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Shadows Beyond - Jeremy Hunter - 08-17-2016

The Oathkeeper was one of the most advanced Osiris-class warships in existence. Disabled during the pitched Battle of Minor and taken in for repairs, it had been a long time since it left Mu. But now, for the past few months it had been in Coronado, coordinating all operations within Liberty and Bretonia in tandem with Atum. Jeremy Hunter had been strengthening ties with the Crayterians, had been trying to talk to the Hellfire Legion once more, and was talking with the Liberty Navy no less. But now, the comms were not filled with him making orders, or using his diplomatic presence. No, he just sat in the small park that he had installed in the center, listening to the self-contained pond and it's fountain bubble. Usually this Sanctuary would help him relax, to think. But no. Today, he his Sanctuary did nothing. It's purpose was useless...there was nothing he could feel...nothing beyond rage.

"Admiral? Everyone is assembled." At the entrance was Aqua. His adopted sister, his friend and XO. Someone he counted on to ground him when his family she was his family. And as such, Jeremy stood. He didn't make it halfway when her arms were around him. She allowed him a final breakdown, before shaking him. "You have a briefing to give."

"Ladies and gentlemen." Jeremy looked out at the combined forces. His friend and Grand Admiral, Michal Golanski. To his side was his fiance, Aelita Stone. His brother Seth was in the corner, quiet. Much like Rika, who was sitting by his feet, trying to stay calm. Holograms of everyone in the fleet was there, from Kalh of the Amenhotep to Captain Isaias Cross of Atum. Admiral Chandler and her squadrons. He took one more breath.

"This is our objective."

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"Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter, Liberty Navy. She has her hands in many special projects and...well, she's gone through hell before. And knowing our primary target -" the image changed.

[Image: vYaxWCt.png]

"Milly Stone. A known Spectre working with the Nomads. She was incarcerated on Akabat until one month ago, when Milly Stone managed to catch one of our agents off guard, hospitalize her, and escape using stolen technology and a single Hathor - the Lyoko. We know the location of this vessel as of right now - the planet in Tau-117 - or Drake - charted as Vilshofen. By synching the Resheph Cruiser Fleet we formed between Battlegroups WARGOD and GALLANT DAWN, we have accurately pinpointed our target. There is signs of a surface installation, but until we are sure Alexis Hunter is there, our target remains the Hathor." he brought up a map of Coronado. "The fleets will converge on Pecos, then head for Drake. The Oathkeeper will lead this Provisional Fleet, Callsign SAVIOUR. Now, Captain Cross and his battlegroup will hold Inverness. Any reinforcements heading through that system will be held up in the Bretonia-Coronado corridor. Thanks to the Crayter Republic, we have the help of the Achilles and three squadrons - Phoenix Flames, Hell's Angels, and the Rapiers. They will join with Vizier Wing and our supporting squadrons." The map changed to Drake. "This is what we know of Drake. Once we breach, the Fedayeen and Hell's Angels will be holding the gate. Fedayeen cannot be risked any further. Grand Admiral Golanski, I'm asking you to hold our exit." he paused. "The rest of us will proceed to the barren moon of Vilshofen, where out fleet will find and disable Milly Stone's Hathor and board it. Once we rescue Alexis Hunter, we will commence a full retreat to the Grand Admiral and return to Coronado." He let the briefing sink in. "Rescue or execution. Alexis Hunter cannot stay in the hands of Division Nine. There is no if, ands, or buts. The Order already had this atrocity happen with Malacos, but we did not make it to end his threat. Today, we will not make the same mistake. We will ensure the Nomads do not keep the Vice Admiral, and when we are done they will know - Humanity is not divided. We are not divided. Order, Crayter. We are but the first step. More will follow in our footsteps. The Nomads will know to fear us once again.

I am open for questions and comments regarding this operation. But in one hour, we leave for Pecos. And then, once the fleets are together, we make for Drake."

//This roleplay is closed to predetermined participants.

RE: Shadows Beyond - Omicron - 08-18-2016

Admiral eyed intelligence carefully, updating himself on fully comprehensive maps and plans that he helped to create by adding his recon fighters to the pool. Most recent spy guncams of Vilshofen came from his own pilots, ordered to briefly infiltrate Tau 117… or Drake as some called it from backdoor of Newcastle. He was only representative of his battlegroup, leaving all of his officers behind to safeguard the O.C.V. Fedayeen in his absence - he would brief them concerning specific task of theirs as soon he would return. The tracking devices on Lyoko yield bountiful harvest that they are going to take full advantage of. He stepped in with slow step about to take his own voice in the matter.

“Alternatively, should original rendezvous point become compromised and extraction back to Colonial space will be impossible, scramble for Newcastle node. I have entirety of 14th Nightblades relieving you as Gallant Dawn enters enemy territory beyond the gate. We are kicking a proverbial hornet’s nest that might answer at not only cutting you off but even putting pressure against Fedayeen’s fighter screen. I can not exclude counter attack aimed at the carrier either. Hunter, recover the package and retreat unconditionally to one of the safe nodes back to human controlled space without wasting time at any targets of opportunity… nothing else matters. Admiral Chandler, I rely on your strike wings to be our eyes and ears in the nebula as Fedayeen holds the line.”

He said his bit, before returning to his post.He could not afford binding every major threat present in engagement to provide clear shot at Lyoko as he would normally do. Mission had to be carried by the numbers, with as least casualties as it was humanly possible. The time to address Wild of Tau 117 would come later.

RE: Shadows Beyond - Shaggy - 08-19-2016

While Claire was sat listening into the discussion being made from Admiral Hunter and Grand Admiral Golanski, she started taking notes on how the strategy could be done differently. Maybe with less casualties and it could be more successful. Knowing that Claire had three different squadrons and the crew of the Achilles to help with the rescue op. The plan had to be known by all. Being the representative of the Crayterian's things had to be cleared so everyone knew there jobs, there roles and there place. Claire always wanted to make sure her pilots knew what to do in the worst case scenarios. Preparing her speech which might help find the correct strategy for the teams. Claire waits for Grand Admiral Golanski to finish before she starts to speak.

"Grand Admiral, you suggested about using the Crayterian forces to help defend Crayterian space if it is compromised. I can promise you now if this is the case, there wont just be three squadrons from the military. But you will have a fleet to help fight of the infested that live inside Tau-117. Moving beyond that gate and into enemy territory is a suicide run for people who is not experienced in such region, so this is why I have requested that the Intelligence Service works with your pilots in the rescue op, being those extra wing men and women to give that extra fire power. Again it is like kicking a hornet's nest. It will not be pleasant and it will be a very high risk op. The Achilles will be waiting inside Crayterian space within the gate region. Not to far off with gunboat escorts, fighters and bombers. So my fleet will be ready to fight anything that follows through. Grand Admiral, my strike wings can be your eyes and ears, but not only that they know the barrier rim nebula like the back of there hands. They train inside of it to know there way around without getting lost. This is a big advantage to us. But a question I want just to like to clear up. What happens if the package is not what we expect. I am, what happens if the worst comes to the worst. What do you want my strike teams to do?

After saying her part, she waits patiently for a response from Admiral Hunter or Grand Admiral Golanski with the question that she asked. Sitting down on the bridge of the Achilles. Ordering her crew to make sure all the checks are done and the vessel is ready for the mission.

RE: Shadows Beyond - Jeremy Hunter - 08-19-2016

Jeremy looked to Admiral Chandler. The last part was what hit him the hardest. Taking a breath, he leaned forward and rested on the holotable he had been using. He seemed a bit haggard, but no less alert than usual. He weighed his words very carefully, before finally speaking to Chandler.

"If Alexis Hunter is infected by the Nomads, I will ensure the infection ends. Not your strike teams. I will." he said. "The rescue of Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter, or the execution of an infected Liberty Navy Vice Admiral, will be done by myself." He said. "As for your suggestion, I believe she has a point, Grand Admiral - the Crayterians know the lay of the land best. If needed you can draw the Wild into Coronado, where they will be set upon by the wolves. Meanwhile, Oathkeeper, Amenhotep, and the Ghost Eye will proceed with fighter, bomber, and gunship support to the target. My marines are ready." He paused. "Admiral Chandler, can Crayter spare a few Thanatos-class cruisers for escort duty? Our resources are extremely limited, and we could be facing more than just fighters and bombers. The need for cruiser escort is great, but I only have a handful down here. I need more. Can you provide any Thanatos attached to the CIS?"

As Jeremy finished, his query fading, eyeing the red-haired admiral.
Red hair.
Like his mother.

Looking away, he gripped the table, keeping his composure. He would bring his mother home. As herself...or to her funeral. So help him God, he would not let the Nomads keep her. Their hands would not stay on her. That, that he swore.

RE: Shadows Beyond - Shaggy - 08-20-2016

Claire was looking back at Jeremy through the holograms. Knowing what she said before was needed but was tough on Jeremy. Everyone needed to know what needed to be done. That had to be cleared for all and for Jeremy himself. Listening to Jeremy's response, Claire waits a moment and then speaks.

"Jeremy I do apologize for getting straight to the point but I believe that everyone should know what to do if the worst comes to the worst. But now that the 'negative' is out the way, let's talk about the positive. How you plan on getting this done. You have the support from us here in the Crayter Republic with the three strike teams and the Achilles. Not only that but we are able to have more in stand by just in case of emergencies. If you believe that an escort from inside Tau 117 is required, our best option would be using gunboats and gunships as cover. They are known to be the best anti pests killers. It's like putting bug killer on a bugs nest. Use what we can, but in the most effective way. I would like to advice that our capital ships, war ships will be surrounding the Alien jump gate inside Coronado. With a defensive perimeter setup for any followers. To answer your question about sparing a few more Thanatos-class cruisers for escort. We can grant that and gunboat support. Anything you need to rescue Vice Admiral Hunter and your mother. A handful of fighters and bombers with one or two gunboat might not be enough to go into Tau 117 and make a rescue operation successful. With two Thanatos-class cruisers providing that extra bit of cover the mission is more likely to be successful. We will provide you with The Prometheus and The Zeus. If Fleet Admiral Richards is not too busy, I am sure he will be able to get the crew onboard the Ares Zephyr to be in the defensive perimeter of the Tau 117 jump gate. There is one thing I do request though. Once Alexis is rescued and all of our pilots involved are out of Tau 117 safety to have every unit, warship, gunship, and bombers unleash all there armament onto the gate. Disabling or even destroying it if it is safe to do so. Grand Admiral Golanski would know best on how to do this. I will wait for his response."

Finishing of her speech, Claire takes a big deep breath and picks up her glass of water and takes a sip. Then looks towards Grand Admiral Golanski.

RE: Shadows Beyond - Omicron - 08-20-2016

He had to smile, not in a friendly way people would notice but in a way... arrogant. The very notion of using sheer firepower to defeat Nomad gate though strenght of the fleets combined amused him. No, it would not be that simple he wanted to say but refrained from commenting. Vast knowledge from years long studies on Nomads and Slomon K'Hara gave him an edge. The Order had far more efficient ways of eradicating such a construct. He did not intended to show his cards even to his closest allies. He looked gravely in direction of Jeremy Hunter.

“Sealing away Tau 117 and how we do it is topic for another day. First, recovery of the Admiral. What follows is containment of external threat that Nomads are. Believe me, we will have our hands full as it is with residuum. Contingency Nemesis will be enacted only when I and only I will ensure that all threats to delicate process will be accounted for and tackled by respective participants of this council. Alternative to success may prove... catastrophic beyond simple failure where you can start anew.”

Known to commit hastilly aggressive decisions and seeing them executed though from beggining to an end, Admiral may surprised especially his Order collegues and even betray certain hesitation to Admiral Chandler, clearly thinking about only briefly hinted side effects that his decision may result in. It had to be important to make him approach situation with such delicacy and care. Jeremy was already introduced into some of the details. Omicron Minor and Omicron Epsilon were all partly treated to Contingency Nemesis, with all relevant information classified beyond reasonable level of clearance. He longed to return back to OCV Fedayeen, walk along bridge of his carrier. He had mission to do and clock was ticking.

RE: Shadows Beyond - Jeremy Hunter - 08-28-2016

The vibe that Michal was giving off was the very reason everyone, Jeremy included, in the Order referred to him as Viking. His mention of Contingent Nemesis only made Jeremy bristle. He did not want to go through said protocol, not one bit. But Michal had final word...and he was right. Failure would mean starting anew would be near impossible -, it would be impossible. That was my failure was not an option.

"There will be no failure, and there will be no defeat. We have the Oathkeeper, one of the few Osirises to have survived Toledo. We have the Fedayeen, the newest of our carriers. And we have the Crayterians, whose ingenuity and perseverance, even in the face of death, has pulled them from the ashes into victory. Everything might not go to plan, but we will not fail. Not when Liberty is at stake, not when my mother is at stake. Admiral, it's time for all parties to return to their flagships and prepare. Oathkeeper will take point with the Amenhotep and Ghost Eye - All other vessels will fall in line."

How he wished the Thunderbay was ready. The Ghost Eye wasn't built for pure war - and even if it was, the Resheph still paled when facing true warships such as a battlecruiser. Project: RIVER GUARDIAN hadn't even begun, meaning he couldn't even drag a prototype. He wished he had more time to call help, but with Liberty being how it is and barely being contacted by the 5th fleet mere days ago, he didn't know if he could count on any true assistance. He looked to Aqua. He had already told her to take the Destiny's Embrace under her command and stay within Liberty. Her hologram flickered a bit - he pushed all but his brother away, as far as he possibly could. If they failed, he couldn't face them at the moment of catastrophe. He let out a slow breath.

"I do not expect any other allies to join us. What we have - two battleships, a Geb, a few cruisers and our fighter and bomber wings, with the Crayterian's battlegroup - that is all we shall have in our fight. We are all that is poised to save her. And the only reason we had this chance, this time to because the enemy has slipped up. They allowed a Spectre, one who is personally connected to me, to be the abductor. I have capitalized on this mistake - I have capitalized on their grave, grave error. Milly Stone is arrogant, she is foolhardy. She believes she is the best, and while her skills are formidable to the mere training of regular Marines, she has grown overconfident in all aspects. She would not infect Alexis, not if she could break her...not if she could use the entire ordeal to torture me. This psychotic monster, this traitor to humanity is the reason we have been able to form such a formidable force in such a short time. And now, we shall go. Atum has our flank covered - we leave in one hour. Prepare your men, and godspeed."

RE: Shadows Beyond - Shaggy - 08-31-2016

Looking back and forth from Grand Admiral Golanski to Admiral Hunter listening to the speeches being made from both men. Hearing something about Contingency Nemesis and not having the slightest clue. Admiral Chandler sits there a little confused as to what is being said. Claire Chandler continues to sit confused about this Contingency Nemesis but also knew there was something of an more important matter. Saving Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter and destroying the alien gate to the Tau-117 sector.

"There will be no failures from the Crayterian forces Admiral Hunter. You know that all the forces are ready on stand by and waiting for the orders to move and prepare the assault. You say we are moving in one hour. My men and women and crews will be ready in thirty minutes. I wish you both and all your men and women the best of luck and we will see you real soon. We will all come back alive with Vice Admiral Hunter understand Jeremy. She is coming back alive and we will leave no man behind. Good luck."

Admiral Chandler's speech was short, but knew that she needed to the get battle group ready and prepared to move out within the hour. After saying her final speech she turns the holograms off and orders all Crayterian pilots to the ready and to be prepared to move out within the hour.

RE: Shadows Beyond - Jeremy Hunter - 09-07-2016

The Crayterians were preparing, the Fedayeen and the Amenhotep were all set. And now, as everyone departed the briefing room onboard his venerated Osiris, he ran a hand along the holotable. Always refitted to the current specs, then upgraded far beyond, the Oathkeeper was a labor of love and necessety, one that his family had forged from a failing chassis of abandoned projects into a fierce survivors of Delta, of Lost, of Minor. His flagship had seen combat across Sirius, and now would be doing the one thing he never had wanted to...the one thing he truly wished he wouldn't have to. But there was nothing he could have done...he really couldn't have. But his mother had suffered because he couldn't move fast enough...because Tau-117, because Drake...was not to be trifled. A direct assault was all he had, was all he could do. There was no way around it, there was no way through it. He had to go through hell. But he had some of the best. He had the backing of Wargods, of Gallant Dawn. Crayter. The cards looked stacked but he was no fool. The Nomads were numerous, and while they had shot down many during the First Nomad War, the ultimate problem...was their new defenses. They had no shield equivalent, but of late they did. It was a problem they would have to face, but there would be no failure.

Not when family was involved.

RE: Shadows Beyond - Jeremy Hunter - 09-10-2016

Sirius had seen many fleets come together, from Bretonia clashing with Kusari, the Liberty-Rheinland War...the Eighty Years War before that...war was nothing new to Sirius. It was as common as air to breath, as belief, morals, and culture would clash, barriers of language and faith pushing sides into inevitable bloodshed. But standing against such inevitability with a wall of ideals and courage in the storm was the Order. It's flame had flickered, waned, almost snuffed by the dark wind that swept across the Sector like a typhoon, But weathered the storm the Order did, and now it stood before the ancient gate to the Tau-117 system. At the lead, the tip of the spear, was the Oathkeeper. Flagship of the Order's Third Battlegroup, Gallant Dawn, personal vessel of the equally as ancient Admiral Jeremy Hunter. He had weathered the first Nomad War, the constant conflicts in Delta, Minor, and across Sirius. Twice he had entered the Dyson Sphere and lived. Even Michal Golanski, just behind him in the Fedayeen, was rumored to have only entered once. But now they would jump into something else - not as insane, but no less dangerous. A frontal assault on Tau - 177, otherwise known as Drake, was something of insanity. But it was something that the Nomads would not expect. They would have their forces spread out, ready to catch them as they rested from cloak, or jumped in using a jump-drive. But not, today the Nomads were going to learn the tenacity and insanity the Order possessed. The fall of Minor had bloodied them badly, but now they were back, and they were driven by wrath and vengeance. From the wreckage nine Iron Wolves emerged - Fedayeen, Oathkeeper, Osiris, Svizra, Spectre, Ghost Eye were some of them. And present were three of them. Even the pilots who had come knowing full well the scars born on Oathkeeper and Ghost Eye were of battles and conflicts from before even Jeremy joined the Primary Fleet. A few pilots were in awe of their presence, and others bursting with pride,for they had been assigned to the Fedayeen herself. The spearhead of Operation: Spear, the flagship and personal vessel of Grand Admiral Golanski himself.

But all felt fear. Drake was another Iota, another battlefield of hell and nightmares. But both Admirals had said as much - fear was expected. Fear was accepted. Without fear, they were nothing less than fools. it was what they did in the face of fear, that would prove their worth. And they were not alone. Amidsts the amalgamation of the Order's Bastets and Nephthys, the odd Katana and the motley assortment of Scimitars, Bayonets, and Sabres that made up the bulk of the Borderworlds line, was Crayter. Sleek Nyxes and heavy Pythos and a pair of Hydras all gathered around the trio of Thanatos Crayter had sent - Achilles, commanded by Admiral Chandler herself, with the Zeus and Phobos running backup. With the fleet they had gathered, people would notice. They had to act, and fast.

This is Oathkeeper Actual to Provisional Battlegroup Saviour. We all know the plan, and we know our mission. Ghost Eye and Tombstone have confirmed the location of the Lyoko; Tombstone Array Synch is now cut, with Ghost Eye entering combat status. We only have one cruiser running surveillance backup, so we must not drop our guard. The moment we enter Tau-117, the moment every single person here either relives Toledo, or will experiences the hell that became Minor.


The fleet formed up, and each ship entered the jumpgate.

Drake, Sector 6-C

The fleet dropped into Drake, fighters bristled for combat as the battleships were immediately flanked by the cruisers. It was quiet, so quiet. That was the first thing wrong, and everyone knew it. Orders given, the Oathkeeper and Amenhotep lit up their engines once more, and turned. Aelita had pinpointed the Lyoko in sector A-4. Milly was leading them into a trap, that was for sure...there was no argument there. But even Milly had to know a frontal assault was stupid...but she would expect such daring from Jeremy. What she didn't expect, though, was how determined everyone was. The Admiral's mother was taken, the Nomads could learn vital, this was more than a invasion. This was a war of hearts, and as the distance grew, the first lines of Nomad fighters began to appear.

Fighters' orders dispersed, and the first wave of CIS Nyxes broke off and turned. For the fight to Lyoko, Jeremy would need his best. And because of CIS, he could conserve strength. And it was a heavy burden he now bore - for now he must sacrifice more than the Order for ultimate victory. And the first wave of Sascyas were just the beginning. The Beachhead at the gate already had become engulfed in all-out war, as the Fedayeen, escorted by the 15th Hell's Angels and two Reshephs, the Scarab and Uraes, came under fire from Purifer-Class Nomad assault entities - otherwise known as Irras. It was hell already, but for Jeremy Hunter and his group, their biggest problem was yet to come. He had to stand and fight against the storm.

And mere quadrants away, nestled in a small room onboard the Lyoko, Alexis Hunter slept soundly in the arms of someone else, waiting for a rescue she had begun to believe would never come. But in the darkest of nights is when light shines brightest, and during daybreak, when the sun is at it's most brilliant.