.

Here is the first thing: His group of assassins is lead by a master assassin named Nikolai Arlov. This guy has tons of contacts and is always ready to use them. If you feel like searching for him, don't bother. He moves from planet to planet by smuggling himself on cargo and passenger ships. If you get attacked by him suddenly don't even think about doing it alone. Always use a small group against him. He is a vicious bastard and cannot be stopped easily. Don't think I am underestimating you or your forces, I am giving advice against him.
After one of my men died by him, I went to his apartment to search for clues. I found dossiers on the crew he was looking for. Nikolai was about to be the part of it, but he went with Joker instead.
The other thing is that Joker somehow managed to muster up a number of active artifacts. I am on the job of finding out what are those artifacts used for.

That is all for now. Ill contact you when I return to the grid.