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To Order HC - Printable Version

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To Order HC - Username removed - 08-17-2016

[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]
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I am Colonel Redfire and I work with a group known as Freelancers Escorts&Repairs.

I have been directed to you by commander Jonathan Kalh of the Order vessel Amenhotep.

Don't let the name fool you. We do more than that as you can see here and in my report that I shared with mister Kalh.

As you can see from the report, measures need to be taken regarding the Nomads in order to secure our operations.

Because your group is devoted to protecting humanity from this growing threat, we seek your expertise.

I hope that we can work together for the benefit of both our groups, and the human colonies.

This channel is also open for my superiors.

With best regards,

Redfire out.

[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]

RE: To Order HC - Username removed - 08-17-2016

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[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]

RE: To Order HC - Username removed - 08-18-2016

[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]
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[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]

RE: To Order HC - Omicron - 08-19-2016

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]
Comm ID: The Order Overwatch

Your message has been received and discussed between the Admirals. For all intents and purposes of this exchange, you may reffer to me as Valkyrie. As a current designated commanding officer in the Omicron theatre for the time being, it is within my responsibility to answer your communique to us.

I believe that officer Kalh has requested you to specifically scour Liberty systems for alleged alien activity operating both overtly and covertly. That alone you were contracted to do which to my knowledge has been... somewhat fulfilled. Divsion 9 is known to us for some time and we are prepared to face them.

Then, your unauthorized incursion into deep Nomad territory. You have - willingly or not - violated section 2.2 and 2.5 which ban all traffic into specific Omicron star systems without authorization of The Order Overwatch, or The Order High Command whichever you preffer. Your actions may have compromised your organization, in event that your group would be spotted and captured by Nomads you would only reinforce ranks of The Wild... Division Nine being just one of the branches of this menace.

It largely falls to heavily armed recon flights of our Home fleet defense assets to perform reconaissance operations in Quarantined Zone. We cannot in clear conscience enlist or permit unaffilated freelancers to handle missions restricted to our own adequately qualified specialists that are fully aware of threats and risks related to their line of work. We are the ones risking our lives to contain Nomad Worlds so rest of humanity is spared this nightmare.

Finally, the point of your communication is to provide non-specified "expertise". The Order Overwatch wishes to know what is that you are expecting of us, before it is thoroughly addressed on the next Overwatch General Assembly and have judgement passed on your request. Proving that above is sufficiently clear, this channel remains open for authorized representatives of The Overwatch, including Overwatch itself.

Colonel "Valkyrie"
Black Fleet, 6th Battlegroup "Toledo's Scars"
O.C.V. Osiris

RE: To Order HC - Username removed - 08-19-2016

[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]
[Image: 34phwed.jpg]

Colonel Redfire here.

Concerning officer Kalh's mission:

FL-ER has employed the means to conduct it's own surveillance of Nomad activity in House space with the purpose of safeguarding our profits.

If our relationship with the Order improves, we will share what we have gathered, although, you are probably already aware of the situation.

Regarding our "unauthorized incursion" in the Nomad Worlds, we were not aware it was restricted territory.

During our entire mission there, we have not encountered a single human soul, Order or otherwise, nor any beacons or installation that would suggest the area is off limits.

Had we been aware of such, we would have sought contact with you prior to the mission.

Now, regarding my reasons for contacting you in the first place:

What our mission has clearly revealed, and what you already knew, the Nomads are preparing to make a move on the human colonies.

What started with an accidental encounter in Omega 3 escalated to reports of Nomads in California and Texas, and this also includes a worryingly large specimen.

This all, only at the start of our own surveillance program.

It is obvious to me that we will see a lot more Nomads in the nearby future, and so far we had no casualties but we both know this is only a matter of time.

Our long therm plans depend on the continued development of the Nomad threat.

Joint operations may not be far fetched.

For our short therm plans, I intend to upgrade our escort units to counter-act this growing threat.

By this I mean, that we would like to purchase a limited number of VHF-class Order vessels for our elite units.

Considering you are fighting the Nomads on a daily basis, there must be some vessels that have been reduced to less than optimal conditions for the Omicrons that we will gladly take off your hands and re-purpose them.

In return we can provide you with either credits or supplies, besides information gathering with which we are already busy.

Awaiting your reply.

Redfire out.

[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]

RE: To Order HC - Omicron - 08-20-2016

[Image: KAQ2z4i.png?1]
Comm ID: The Order Overwatch

Valkyrie speaking.

The Order has its own set of publicly available set of directives concerning territory known as The Order Overwatch Protectorate. Those are fully exhaustive concerning where you may or may not enter without approval of higher instances of our chain of command. Ignorance of directives is in no way excusing anyone from facing responsibility should The Order decide to pursue this breach of conduct. The Admirals however chose not to act at given time. Full list you will find under attached neural net link.

The Order Protectorate Space Code

As it stands, I can only authorize your access to former Core installation Dabadoru, currently justly repurposed as local garrison and headquarters for supervision of adjacent territories and its resources. Your conduct will be judged both in space and when you are interacting with both our own personnel and that of our allies. This however does not mean that you have complete freedom of movement over there: there are numerous sections reserved for The Order Military personnel and you will be routinely screened to prevent spread of Nomad infestation. It is for the best.

To acquire access to any piece of hardware manufactured by The Order, you have to distinguish yourself in the eyes of The Order, represented by Admirals Golanski and Hunter. We need guaranties that you posess no links to organizations we oppose such as Core, and best if you are already in conflict with them and alike. For the time being, our diplomatic relations are... too fresh to make a decision as of yet. To be armed as befit pilots of the Black Fleet, you have to be exemplary of our own stance and ideals or causes allied to our own. We may be your guides but ultimately it is path for you to walk on.

Start with fetching cargo in and out of Dabadoru as adequate to organization of your size and monitoring of suspicious alien-related activity in the House Space. Still, under any circumstances do not engage alien forces on your own until you gain sufficient experience in how to combat them effectively. Many may die on their first sortie against Slomon K'Hara fleet and their pawns liberally use all kinds of human equipment that they can get their hands on.

Colonel "Valkyrie"
Black Fleet, 6th Battlegroup "Toledo's Scars"
O.C.V. Osiris

RE: To Order HC - Username removed - 08-23-2016

[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]
[Image: 34phwed.jpg]

Colonel Redfire here.

The routes to your station are perilous at best, if I am to authorize transports carrying cargo there, I'll need to know what exactly it is that you need delivered. Also, what do you wish us to take off your hands as well?

Redfire out.

[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]