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Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Printable Version

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Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Commander ZooM - 08-11-2016

[Image: HgaFBaD.jpg?1]

FACTION NAME: Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core
TAG: >SEI<[intel]
ID: Freelancer Generic
DIPLOMACY: Top secrete! (changes) * Gallic hostile *
FIGHTER SHIPS: Any civilian or border worlds class Gun Boat size and smaller
TRADING SHIPS: Any ship that can lawfully be flown on a Freelancer ID-3600 cargo or less or the pirate train of 4,300 cargo
DIVISIONS: Intelligence-Fighter Division
Transport Division
Humanitarian Division


The Sharp Edge International Intelligence Core is a firm advocate for Civilian rights and protection, we seek not only to inform the civilians of Sirius space but also protect them from what ever dangers they may face, be that pirates or profiters, natural disasters or disease, we will aid, protect and deliver the civilian populations from these ailments by what ever means no matter the cost, this is our word and vow.
Any and all factions who willing attack or endanger any civilian population are our sworn enemy, these people are considered the lowest of scum within existence,
Anyone who would attack a Freeport is to be treated as a hostile target and destroyed on sight,
All pirates are to be engaged upon encounter, where ever you find them or they you
Unless you are flying a [T] marked transport vessels retreat is not allowed unless yours orders are to do so, any faction members not flying a transport vessels that is caught retreating without orders to do so will be keel hauled until death takes them,
your job, your life your reason for being, is to protect the civilian population at all cost, there lives are worth dieing for, our ideals are worth dieing for,
This is our code.

Following link is a complete list of forum RP

Link Menu


Intelligence / Fighter - tagged >SEI<[intel]namehere
Humanitarian - tagged >SEI<[intel]namehere[H]
Transport - tagged >SEI<[intel]namehere[T]

NOTE: Humanitarian Flag ship the >SEI<[intel]HS-Marama does not carry the [H] tagg.


Bretonia ||||||
Rheinland ||||
Outcast-NC |||
Liberty ||
Kusari ||
Junker Congress ||
Crater Republic |||
Council |||
Corsairs |
un-lawful's |||
Nomad-wilds ||||
Gallics ||||||


# Make a brief back story inRP of where you are from what you have been doing and why you want to join the Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core

# what division you want to join or if you wish to join them all (all is better)

# what class of ship you will be flying- 1 faction ship will be provided to you from a division of your choice

# what is your attitude towards RP

# what is your combat skill 1-10

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Commander ZooM
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core

RE: Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Commander ZooM - 10-17-2016

[Image: HgaFBaD.jpg?1]


We Need You!!!:

With our current major project in full swing we need more members, i call any and all to join us for, Action is promised Activity is high with current members

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Commander ZooM
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core


RE: Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Fenixnutz - 10-19-2016

I am a lonely rider who seek the best for the humanity, I was born on New Tokyo. I want to join the Sharp Edge Internationals because i want the same as this faction, protection for civilians, out there are too many dangers, civilians need extra protection, escorting.

# Division: Fighter Division

# Ship:Falcon Heavy Fighter

# Roleplay: Very good RP in general.

# Combat skill (1-10): 6-7

RE: Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Commander ZooM - 10-19-2016

[Image: HgaFBaD.jpg?1]


Your application is under review by our administration team please stand by for confirmation

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Commander ZooM
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core


RE: Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Victor Steiner - 11-21-2016

Name of John Steiner, trauma surgeon on Leeds. I've been here for a while now, I've done as much as I possibly can. Others require my aid. I am all too willing to assist.

#Humanitarian/medical and Intel


#pretty good, i'd say 8/10

#not so good about 4-5/10

RE: Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Commander ZooM - 11-21-2016

[Image: HgaFBaD.jpg?1]


We have reviewed your application and upon confirming your current status with our contacts in the resistance living on the planet Leeds we have determined that with your abilities you would be suited to joining and operating the ER facilities upon the HS-Marama under the direction of Dr. Nimen Asgulf, if this is something your interested in speak with your commanding officer,
he will contact you upon secure network upon delivery of your above chosen vessel.

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Commander ZooM
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core


RE: Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Spectre - 11-24-2016

[Initializing Feedback - Transmitting Algorithm RS-003]

# - My name is Kito Mutsuki, a simple man hailing from Planet Junyo in Shikoku. I joined the Naval Forces at a young age, wishing to uphold the tenets and honor of my clan through service to the Emperor. Due to the exile of the Dynasty, and separation from them due to the foreign invaders of Gallia, I strived for honorable duty through service to the simple man. Occasional work as an escort, handyman, laborer and gunman, alongside my tenno's art of bladesmanship. I seek to aid the working man through SEI to see that the less fortunate are given ample aid when they require it.

# - Humanitarian/Intelligence

# - The honorable craft of the Kusari Kaigun - The Chimaera

# - 9/10 RP

# - 7/10 PvP

[Transmission Cut]
[Signal Lost]

RE: Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Commander ZooM - 11-24-2016

[Image: HgaFBaD.jpg?1]


Your application is under review by our administration team please stand by for confirmation
Your ideals sound honorable, and reasoning for joining are those we seek among us. should all check out you will have a reply and your chosen vessel within 24hr

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Commander ZooM
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core


RE: Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Commander ZooM - 11-25-2016

[Image: HgaFBaD.jpg?1]


Your application has been approved @Spectre for our humanitarian division and fighter/intelligence division
However i must inform you that you requested vessel for the fighter/intelligence division is currently not aval to us without a power core reduction, if it still the vessel of choice then it will be provided but i implore you to re-consider,
once you have received your intelligence vessel the head of the humanitarian division will contact you.

Mr. Mutsuki the Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core welcomes you!
good luck and safe skies

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Commander ZooM
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core

RE: Recruitment || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - spaceminer - 11-26-2016

Ahoy there , i am a jack of all master of none (unless we talk about ghosting i can be a shadow) , born in a miner ship , grew up in the shady corners of the galaxy rather than the fancy house systems .
I am still moving around doing all kind o' tricks to save the day , from mining , trading , fighting ... what i don't do is go after the helpless.See i was raised among them only i am no sheep no wolf either ... I am worse , the one that goes after the wolf . Alone i keep in the shadow lurk and stalk, if i have a "window" i strike to kill.
Together with the pack i go after the wolves , aka , pirates , corrupt of any kind that harm the helpless , humans , non humans all kind of scum.So yes SEI is my place to be , i can spy , i can fight , i can "get through" with that loaded cargo ship , danger is my bread and butter.
Oh the name is Shaman , i forgot to mention that lads , but the "nick" is "spaceminer" ...

Division : All , what ever you need , i am in,

Ship : Any fighter will do just keep it agile and shotgun setup

RP : not my strong side but i can do it.

COMBAT SKILL : Alone 4 . Team play 6.

Aye . let's get to business shall we?