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To: Henri Croix - Printable Version

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To: Henri Croix - "Nightstalker" - 08-11-2016

[Image: GeNuziC.png?2]
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Liberty Security Force

.......● RECIPIENTS:......... The Council
.......● SENDER:-.............. Agent Nightstalker
.......● LOCATION:´.......... Unknown
.......● PRIORITY:.............. █ █ █ ░ ░
.......● SUBJECT:.............. Offered support

"Hello there, I am seeking for a Henri Croix,

Mr Croix is waiting for a transmission from us. There is a sixty second window for his reply. Mr Croix may know me by the name of LSF Agent Gamma 7 or Nightstalker.
This window is open to make an agreement and arrangements on some Gallic imports/supplies. If you are wondering confused as to this arrangement then the previous recordings will be uploaded with an attached beacon from my vessel."

[29.07.2016 13:00:06] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Mind not taking my shields down instead of stating your demand?
[29.07.2016 13:00:06] D9|Abraxas: And a special pirate wants a special gift from a Gallic
[29.07.2016 13:00:18] D9|Abraxas: Na' me.
[29.07.2016 13:00:29] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I wonder what specil think I could provide.
[29.07.2016 13:00:49] D9|Abraxas: Think yourself. What do 've there?
[29.07.2016 13:00:58] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Could you please get to the point?
[29.07.2016 13:01:25] D9|Abraxas: I've better idea.
[29.07.2016 13:01:35] D9|Abraxas: Open up your Nav-map
[29.07.2016 13:01:51] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Done. May I continue my way now?
[29.07.2016 13:01:57] D9|Abraxas: Set your waypoint into the middle of 6A
[29.07.2016 13:02:08] D9|Abraxas: And slowly move there
[29.07.2016 13:02:10] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: What's there?
[29.07.2016 13:02:15] D9|Abraxas: Mmm, nothing?
[29.07.2016 13:02:18] D9|Abraxas: That's the thing
[29.07.2016 13:02:36] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: So what's the point?
[29.07.2016 13:02:41] D9|Abraxas: To talk?
[29.07.2016 13:02:48] D9|Abraxas: Or you refuse a chat with me?
[29.07.2016 13:02:48] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Can't we talk here?
[29.07.2016 13:02:51] D9|Abraxas: No.
[29.07.2016 13:02:54] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Why?
[29.07.2016 13:03:01] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I mean, we are talking here right now.
[29.07.2016 13:03:19] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Why does it matter? It didn't until now.
[29.07.2016 13:03:23] D9|Abraxas: Come on. Move on
[29.07.2016 13:03:40] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Alright, I would just like to know why there.
[29.07.2016 13:04:16] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I thought i asked something regarding my shields.
[29.07.2016 13:04:20] D9|Abraxas: Cruise up!
[29.07.2016 13:05:26] D9|Abraxas: Hold. Let's camp here
[29.07.2016 13:05:34] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: We are not there yet.
[29.07.2016 13:05:44] D9|Abraxas: I think we are fine by staying here.
[29.07.2016 13:05:50] D9|Nightstalker: ?: "Well what have I found. A Rogue and a Council."
[29.07.2016 13:06:08] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Good to see you officer.
[29.07.2016 13:06:29] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Though I wonder what this D9 now, seeing you two flying a lawful and an unlawful ship each.
[29.07.2016 13:06:40] D9|Abraxas: Actually, LSF Gamma 6 here. Special undercover LSF Division.
[29.07.2016 13:06:45] D9|Abraxas: We are sort of Border Patrol.
[29.07.2016 13:06:53] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Oh, that explains it then.
[29.07.2016 13:07:00] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: You could have said you are an agent earlier.
[29.07.2016 13:07:06] D9|Abraxas: No
[29.07.2016 13:07:08] D9|Nightstalker: ?: "Gamma 7 here, LSF Division. Apologize there Gamma 6. Mis-took you for a Rogue."
[29.07.2016 13:07:12] D9|Abraxas: Until we get away.
[29.07.2016 13:07:24] D9|Abraxas: I asume you were scared.
[29.07.2016 13:07:27] D9|Abraxas: So my apologies
[29.07.2016 13:07:36] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: So what is this all about?
[29.07.2016 13:07:43] D9|Abraxas: We have some questions.
[29.07.2016 13:07:49] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I'm all ears.
[29.07.2016 13:08:17] D9|Abraxas: What's your I.D. and Ship datanumber?
[29.07.2016 13:08:42] D9|Abraxas: Gamma 7, connect to the General Database
[29.07.2016 13:09:12] D9|Nightstalker: "Roger that. One moment." [Starts connecting to general database]
[29.07.2016 13:09:17] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: ID is Council, ship data number is ME-UH #423-AN.
[29.07.2016 13:09:49] D9|Abraxas: Let me correct you, I.D. - it's your name and surname.
[29.07.2016 13:10:04] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Oh, right. Henri Croix.
[29.07.2016 13:10:06] D9|Nightstalker: [Configuration ::ID: Council::, Ship Data Number: ME-UH#423-AN.::]
[29.07.2016 13:10:25] D9|Nightstalker: [Firstname ::Henri :: Surname ::Croix:: ]
[29.07.2016 13:10:29] D9|Abraxas: Gamma 7, correct the I.D. to his name and... Okay fine
[29.07.2016 13:10:40] D9|Nightstalker: "Roger that"
[29.07.2016 13:10:56] D9|Nightstalker: [Re-configuration ::I.D:: Henri Croix ::]
[29.07.2016 13:11:11] D9|Abraxas: Where from are you going? Bretonia I asume?
[29.07.2016 13:11:16] D9|Nightstalker: [Configuration Complete ::Processing::]
[29.07.2016 13:11:22] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Indeed.
[29.07.2016 13:11:33] D9|Abraxas: get to me
[29.07.2016 13:12:02] D9|Abraxas: How usually are you passing the border?
[29.07.2016 13:12:21] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Quite frequently, at least weekly.
[29.07.2016 13:13:02] D9|Abraxas: Mhm, well. Gamma 7? Anything special in the Database?
[29.07.2016 13:13:18] D9|Nightstalker: "Nothing at the moment just that usual information"
[29.07.2016 13:13:22] D9|Nightstalker: "I will keep looking."
[29.07.2016 13:13:31] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Looking for what if I may ask?
[29.07.2016 13:13:50] D9|Abraxas: If you are alright with our Laws
[29.07.2016 13:14:00] D9|Abraxas: say he's clear
[29.07.2016 13:14:11] D9|Nightstalker: "It does state that the 'Council' are from the Gallic Sector but apart from that there is nothing."
[29.07.2016 13:14:41] D9|Abraxas: Good! As for the beginning I'd say its great mister Croix.
[29.07.2016 13:15:00] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: It is one of our logistics division's most important rules to keep ourselves up to date and abide by local laws.
[29.07.2016 13:15:28] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: And I'm confident we are doing well at it.
[29.07.2016 13:15:41] D9|Abraxas: Are you only listed within Logistics of the Council, or any para-military or military divisions?
[29.07.2016 13:16:06] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: This vessel belongs to the Council's logistics division.
[29.07.2016 13:16:59] D9|Abraxas: I asked about you, mister Croix. Not about the vessel
[29.07.2016 13:17:11] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: And of course as allies of the Republic of Liberty, the least is that we abide by the laws of Liberty within Liberty.
[29.07.2016 13:17:23] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I happen to lead the division.
[29.07.2016 13:18:58] D9|Abraxas: So well, how long are you on this route?
[29.07.2016 13:19:00] D9|Abraxas: Year?
[29.07.2016 13:19:02] D9|Abraxas: More?
[29.07.2016 13:19:27] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: About a year, oui, perhaps a bit less.
[29.07.2016 13:20:08] D9|Abraxas: That's good. Because our Division looks for partners
[29.07.2016 13:20:16] D9|Abraxas: I told you I need something special from you.
[29.07.2016 13:20:30] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Haven't specified what exactly, yet.
[29.07.2016 13:21:06] D9|Abraxas: Your system Rousi... Rousssloun? Damn
[29.07.2016 13:21:24] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: What about it?
[29.07.2016 13:22:12] D9|Abraxas: What imports do you have?
[29.07.2016 13:22:52] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Gallic supplies. Mainly from Champagne.
[29.07.2016 13:23:09] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Though I'm not keen on talking details out in open space.
[29.07.2016 13:23:42] D9|Abraxas: I do understand, just we need to make a partnership with your people
[29.07.2016 13:23:51] D9|Abraxas: But we cannot do it through the Communication Channels
[29.07.2016 13:24:04] D9|Abraxas: Since they are not protected well due to recent events
[29.07.2016 13:24:13] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Recent events?
[29.07.2016 13:24:29] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I don't know any safer way than communication channels.
[29.07.2016 13:24:57] D9|Abraxas: Yes. Currently we are in chaos. Our organization keeps arresting more and more traitors within the Liberty Navy
[29.07.2016 13:25:15] D9|Abraxas: We have got Gallic Royalists going hard in the California
[29.07.2016 13:25:47] D9|Abraxas: Also the Hellfire Legion with their new government standarts of the monarchy.
[29.07.2016 13:26:09] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I'm pretty sure the Council can share GRN-proof encryption keys if required.
[29.07.2016 13:26:22] D9|Abraxas: Mmh. That's good idea
[29.07.2016 13:27:11] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: As I said, they can be.
[29.07.2016 13:27:34] D9|Abraxas: Not yet. Until we establish new server.
[29.07.2016 13:27:54] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Well, I guess you'll have to sort it out before we share sensitive information with eachother.
[29.07.2016 13:28:31] D9|Abraxas: That's right. But! Do you pass through the Cortez?
[29.07.2016 13:28:56] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I tend to, that's the shorter and safer way between Liberty and Bretonia.
[29.07.2016 13:29:46] D9|Abraxas: Great. We have our mobile stations hidden not so far. That's not a secret, anyway you'll not find exactly where they are.
[29.07.2016 13:29:58] D9|Abraxas: But we have got some logistics parked there
[29.07.2016 13:30:07] D9|Nightstalker: "Indeed we do."
[29.07.2016 13:30:12] D9|Abraxas: We might pay you for some special imports.
[29.07.2016 13:30:28] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Sounds good.
[29.07.2016 13:30:53] D9|Abraxas: Since we do not trust to the Liberty Navy commanders, it will be our little secret.
[29.07.2016 13:31:26] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Alright. We can meet there once you set up your servers, and you can tell what exactly you need.
[29.07.2016 13:31:56] D9|Abraxas: We can establish the Channel on the LNS Tennessee, but only if you will get in range.
[29.07.2016 13:32:16] D9|Abraxas: Magellan, Manchester, Cortez or Baffin.
[29.07.2016 13:32:34] D9|Abraxas: System where you are able to connect with the Tennessee.
[29.07.2016 13:32:58] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Baffin sounds a bit out of the way, but I regularly pass Cortez and Manchester, so connection shouldn't be an issue.
[29.07.2016 13:33:20] D9|Abraxas: But it'll be temporar connections. I asume you'll have only one minute to send up the message since you connect.
[29.07.2016 13:33:36] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I guess we'll have to make it quick then.
[29.07.2016 13:33:51] D9|Abraxas: Indeed. So, are you working with that vessel?
[29.07.2016 13:33:57] D9|Abraxas: Always?
[29.07.2016 13:34:06] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Most of the time, oui.
[29.07.2016 13:35:16] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Kishiro|-Sam_Yshimoto
[29.07.2016 13:35:20] D9|Abraxas: Okay then. Gamma 7 will establish a recon bouy on your vessel.
[29.07.2016 13:35:51] D9|Nightstalker: "Roger that Gamma 6, setting up recon bouy controls now."
[29.07.2016 13:35:57] D9|Abraxas: When we'll get you inrange, we'll send the connection to you.
[29.07.2016 13:36:01] D9|Nightstalker: "Always best to have to have it ready right."
[29.07.2016 13:36:20] D9|Abraxas: You'll have one minute to send the message back.
[29.07.2016 13:36:39] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I'll try not to miss the opportunity.
[29.07.2016 13:36:47] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: What exactly does this buoy do?
[29.07.2016 13:37:07] D9|Abraxas: Not a problem, if you miss it up you'll have another chance in 15 minutes.
[29.07.2016 13:37:28] D9|Abraxas: It'll notify us when you get into the range of Connection with the Tennesse.
[29.07.2016 13:37:33] D9|Nightstalker: "The bouy configuration and establishment is nearly ready."
[29.07.2016 13:37:35] D9|Abraxas: Nothing else.
[29.07.2016 13:38:05] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Alright.
[29.07.2016 13:38:16] D9|Abraxas: Gamma 7, proceed.
[29.07.2016 13:38:41] D9|Nightstalker: "Roger that."
[29.07.2016 13:38:44] D9|Nightstalker: You want me to move out?
[29.07.2016 13:38:58] D9|Abraxas: get to his nose
[29.07.2016 13:39:05] D9|Abraxas: as much closer you can
[29.07.2016 13:39:33] D9|Abraxas: shoot with CD, it'll be the recon thing
[29.07.2016 13:39:49] D9|Nightstalker: "We are in position. Preparing to connect"
[29.07.2016 13:40:09] D9|Nightstalker: "Connecting now." [Connection Establishment]
[29.07.2016 13:40:23] D9|Abraxas: Done?
[29.07.2016 13:40:27] D9|Nightstalker: [Connection connect]
[29.07.2016 13:40:36] D9|Nightstalker: "We are all clear. 60 seconds start now."
[29.07.2016 13:41:18] D9|Abraxas: Alright. You'll get a message when around the Tennessee.
[29.07.2016 13:41:35] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Sure thing.
[29.07.2016 13:41:40] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Are we done?
[29.07.2016 13:42:00] D9|Abraxas: Then 15 minutes later you will get the message with connection. You'll have one minute to send the message to us.
[29.07.2016 13:42:05] D9|Abraxas: I hope you got it
[29.07.2016 13:42:23] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: I do.
[29.07.2016 13:42:28] D9|Abraxas: We are done now.
[29.07.2016 13:42:46] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Alright, I'll proceed with my route now.
[29.07.2016 13:42:52] D9|Abraxas: Good luck!
[29.07.2016 13:42:59] D9|Nightstalker: "Safe flight Council."
[29.07.2016 13:43:01] [C]-CLT-Valse.d'Amelie: Good bye.
[29.07.2016 13:43:10] D9|Abraxas: Gamma 7! Form up!
[29.07.2016 13:43:18] D9|Nightstalker: "Roger that, we are on your six!"

"We will be waiting."


RE: To: Henri Croix - Thyrzul - 08-11-2016


Intensité du signal: ___ 075%
Encodage: __________ __ FORT

Source: ________ CLT Valse d'Amelie, Dublin
Expéditeur: ____ Commandant-Chef Henri Croix Du Conseil [C]
Destinataire(s): Agent Gamma 7 "Nightstalker" _________ D9|

Sujet: _________ Re: Offered Support

Transmission entrée...

Bonsoir Agent,

I'm eager to hear your proposed terms of our supply agreement and the list of commodities your agency may be interested in.

Commandant-Chef Henri Croix Du Conseil
Chef de Division Commerce et Ravitaillement Du Conseil

[Image: aYg3Fq0.png]

RE: To: Henri Croix - "Nightstalker" - 08-27-2016

[Image: GeNuziC.png?2]
[img float=right][/img]
Liberty Security Force

.......● RECIPIENTS:......... Henri Croix
.......● SENDER:-.............. Agent Nightstalker
.......● LOCATION:´.......... Unknown
.......● PRIORITY:.............. █ █ █ ░ ░
.......● SUBJECT:.............. Offered support

"Hello there, Henri Croix,"

"You agree to help us with bringing supplies. You require a list of things that is needed. Well let's start with the basic's shall we. Bring us what ever it is you are able to supply us with. That can be armor plating, fuels, electronics. What ever you are able to get your hands on. If this is done, I have been informed there will be a bonus payment at the end eventually."

"We will be waiting."


RE: To: Henri Croix - Thyrzul - 08-31-2016


Intensité du signal: ___ 075%
Encodage: __________ __ FORT

Source: ________ CLT Valse d'Amelie, New York
Expéditeur: ____ Commandant-Chef Henri Croix Du Conseil [C]
Destinataire(s): Agent Gamma 7 "Nightstalker" _________ D9|

Sujet: _________ Re: Offered Support

Transmission entrée...

Bonjour Agent,

Perhaps for a start, some gallic energy field equipment would be to your liking. Tell me what amount and where you would like so I can provide further information about delivery possibility, costs, travel time, and in the end the delivery itself.

Commandant-Chef Henri Croix Du Conseil
Chef de Division Commerce et Ravitaillement Du Conseil

[Image: aYg3Fq0.png]