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To: Enma Loyola - Printable Version

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To: Enma Loyola - Zoe Cromwell - 08-08-2016

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Zoe Cromwell
Affiliation: Nation of Malta

To: Enma Loyola
Subject: Bounty Hunting

Good day,

I believe you already noticed that I was out and working for Malta. Being out I heard that the Lane Hackers are maintaining a similar board as the Council does.

Would you be able to get me into contact with them? It would be an additional help to staying active in Liberty. And I don't think it would stand in the way of your goals.

Thank you.


Zoe Cromwell

RE: To: Enma Loyola - Zoe Cromwell - 08-09-2016

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Zoe Cromwell
Affiliation: Nation of Malta

To: Enma Loyola
Subject: Bounty Hunting

Good day,

I don't need to be getting in contact with them anymore. It seems they found me earlier already. Or I found them.

It doesn't really matter. What matters is that neither did they accept my status as a Hunter for Malta nor did they respect your name and even denied contacting you for confirmation.

They asked money of me and I'll only be getting it back when I work on their target list. I guess I got this far at least but I didn't think I'd be treated this way. Just letting you know.


Zoe Cromwell

RE: To: Enma Loyola - Shiki - 08-09-2016

[Image: o5CrIDC.png]

COMM-ID: Enma Loyola


Good day Zoe.

Sometimes it can be hard to find understanding with Hackers . I can guess that particular individuals that you have unfortunately met were just greedy for money. I believe you know their frequencies now, so I don't really have to upload them.

Fiendly advice: Do not try to cover yourself with my name whenever you are getting into the troubles like this. Of course I will talk with the Lane Hackers about this incident, but try not to make a problems for me anymore, alright?

Loyola out.


RE: To: Enma Loyola - Zoe Cromwell - 08-09-2016

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Zoe Cromwell
Affiliation: Nation of Malta

To: Enma Loyola
Subject: Bounty Hunting

Good day,

Thank you Miss Loyola. I understand. I am sorry and it won't happen again. I will work on my agreement with the Hackers and the one I made with you.


Zoe Cromwell