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The Ryder Family - Biography - Printable Version

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The Ryder Family - Biography - stardust47 - 08-17-2016

William Ryder
Born: 760 A.S., Planet New London
Died: 815 A.S., Luxury Liner Hawaii
William Ryder was born on Planet New London, to a Bowex transport captain and one of New London's many civil servants. After dropping out of Cambridge University, William bought an old Clydesdale freighter, the A Hard Day's Night, and set out for the stars. His adventures took him far and wide, from the comforts of Bretonia to the untamed Edge Worlds. He collected many things during his time as a freelancer, from battle trophies to alien curiosities, but his greatest discovery was when he met his future wife, Annaliese. They were in business together for a few years, making cargo runs and escorting transports, but after William was blinded by a radiation leak in his ship, they decided to go back to New London and settle down to raise a family. He did maintain some business interests, but it was all done for his family. William died suddenly of heart failure whilst aboard the luxury liner Hawaii in 815 A.S.

Anneliese Ryder (née Brauer)
Born: 768 A.S., Freeport 2
Status: Retired
Annelise's family came to Freeport 2 from New Berlin fleeing the Popular Revolution in 672 A.S.. However, by the time they were able to return, most of them chose not to, having become embedded in the station's populace. When she was old enough, Annelise bought her own fighter and made for the Edge Worlds, taking odd jobs around the sector. She met William on Freeport 9, and they were together from then until William's death in 815.

Richard Ryder
Born: 797 A.S., Planet New London
Status: Active
From an early age, Richard shared his father's keen business sense, selling soft drinks and chocolate 'under the counter' at his school library, making hundreds of credits every term. He had to close, however, after he and his associates were implicated in a fire at the library. Despite almost being expelled, and having the allegations hanging over his head for the rest of his time at school, he was able to secure a place at the New London School of Economics (NLSE). Here, Richard studied trade and economics, and took a job as a waste contract officer for the New London Planetary Council, a job he came to detest. In a stroke of luck, Richard saw an opening at Interspace Commerce, and now commands the Mastodon-class IC|Las Vegas, which can be found moving valuable cargo between the four Houses.

Ann Ryder
Born: 804 A.S., Planet New London
Status: Missing
The younger Ryder quickly developed an insatiable curiosity, aided by her family's generous provision. Her life was relatively uneventful, and in 822 she began a course in artificial intelligence at Cambridge University. However, she was reported missing after beginning a study on some nanites her father found in the Omicrons. However, a woman matching her description has been seen on Barrier Gate station, but this is the only lead so far.