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Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Communication Channel (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=59) +--- Thread: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission (/showthread.php?tid=142467) |
Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - University Of Cambridge - 08-24-2016 ![]() Overhaul Data After the battle of metropolis was over and the fleets had left we began our search, the horrors that took place there had deeply effected my self and the whole crew of the HS-Marama, So many lives lost, so many missing, families destroyed and loves ones lost, we had to act so act we did. Dr. Nimen Asgulf During the search we came across many destroyed pods, spaced bodies and remains to horrific to mention, but among the wreckage of the destroyed base and the wrecked fleets we found surviver's, if you could call them that, ![]() Many dozens where lost in our efforts and many more may yet die but we are doing what we can for all we have retrieved from the battle field we have 231 high risk that will not likely survive a transfer from our ship to a another facility there for we will be keeping them on board for the duration of there treatments,
![]() ![]() Some we have cleared to a point where they are able to be moved from our vessel to a land or another space based facility. 42 Rheinland Police pilots ![]() 28 red hessian pilots ![]() Due to our firm stance on being neutral to all parties as our prime goal is the treatment and well being of any and all people in need the hessian pilots will not be handed over to any other than the hessians, we understand this may be a problem from some to understand but as the head doctor aboard this vessel i will not hand over the wounded to a sub standed facility aboard a prison station. Among the remaining casualties we have found 3 witch seem to be of higher rank or upper class, 2 of these we believe based on medical records and DNA testing to be former Members of the board of trusties from Solitaire Metropolis, however there current condition does not boed well for them we are doing everthing within our abilities to save them, The 3rd we have a know none records to go on and all DNA screening has come up blank, but due to her clothing we are fairly sure she is among the highst ranking members of the RHA, we however cant be sure of this and will be requesting a RHA officer of rank to come aboard and confirm if this is in fact the laddie we think it may be. We also request officers of rank to come aboard and confirm the ID of some other pilots and civilians we have under our care, family members of those thought KIA or MIA may also apply here to be aloud to come on board to search for missing family members among those we have yet to positively ID. Sgt. Lergist Security Officer As it is my job to insure the safety of all aboard this vessel none will be allowed to enter armed with anything i deem may be used as a weapon, For your own safety i advise any who apply and are granted access to leave all weapons behind, anyone caught bringing weapons aboard will be killed on sight, no warning will be given nor will your status as a ranking member of some place i care nothing about save you, This is your one warning, do not test me. RE: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - Commander ZooM - 08-24-2016 ![]() ||||||||TRANSMISSION CONNECTED||||||||
ENCRYPTION: open ||||\||\|\|\\|||||| TARGET: Captain Ammie Of HS-Marama & Dr. Nimen Asgulf LOCATION: ???? ID: Commander ZooM SUBJECT: Im not amused Im not amused in the least, in fact im very displeased!! you have no right nor power to refuse the hand over of those murdering thugs who call them selves savors of Rheinland, As your Commander im here by ordering you to turn these scum over at the nearest police or military base if they die in transit all the better, I have your location and will be sending a wing to in force my orders if the need is there to do so, And if that "laddie" is who i think it is, the Brigade General Anna Heinrich of the Red Hessian Army you had better make damn sure she under full guard and turned over to the Rheinland Military or police. This is a direct order, do not test me Captain, or you doctor. ![]() Commander ZooM Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core |||||TRANSMISSION TERMINATED|||||
RE: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - TheSK - 08-24-2016 Incoming Transmission: Alpha 03
Encryption: Clear
Origin: Unknown
Recipient: SEIIC
Subject: Pilots and Needs
Commander ZooM et al, This is Commander Kyr of the BxF, During the Battle of Metropolis I sent a gunship to aid in the defense of the station but it has since gone dark. I know the vessel has not been destroyed, or captured, because all of our vessels are equipped with auto distress beacons that alert our MHQ immediately in response to any emergency, such as destruction or capture of any vessel under our command, I suspect they've gone into hiding after losing the battle. Should you find the vessel before we do, we would greatly appreciate any assistance you could provide the ship and crew. Secondly, The BxF civilian fleet has a mock up prison / hospital ship that can serve as both prison and hospital, albeit only for a short time. Should you require the extra hand, I can order it to be at any location within Sirius inside of a day. You simply need to send word and the >>XXIIIXVIIIIXVI<< will be there. >> << Redacted to keep classified information from becoming public knowledge. Commander of the Black Flag, Ander Kyr -=Transmission Terminated=-
RE: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - University Of Cambridge - 08-24-2016 ![]() Overhaul Data Captain Ammie Of HS-Marama During our search we did come across a vessel witch matches one of yours, The transponder has been damaged so positive ID can not be made at the current time due to our efforts being else where but i must inform in, the escape pods for this gunship have all been deployed...... the pilots and crew may be on board here somewhere but that is something you will have to come and determine yourself, As for offer of aid, we thank you greatly *smiles through the pain* however we will not be accepting at this point, prison of any sort will not be used by us or anyone aboard this vessel, we are a hospital ship and treat all the same here and we will play no part in this sub standed medical care granted by prisons or prison liner medical staff, As for Commander ZooM, well he isnt here just now as we have had to disable our tracker to stop him coming aboard....... if you know the commander at all you know full well the results of him finding us and some of the people we have aboard, We will be remaining under the radar, you could say, until the Brigade General Anna Heinrich has been made safe for transport and taken from my ship. Sgt. Lergist Security Officer Mr. Ander the ship you have asked about has been causing me many hassles while docked here, that deep space transponder is a night mare for my security teams to mask, now we are in contact i will be disabling it altogether and with your permission will have it removed from my hangers to a space station somewhere where it can be repaired, the black box data has all been extracted and linked and will be returned to you upon your visit to us. RE: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - TheSK - 08-24-2016 Incoming Transmission: Alpha 04
Encryption: Clear
Origin: Unknown
Recipient: HS-Marama
Subject: Distress Call
HS-Marama, I thank you for your swift reply, please know that my prison / hospital ship will remain on standby should you have a need for it in the near future. As for my gunship, I am pleased to hear it is in safe hands and I will deactivate the transponder immediately to prevent any further problems for either of us. I leave the Captain and crew of the ship, should they be in fit condition as determined by your medical personnel, under your command to assist you in any manner you deem necessary until such time I can send a ship to retrieve them. While they may seem rather uncouth to some, they are quite skilled in a variety of practices. Please know that I am sending one of my top agents into the area to patrol, please look to her for any reconnaissance information that you don't already have in your possession. She is also cleared to accept the transfer of any BxF personnel and equipment that you need removed from your ship. Thank you for your valuable time. Commander of the Black Flag, Ander Kyr -=Transmission Terminated=-
RE: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - University Of Cambridge - 08-25-2016 ![]() Overhaul Data ENCRYPTION:Open TARGET: Ander Kyr Dr. Nimen Asgulf Due to the amount of john does we currently have aboard both living and not so much i would request you send us any medical data you have on the crew of the gunship we have retrieved so as we can cross check DNA samples to look for a match. this man here ![]() Did have on his burnt cloths the BxF logo, As you can see he has lost most of his skin due to massive amounts of radiations and heat, we are hopeful in his recovery but his medical details would make our job much easer in this regard. Sgt. Lergist Security Officer As for your subspace transmitter, well im sorry to inform you that we had to rip it out and toss it out the air lock, far to many unknown persons where detecting that signal and coming to see what its about, The ship itself has been stored on board until we return to a neutral station to witch we can unload it to, when this happens we will inform you asap. RE: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - TheSK - 08-25-2016 Incoming Transmission: Alpha 05
Encryption: Clear
Origin: Unknown
Recipient: HS-Marama
Subject: Medical Records and Security
Dr. Nimen Asgulf, I will have the medical records of all eleven crew sent to you immediately. Given your advanced equipment and medical expertise I trust they will all make as close to a full recovery as possible. Encrypted Document Follows: Medical Records: >> XVIIIIIIIIVIIIXVIIIXXVX<< Security Officer Sgt. Lergist, Your actions are understandable and I do not condemn you for them. For future endeavors, given our chosen professions, I will have access codes transmitted to you to disable the automated distress transponders on board any active ships from the BxF that you should find in need of assistance. Please keep in mind that we, the BxF, will keep the master passwords to ourselves for security purposes. I trust you will keep them under lock and key as it would be a terrible shame if they were to fall into the wrong hands. Encrypted Document Follows: Transponder Codes: >> IIVIIIXXVIIIX<< Commander of the Black Flag, Ander Kyr -=Transmission Terminated=-
RE: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - University Of Cambridge - 08-25-2016 ![]() Overhaul Data ENCRYPTION:Open TARGET: Ander Kyr Dr. Nimen Asgulf Mr. Kyr im sorry to inform you that aboard we have only 7 from the list on medical records you have sent us, 3 of these where among those we were unable to save, my condolences go out to yourself and there loved ones, Due to our current situation we request that your agent make contact with us for there retrieval so they may be returned to there families for the proper fair well's, As for the 4 remaining that are under our care we believe they will make near to full recover given time and correct treatments of there aliments, one of these you know about already and i now know him to be the head engineer, his treatments are going to be long and painful with complete bio reconstruction of his skin and nerves system being needed, he is also the worst of your remaining crew with the other three have much less invasive injuries Sgt. Lergist Security Officer Transmission received. Transponder access codes have been secured within the ships Encryption Matrix and rest easy none but the staff aboard this vessel have access to this matrix and each one of them are members of the intelligence core, that alone should be prof enough that your codes are safe. RE: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - TheSK - 08-25-2016 Incoming Transmission: Alpha 06
Encryption: Clear
Origin: Unknown
Recipient: HS-Marama
Subject: BxF Crew
Dr. Nimen Asgulf This news greatly saddens me, I trust you did everything possible in their care and comfort in the end. I will inform their family, friends and co-workers of their sacrifice and they will go down in our records as heroes, you see, without a formal contract all military operations are strictly voluntary. These men and women chose to fight for Solitaire of their own free will and that will not be forgotten anytime soon. As for my Chief Engineer, Lt. Taman, if there is anything you need from us in way of his recovery do not hesitate to ask, be it money, equipment, or simply moral support we will provide, as we take the care of our people very seriously. My agent has reported little hostile activity in the region and deems the threat level as 'minimal' at best. Therefore, I will send you her contact information so that you may set up a time and place to meet and conduct further business. I will also have my prison ship move into the area since she is the only vessel large enough to take possession of the gunship currently within range. My agent will have the authority to command the prison liner to follow your orders while in your vicinity as well as sign off for any personnel and equipment exchanges while there. Once again, I thank you for your valuable time and expertise in this matter. Agent Contact Information: >>XXVIIIIXXIXXIIXXVVIIIXXXXI<< Commander of the Black Flag, Ander Kyr -=Transmission Terminated=-
RE: Battle Of Metropolis || HS-Marama Rescue Mission - Wesker - 08-25-2016 Location: Solitare Metropolis Date: 21 August, 823 A.S ![]() Annabelle looked up after being unconscious from an explosion nearby within Solitare, looking back she can see several dead bodies and supplies being thrown through rooms rapidly at the impact of each Ragnarok Blast. THEY'VE BEGUN FIRING ON THE BASE, HURRY AND SWEEP THE REST OF THE DECKS SO WE CAN GET OUT! She yelled over comm before moving to the final set of rooms looking for whatever equipment was left for them to take. Blood ran down her forehead after being thrown into the ground from the impact of a Ragnarok cannon, her ears were ringing, rendering her unable to hear anyone or anything she was about to see in the next room. She moved in through the final set of rooms slowly, looking for anything of value, some station records were all she found. She moved back out the room to find two Policemen still aboard the station. She glared at them for a few seconds holding the station records and the policemen pulled out their guns. Halt! They screamed as Anna turned, ran, and shot one of the policemen, the other took cover and fired back sending a round through Anna's shoulder blade. SHIT! She screamed out in pain as she fell over into the elevator and headed back for the hangar bay. I have the station records with me, everyone get back to your ships the station is falling apar-. An explosion blew open one of the elevator doors, Anna ran out to get back on her ship. As she flew out of the hangar bay she saw Sterr yet again moving through the hordes of Thors making bombing runs on the station. You again. She dove in behind Sterr sending several rounds into his ship, the engines gave way and sent him into the wreckage of a Bismarck. Well I guess he's de- The explosion from a nearby Bismarck's engine sent Anna's Odin back into the station, the impact knocked out the ships shields and Anna was unconscious again. While she was unconscious the Odin drifted in space and Anna was eventually sent out her ship in a pod from the Station's explosion. Anna would soon find herself on board another station unconscious. |