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To: Lane Hackers - From: Kip Epps - Printable Version

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To: Lane Hackers - From: Kip Epps - Kip Epps - 08-24-2016

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2epRrX1JWI4UWNtaHRsdE5PSjg]

We had some fun today didn't we?
I have got to say, you guys sure do know how to party!
Sure we lost the major fight there, but it's a war we're waging against this corrupt Government.
I was just so excited to actually fly with the Hackers, and you guys did not disappoint at all.
I was running camera for the whole thing.
And seriously guys, thanks for helping me recover one of our Pilots.

Can you believe that guy, said a Rogue was his friend?
Like we'd ever book passage for a cruise.
Like we could ever afford it with all our resources tied into showing Liberty the truth.
It's too bad we lost the fight after that though.
Still, it was a good fight, my first real encounter with the 5th while flying a Bomber.
Next time I won't be so easy to shoot down.

I think our goals might not be that different.
We follow a man named Addic.
And he's got this vision of overthrowing the current corrupt Government and restoring democracy.
We'll do whatever it takes, the means justify the ends.
Ok, so maybe that's the spiel we give everyone else, so I'll be straight with you guys.
We will overthrow the Government sooner or later, but we'll be stepping in to govern when the dust has settled.
I hope this first flight we had together won't be the last.
Next time we'll be ready, maybe even have a bit more firepower.

RE: To: Lane Hackers - From: Kip Epps - Nick Nack - 08-25-2016

[Image: 5ouhBwG.png][Image: gvXcwug.png]

Greetings mr Epps , I'm Nick Nack deceiver of the Lane Hackers,

You don't know how much it warms my hearth to see a new Rogue group cooperating with us.
As for yesterday operation it wasn't a failure I still managed to exterminate one the 5th cockroaches.
And don't worry you shall soon get your revenge against the corrupted Government of Liverty.