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death of Mr. Lee - Printable Version

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death of Mr. Lee - General Nakazawa - 08-15-2006

Transmition To:General Nakazawa
Transmition From:Mr. Lee

HELP ME!! I am under atack from a wing of corsair assassins and am loosing hule integrity! If you recieve this message please send an atack wing as soon as posible! I dont know how much longer i can hold out.

Transmition lost...
Transmition To:Yakuza Fleet
TransmitionFrom:General Nakazawa

I recived a transmition from you comander the other day, it as a distes call. I answerd it as fast as i cold but it wold apeer that the atack wing i sent out did not arive in time. I regret to inform you that your leader is dead. My scouts found the remnants of his ship in the dibree field in Omicron 15. He left a will that states that he left every thing to me, the clan, his ships, every thing. There for it is my duetey to inform you all that i will be taking over in his plase. I am a Lane Hacker General ad there for have my oun flag ship, because of this i will be selling the Britonian Battle ship and moveing my oun Battle ship to kusari space as soon as i can. Just so you know this is an Osiris class. I send my condolences to all of you. I hope i can ern your respect just like Lee did and i hope that we can get along.
General Nakazawa out

Transmition terminated...
OOC:i am writing this because of the loss of my IDs and there for loss of my charictors General Nakazawa is my replasement for Mr. Lee. I will be posting other RP explintions for my other charitors that are being replased such as Dark Mist who already is in a situation for easy assassination and already has his starting story in the message dump.

death of Mr. Lee - Admiral Yamato - 08-16-2006

Ultimate Guide to Yakuza amended to add an awards/decoration section as well as a list of deceased.

RIP Mr. Lee